Monday, May 9, 2011

A Waste of Time?

Your physical body is no've used it up. Your time on this planet is over. What did you accomplish? Anything of worth? Anything of merit or was it just a vacuous, stupid, hollow ride devoid of any meaning? Did you conceive a conscious plan for your short visit here before you descended or was it hit or miss? There is no answer. Earth 101, Lessons Learned - our stepping stone to the next plane. But do all of us make it to this next level? I believe the answer is no. Every one of us are at different stages of spiritual awareness, development and growth. Some are so far down the rungs of the spiritual ladder that one can only hope they awaken from their dark captivity - in which their only aim in life is committing or engaging in deeds of conquest, subjugation and cruelty. Contrary to some ideologies, we don't own one another. We are distinct, separate, unique individuals with special traits and attributes. But how easily we can be hamstrung, manipulated and harvested by the Puppet Masters. And they come in all shapes, colors and sizes. We humans carry with us varying degrees of love and hate, compassion and concern. Again, the question begs to be this all pre-ordained or do we learn these traits while here? Different peoples, diverse cultures, tightly grouped in different parts of the planet, devoid of outside contact, who live together according to their own codes of survival and ethics. Some have only progressed a little (Africa) while others are soaring ahead (Asia). Some are fed a diet of hostility, mistrust and hate (Hamas, Hizbillah, etc.) while others dine on grubs. Some have no respect nor reverence for the natural world but only wish to devour as much of it as possible. Takers and Givers. How far has Mankind, as a whole, really come? Today we have more weapons and other hideous means to wipe ourselves off the face of the earth 1000 times over. Bioweapons, new and improved state-of-the art hardware, arsenals of nukes. You cannot convince me that nations have put all these under lock and key. Instead of devoting our time to elevating Man's condition, we are more concerned with the latest and greatest weaponry. Where are we headed? It is apparent that we just do not know. Instead, it's business as usual, all over the world, no matter where you live. How are people surviving in other parts of the world? Many, not so well. The picture looks bleak. Famine, wars, biblical floods and drought, wildfires, volcanoes going off, and the 9.0 earthquake and resulting tsunami in March that devastated Japan. Are we looking at some encoded message that we just haven't grown up enough to comprehend yet? Are we even looking? Are we even listening? I'm looking at a picture and it's pretty dismal. It's more I, I, I. We humans have one major flaw and it is this...we just do not know how, nor do we even seem to be the least bit concerned or interested, in accepting and learning how to get along with others who are different than we. We seem incapable of learning or even grasping this concept. It appears we just can't help ourselves to be civil and kind. And the radical elements are not helping but stoking the flames. Voices of reason and moderation are being drowned out. Will Mankind be faced with another 9-11? Instead of one horrific act that left a nation reeling, how about one that encompasses the whole earth, leaving in its path nothing unscathed? I certainly hope this is not what is facing mankind nor where we are headed. I have to say, at this point, I am ready for the Aliens. You know, the ones that arrive in tiny crafts descending from huge mother ships. And they come with a message for Planet Earth...Get Yo Act Together, Or Else. Don't you think it's a good idea we learn how to do this now, while we still have time, before a strange group of beings removes any option we did have and replaces it with a demand? I know, I know, I can hear you now, "I have rights, you can't do this to me." Well maybe you still do but I'm telling you, if'n we all don't make some changes soon, you can kiss any rights you thought you did have, bye bye.

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