Monday, May 16, 2011

Communism, Ain't it Great? - "Treasury to Tap Pensions To Fund Debt"

What was it i read not so long ago....if'n you don't have a crisis, create one, then go about making it worse.  Then when everythin gets so rapped around the axle (we cud use another acronym here but i been using alot of dem lately) and you caint figger out how to fix it, jus lie through yer crooked teeth and make everyone else pay a price.

And what makes any of us think that the Treasury is legally liable to pay back any funds?   what, jus cuz it's in writin?  (I thought squirrels were the only varmints that collected nuts) That hasn't stopped them before.  And what makes you think dat dem dar Treasury hasn't been tappin the till all along?  

This makes me think of the new McDonald slogan, "I'm Lovin It."

Too bad we can't just call the Carnival Hill Osperator and say we're "disconnectin yer service" like we can with Dish or Direct T.V.  

What, yuz guys in Washrottington thunk we can't smell a skunk or a rat?  we're that stupid?  even my cheap par-fume (it says it's from gay Par-ee...)  DISCLAIMER:  Now nobody get mad that I said cheap French par-fume as a part of me be French (what part? who's askin????)

But, I better go check ze bot-telle one more time as it jus caint seem to cover the stench up anymore...

p.s.  has anyone figgered out that at the rate they are stealin us blind, there won't be nobody no how left to steal from?  then what?

u all figger it out

ize already has ze ans-swer

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