Friday, September 30, 2011

We Are The Keepers

Before You Oh G-d

I prostrate myself
I fall upon my face
In Submission
Holiness Sanctified 
All is Consummate
All is Convergence
All is Beauty
All is Perfection
Your Energy flows
It comes and it’s goes
It fills every crevice
All the Universe is Yours
We are the Keepers
That You Have Assigned
For a Moment in Time

'Listeria' Does Not Grow on Cantaloupes

Thursday, September 29, 2011

To the Woodshed....

I consider myself a person who listens to all sides of an issue, whether or not I agree or disagree--I'm willing to listen.  But when we have ridiculous, repugnant and scurrilous statements made by the Left and one person in particular, who has to keep drudging up some kind of 'race' issue, knowingly uses it vicariously and provocatively, I become a little unsettled.

Dare a Conservative to choose that shoddy path.  Double standard here.  Not to mention there's not a thread of truth in what she says.

I've read comments by Jeneane Garofalo before and her rhetoric is filled with hate.   

I particularly take offense at her comments that Republicans are 'rascist' for voting for Herman Cain.  What about the Independents and the Dems oh Ms. Garafalo? 

Why is it that we have some who continuously spew garbage and no one takes them to task? 

Seems to me it is time someone took Ms. Garafalo to the woodshed.  She probably isn't used to discipline of any kind. 

Ms. Garofalo really needs to settle down and take a good look at herself and how she is perceived by what shoots out of her mouth. 

Maybe the mouth was in gear before the brain had a chance to catch up?   

Have we not been admonished by those in Washington, D.C. to speak a little softer, speak a little kinder, and stick to the facts, Ms. Garafalo?

Apparently she was off somewhere, probably in Never-Mind Land, and didn't get the message.

The news service who give these people publicity seriously need to consider if they are doing us any public service at all.  Could it be that it is just to garner a small audience and a small amount of fame for a nanosecond to improve their ratings?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This configuration is important, but right now its meaning continues to be elusive...

Celestial Events Happening in 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

The German Hyperinflation of 1923

David Bohm: Science and Spirituality

Soule Predicts..

Mr. Herman Cain will be the Republican Party Nominee for President of the United States 2012. 

And what a breath of fresh air and workable solutions that will be....

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Everything 'Is'

Everything is but is not                                    
We see but cannot see
We reach through the darkness
Hoping to grasp something tangible
But it constantly alludes us
The brooding Moon
The constant Sun
We know But do not know
We perceive But play the fool
Time is an Illusion
Floating Free
Life is a Board Game
And We are the Players
Fragments of a whole
Splintered shards of broken glass
    strewn across a mosaic tile
A tree without roots
A fleeting glance
A mirrored sky
A sad and solemn brief good bye
We envision no Beginning
Therefore there is no End
We constantly search
But do not know what we are searching for
Even though there are Those With the Answer
We flee from the Truth
But like moths, drawn to a fiery flame
Misconception drives us
The flame is not real
It is a mirage
It is not hot
Pass your finger through it
It is cool, now cold
We are Masters of Deception,
Weavers of Beauty
We glide into being
But are lost projectiles in reality
We exist but Only for a Second
We Ascend Then Descend
Down that long and winding staircase
Murky shadows accompany us
Our shaking hands feel their way across
A cold, hard stone wall
A dank smell of mold and neglect
Fills our nostrils
Yet, up ahead, a small beam of light
Beckons us Onward and upward
We unite, We separate,
We rally, We retreat,
Over and over
The message is Replete
But our ears can't hear the Beat
Repetition ruling
One not of our choosing

When You Shop, Know Your Barcodes -- They're the Funny Little Lines Preceded By a Number (see below) On the Product You Are Purchasing

690-692 ... MADE IN CHINA

00 - 09 ... USA & CANADA

30 - 37  ... FRANCE

40 - 44 ... GERMANY

471 ... Taiwan

49 ... JAPAN

50 ... UK

Substitute 'USA' for Greece and Y'all Will Get the Picture, Kapish?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Movie Test

Movie test:

Be honest and don't look at the movie list below till you
have done the math!

Do this test to find out what movie is your favorite.
This amazing math quiz can likely predict which of the following 18 movies
you would enjoy the most.

It really does work!

Movie Test:

Pick a number from
Multiply by 3. Add 3.
Multiply by 3 again.
Now add the two digits of your answer together to find your predicted
favorite movie in the list of 18 movies below..
Movie List:

1. Gone With The Wind
2. E.T.
3. Blazing Saddles
4. Star Wars
5. Forrest Gump
6. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.
7. Jaws
8. Grease
9. The Obama farewell speech of 2012
10. Casablanca
11. Jurassic Park
12. Shrek
13. Pirates of the Caribbean
14. Titanic
15. Raiders Of The Lost Ark
16. Home Alone
17. Mrs. Doubtfire
18. Toy Story

Now, ain't that somethin? 

Earthquake Prediction - 2011

And Congress Again, Exempts Itself

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Jon Stewart Can Hardly Contain Himself

What is An Empath?

she is a lovely garden walkway; a dancing dragonfly; soft murmers of pine trees in a deep forest; boiling clouds and rolling thunder; a soft whisper; the  gentle rain; a baby's sigh; honey and vinegar; chocolate and vanilla; salt and pepper;  a summer breeze; anguished cries; cold, hard rain; joy and hope; sadness and happiness; solemn; darkness and light; coy and shy; angry and patient; impudent and humble; teetering; unwavering; sorrow and hope; Lost and Found

She is all these things because she is all these things. 
Wisdom's Child
One with the Universe
Content with her Knowledge
Imbuing Hope
Spreading Sunshine

She knows that Life is only Temporary; That she will travel this road again; Next time, she will be better prepared for the challenges she has chosen, on Behalf of the All  


"TRUE WEALTH is Had by Investing in People, Not Money" - C.H.
soule:  feel free to redistribute


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Every Step We Make

Every step we make
Every breath we take
Is all meant to be
Is not a mistake
Look around you
Take a peek
Sugar Plum faces
Playing hide and seek
Friends and family
Can you guess who’s there?
Why, It’s a familia
Love affair
Feel the winds
Of coming Fall
Brown leaves cascading 
Over all
Summer fading
Wave goodbye
Wipe that small tear from your eye
Brown dog runs
Jumps and plays
Now he's rolling in the hay
Still your soul
And listen to
Sounds surround,
Caressing you
Slow down,
Now reverse
No one stops but still rehearse
Till we're One with universe

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Alien Abductee Dies at Eighty - The Pascagoula Alien Encounter

Quiet Your Mind

You think that you can only establish true practice after
     you attain enlightenment, but it is not so.

True practice is established in delusion, in frustration.

If you make some mistake, that is where to establish your practice.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cherokee Indians: We are free to oust blacks

Cherokee Indians: We are free to oust blacks
soule:  definition of "treaty":  an agreement made by negotiation or diplomacy esp. between two or more states or governments - Merriam-Webster's Dictionary

How can the Cherokee Nation negate Indian citizenship for 2800 Blacks after they [Cherokee Nation] consented to the Treaty of 1866 in which they agreed that these folks be granted tribal citizenship and entitled to Indian benefits? 

The 2800 Blacks have every right to hire an attorney to fight this.

On the other hand, since when have we had a group of people granting citizenship to another group?  I thought we only had one entity in this country that officially granted the right to citizenship....the federal government.

Unprepared for Flooding

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Man Vs. Man

there is a discernible pall hanging over today.  even though the sun is shining brightly and the sky is a lovely  blue with white fluffy clouds, you somehow feel that something is different.  it's like an invisible, subtle weight hanging over the day.   

the human race cannot escape conflict.  we have story after story of one country invading the other.  it appears it is part of our DNA.

after reading stories from those who rescued the victims of 9/11, the many heroic acts people performed that day, not giving any thought to their own well-being, the different groups of people from all walks of life who drove the ambulances and police cars, climbed the ladders and fought the fires, manned the call centers, the many hospitals that treated the injured and dying, there is just no way to wrap your brain around the magnitude of the event that happened other than to acknowledge an incredible occurrence that brought humanity together as a whole unit to fight a terrible tragedy.

how does one go about planning such a thing?  how is it that we have those who have willingly shed their miserable souls for a piece of human flesh, murdering thousands of innocents and all in the name of Allah?   Of course, using religion as an excuse to exterminate entire populations is nothing new.  it has been going on for decades.  the new part about what we are experiencing now is that it is becoming more evident that we have one group not content with targeting their own citizens but determined to wipe out a number of countries, mostly western.  

as i type this, the room is fading from view and slowly darkening as long shadows creep across my desk.  i cannot make out the clock on the wall nor the computer screen.  i am feeling nauseous and have tunnel vision, just contemplating the utter horror that was perpetrated on a group of people whose only sin was going to work that day.  it turned out it was their last day on this earth.  they were unknowingly sentenced to death by a group of single-minded religious fanatics who were solely possessed by the erroneous belief  that those who believed differently than they should be marked for extinction.  well they succeeded but only in the sense that they accomplished what they set out to do.  in doing so, i believe they made a very grave error.  that is, they awakened the rest of us to the horror that can be brutally and evilly administered by a group of brain-washed zombies, absolutely, with no warning and with no remorse for what they did.  in fact they felt they accomplished a great deed. 

The inhumanity, the utter brutality, the shock and horror of it all.

And we still have those who are willing to take up where these ravagers left off.  Who, we are told, are planning more attacks, maybe even more violent, more brutal than the one on 9/11.

Do we understand this?  President Bush coined the phrase The War on Terror.  Are we naive enough to think that this War on Terror is over?  Are there those of us who never believed in a War on Terror?  Some kind of political gimmick, some kind of trick?

The government is not telling us everything we need to know in order to fully equip ourselves emotionally for any further attack(s).  We've been told that they (the government) really have no info so we're left wondering if it will be nuclear, biological, a dirty bomb or a combination.  When and where will it happen?  And what will our response be?

Will we be prepared as a nation?  will we suffer more horror and just forgive and forget? 

Many of us would like to put 9/11 behind us and not think about it at all.  That's because most of us weren't there when it happened.  Most of us didn't live through the horror, gasping for breath as we stumbled through the dense smoke and ash, dodging debris and body parts.

We don't have a President Bush anymore.  And I believe we do need to hear from someone who is willing to tell the American people the truth.  The truth is that this war didn't just start with 9/11 or a few years started thousands of years ago.  And it hasn't stopped since.  In fact, it is heating up. 

Is this the War of Armageddon that the Christian Bible speaks about?  Is this the End of Days?  I don't know.  But I do know one thing...these fanatics are on a mission.  A mission of destroying something they don't believe in.  They have a right to their religion, Islam, but the rest of us don't.  These ideologues are now engaged with not only subjugating and controlling their own populations but going after ours.  They mean business.  Do we?

We have so many good, wonderful people in this country.  We saw them in action after 9/11.

They never get a shot at being featured on the "nightly" news other than once in a while but so many other sordid, vulgar and evil ones do.

I firmly believe that it is time to form bonds with one another.  In fact, I believe this is one of the ways we are going to survive the days ahead.  Like-minded people with a variety of solutions for how to handle the turbulent times that are coming.

I believe we need to be prepared, as best we can, for any eventuality.  Being prepared is better than being caught off guard. 

I must emphasize that only a small percentage of Muslims are willing to go out and murder innocent people because of their Western values.  The majority of Muslims are peace-loving.  But I only see one or maybe two Muslims who are standouts today in the crowd of reason.  They need help.  They are asking their Muslim brothers to stand with them.

If a country is filled with people who do not understand freedom and liberty but look the other way when it comes to defending it, then we have a problem.  "It's okay I live here but I can't be bothered to take to task those (of my own faith) who are openly and aggressively spewing hatred and violence against others".  I'll just remain silent.

A country, a nation, will not survive long when good people are not willing to take a stand against evil and do something about it.   

There is an enemy out there who is quietly mobilizing.  We must not act like ostriches with our heads in the sand. 

Who is willing to stand up?

Forgive the terrorists?

Remembering September 11, 2001

Saturday, September 10, 2011

We Are Still Missing the Lessons

Ten Years -- We Are Still Missing the Lessons of 9/11
By Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser
September 10, 2011 |
In recent years and even weeks, the lessons of September 11, 2001 have been lost to constant distraction, the most recent being Mayor Bloomberg's unfathomable decision to forbid people of faith a role at the tenth anniversary commemoration.
Faith was the impetus for the attack, faith was the instrument for healing, and faith is the only hope we have to defeat the ideology that attacked us ten years ago.
Bloomberg's stance encapsulates our greatest liabilities as a nation ten years after 9/11. We, now, more than ever, lack the political will, the national skill sets, and the prominent American Muslim leadership willing to identify, engage, and defeat Islamism.
While many Muslims take the bait of victimology preached by supposed Muslim civil rights groups in America, as American Muslims the rest of us cannot continue to deny the connection no matter how unfair between certain interpretations of our faith and Al Qaeda's brutal attack.
Usama bin Laden did not just represent a handful of militant extremists. He was a standard bearer for an end stage of a global ideology - political Islam (Islamism) - that has buried its roots deep within interpretations of our faith. Islamism is a theo-political construct that believes in the supremacy of the Islamic state and that is the antithesis of what makes America unique and exceptional. It can only be defeated by Muslims who step beyond the distractions and denials and champion an ideological path that binds our identity and faith to liberty and individual freedom.
If American Muslim leaders want to do anything to combat fear of Islamism and any unfair association of all Muslims that may exist, the most effective move would be to form an offensive strategy against Islamists and their ideas from within.
My family came to the U.S. in the 1960's escaping Syria's Baathist oppression in order to be free, more free than they ever dreamed of being in Muslim majority nations.
Yet, it is unconscionable that 10 years after 9/11, the United States is still dithering over the root cause of Islamist terror.
Islamists detest the very fabric of American society. September 11 was not the first attack and it was not the last. If we do not engage in a full throated ideological fight we will continue to witness an ever increasing threat to our homeland.
Sadly, the America I know that I chose to serve as a naval officer has spent an uncharacteristically sheepish decade asleep against the greatest existential threat to our survival. We must now develop and implement a coherent tactical plan to defeat the ideological root of militant Islamism- political Islam and the dreams for some Muslims of the Islamic state.
The threat to the United States has grown exponentially in ten years. A report from the Department of Justice in March of 2010 showed that of 228 terror-related arrests 186 of them were Muslim. That is over 80 percent from a Muslim community that represents less than 2 percent of the U.S. population.
What this report does not tell us is that of the 186 Muslim arrests almost certainly all of them were Muslims that believed in and adhered to an Islamist ideology. Since this report we have seen upwards of another 28 terror-related arrests of Muslims including the likes of Faisal Shahzad -- the Times Square bomber -- and Pvt. Naser Abdo who was preparing a second attack on Fort Hood who both claimed to be "Muslim soldiers" fighting for the ummah (Muslim nation).
The threat is increasing because the ideological message has largely gone unchecked. To change that we need to empower reform-minded liberal Muslim leaders. We need the political will from the Administration and Congress to identify political Islam as the problem and devout reformist Muslims and enlightened Islam as the solution. We need our government, media, and academe to have the skill set to not cower when terms like "Islamophobia" are leveled against those who are smart enough and brave enough to call out political Islam as the problem and we need for Muslims to separate religion and state to defeat Islamism. Unless we do that, our "whack-a-mole" approach to security will eventually miss one.
Western pluralistic societies that embrace individual liberty are not in conflict with the faith of Islam as practiced by most Muslims. This is not a war against a religion. We cannot allow our ideological enemy to use faith to tie our hands in this fight. Hear that Mayor Bloomberg? Mr. President? PC police? We must break the shackles of political correctness and step beyond the fear that paralyzes us against matters that happen to touch on faith.
The founding fathers never intended for faith to be sacrosanct and beyond public discourse. Perhaps the greatest outcome of the American experiment is that the U.S. Constitution reclaimed faith from the hands of the monarch and the clergy and vested it in the hands of the people as it was always intended. Now faced with an existential theo-political threat, we are failing that vision and need to rededicate ourselves to our founding principles.
The only way to win is to stop playing defense and create an offensive strategy which empowers liberty-minded Muslims whose identity is tied to Americanism and our Establishment Clause, rather than Islamism, shar'iah, and victimhood. We must tackle the fallacy of the Islamic state and demonstrate to Muslims the religious strength that comes from individual liberty.
We have yet to operationalize these lessons of 9/11. We will not win this struggle and therefore never have true national security without confronting the hard issues of Islamist ideology. Our enemy does not suffer the same malady and in fact utilizes ideology as their primary weapon in this battle.
We must do the same. Our dedication to the concepts of liberty and unyielding belief in the inalienable rights of man as endowed by our creator are the key to our victory.
Dr. Jasser is president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, a former U.S. Navy Lt. Commander and a physician in private practice based in Phoenix, Ariz. He can be reached at

Read more:

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Gibson and Eszterhas Producing Movie on the Maccabbees

Black Mob Attacks White Clerk in Dallas, Texas
soule:  the Black Community needs to step up to the plate.  This violence needs to stop.  The same thing if the glove were on the other hand...a white flash mob attacking a black person.  The White Community would need to condemn what happened.  So where are they?  And don't give me the crap that you're really not all that interested because this happens to brothers all the time.  Bullshit.  If you're an American of color it don't matter.  We ALL be Americans.

Entire Truckload Of Meat Stolen - Des Moines News Story - KCCI Des Moines

Uri - Movie "The Matrix, Free Your Mind"

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Humanity Is Heading Toward Something Profound

there's something out there...i can feel it.  but it stays just out of my line of sight...i catch a glimpse of it every once in a while from the corner of my eye...but it manages to stay just beyond my reach.

i can feel it in my heart, i can feel it in my soul, taken all together, it becomes the whole.

the world is in deep turmoil.  there are people acting like they've gone the naked guy running down a street in Indiana, USA shouting "i'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs".  then we have the gunman who walks into an I-HOP Restaurant in Carson City, Nevada USA and opens fire on the people inside, killing at least four.  He then turns the gun on himself.  how convenient. 

we've got countries on the brink of disaster, victims of their own fiscal insanity; we're being told the EU is on the verge of breaking up; the U.S. President is spending this country into oblivion; the weather is acting weird and I use the word weird because of the amount of destruction the weather has done over the past several months--(massive flooding, torrential rainfall; severe drought, large earthquakes; 472 tornadoes recorded in April of this year, in one day in the U.S.

yet, through all of this, there is another side.  it is difficult for many to understand this and no amount of my  sharing with you what i can see that you cannot will convince you.  just take my word for it.  we are in the beginning of shedding off our materiality and slipping into our real suits of spirituality. 

From my Jewish Mentor, who likened what we are witnessing to "The Birth Pangs of Moshiach".  We, collectively, are in travail.  Like a woman giving birth.  No one is immune to being affected, in some way, by the divinely-driven event of house-cleaning that is taking place. 

We hear the PTB speak of a New World Order.  I agree with that term but with one exception.  This New World Order is not going to be on their terms, (they just think it is) but His.

But I believe we are in for some rough times.  Many already have had a piece of hell handed to them without any warning.  They've lost their homes, their jobs, families and friends.  It is in times like these that we need to turn to each other for reassurance, security, courage and protection. 

No one is going to escape what's coming.  What is that?  Well, we're already witnessing some of it.  The sun is in a solar max.  That means she's hotter than normal and we can expect some large solar flares and CMEs.  At the end of her cycle her magnetic poles will reverse.  We've heard of the earth's magnetic poles reversing but this is the first time i've heard that the sun can do the same.  My neighbor and I personally witnessed the after affect of one big solar flare several months ago.  Think of a pimple that is brilliant, white hot with a red ring (corona) around it.  That is what the sun looked like after ejecting some of its mass. 

I don't care if you be a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim or other.  We are all in this cycle together, so wouldn't it be a good time to accept this fact.  We either put aside our differences and act together for the sake of all (the human race) or we perish as a race.  It's as simple as that.

But we are still going to have those who wish to foment trouble and cause harm.

This world needs strong leaders to get us through this.  People who believe in something higher than themselves.  Who put people first and themselves second because that is what it is going to take for us to weather the gathering storm.

Who are they?  Where are they?

We have politicians able to reach millions of people with positive messages; we have actors, writers and directors who could make movies that unite us, educate us, inspire us and motivate us.

Mr. Steven Scaffidi's Movie, "The Mystery of 11:11" will be a movie that I believe will reach into, touch and awaken that innermost part of us that is rarely breeched.   

Mr. Scaffidi is an award winning writer, producer and director.  Hope you all will turn out to see it.

There is a very wise saying, "When the Pupil is Ready, the Teacher Will Appear."  It wouldn't hurt to pray for these leaders to appear and to appear soon. 

History has taught us that when men raise up their voices in pain and anguish, seeking help and guidance, their  prayers have been answered.

Now would be good.


Gibson Guitar raid part of government effort to extinguish American workforce, outsource remaining jobs to foreign countries

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Denizens of the Deep

soule:  this video is a good example of creatures who inhabit our oceans that we just don't know very much about (some of them we haven't even seen before).  Well, there were a couple of exceptions but many of them were new to me.  Every once in a while one of these creatures surfaces or someone finds themselves in a situation where they're face to face with something unknown that they've unwittingly hooked. 

In my humble opinion, we human beings occupy a very unique (at least for now) home in the universe.  We are so connected (even though we are seemingly incapable of understanding this at the present time, but the ultimate realization is well on its way..) to the rest of the inhabitants who are constantly buzzing around us in some type of mystifying craft.  They know what we look like but we're prohibited or some other means of interference is used so that we really cannot get a good look at them other than every once in a while (alien encounters, abductions, etc.).

Accept this as there is a reason and I believe it is we're just not ready for the experience.

Our planet is blessed with an abundance of life forms, many yet to be discovered (which this video shows) yet our human inclination is those we fear we'd rather put a bullet in first and ask questions later. 

Is there any one out there who believes as I that we must diligently work to try and put aside our fears and tread ever so slowly, ever so gently toward this new realization that is descending upon us?  One in which we will all come to understand that our celestial neighbors are not our enemy, but just long-lost relatives that keep paying  us a visit.  They've been watching over us for many years.    

They are the ones who will decide the details of what, when and where for their first up front and personal welcoming committee with earth's inhabitants.  Right now they are fine-tuning the best time to  make their stage presence.  They are the ones in charge, we are not.  And I bet the event will be a celestial sell out.  

Many things worth waiting for ultimately turn out to be profoundly meaningful.  We humans are in the  process of slowly being groomed to accept a brand new reality.  It has always been there...the shadow that furtively dances off the wall...that thing you saw out of the corner of your eye...the beautiful dream you had last night of peacefully gliding through the universe...human hands protecting and cradling a small and helpless infant....

We must be patient.