Sunday, November 27, 2011

Just a Bunch of Idiots

Please take care of yourselves..... A recent study conducted by the Department of Health and the Department of Motor Vehicles indicates that 23% of traffic accidents are alcohol related. This means that the remaining 77% are caused by idiots who drink bottled water, Starbucks, soda, juice, energy drinks, and crap like that. Therefore, beware of those who do not drink alcohol, they cause 3 times as many accidents.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


"Socialism is a philosophy of failure,
the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy,
its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.."
-- Winston Churchill

These are possibly the 5 best sentences you'll ever read: Unfortunately, most voters don't know this.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them; and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Spaniards Brace for Tough Times Ahead

Couple Bug Developmentally Disabled Ohio Student To Hear Teacher Bullying « CBS Cleveland

soule:  it appears that we are well on our way to the dismantling of this country's fabric. 

Just look at the past 2-1/2 years.  This process has accelerated under this admenstruation.

And all we see on t.v. is grins and glee.

Don't nobody worry, there ain't no problem, we ain't on the brink of no insolvency.  We be just fine.  Now all you good little sheep just continue a-grazin and a-goin about yer business like nothin's wrong, cause nothin is. 

If you believe that, I'll send you a picture of an alien 'show and tell'.  

And, how is it that we allowed the formation of a so-called "Super Committee" to go forward, which, in reality, throws the Constitution under the bus, by usurping its authority in that an elected Congress, not a Super Committee of twelve individuals, who used our financial crisis as an excuse to consolidate power  and a President casting "the deciding vote",  were the ones elected to do the work of the people?

We have created another layer of bureaucratic bullshit.  And the way they be set up, you might as well rename them the Politboro.

Now it appears that they can't get their acts together either.  You could see this one a-comin, too.

The fabric of any country is fragile.  What holds it together (the glue) is the framework (government) and a network of people, organizations both public and private, that work together, harmoniously.

But when dire extremes are allowed to take hold, that infiltrate the process of decison-making and governing such as:  die-hard partisanship, special interests, corruption and greed, they can take precedence over solving problems, to such an extent that these extremes are now the determining factor in how one votes.

OMG, Alice, "It appears that we are well on our way down the rabbit hole"! 
No one is telling the American people the truth.  But if you understand:
(1) this country is out of money (WE ARE BANKRUPT);
(2) we are no longer a soverign nation as the amount of debt we now owe is so enormous that there is no way in hell we are ever going to be able to pay it back (thus placing us in a position of weakness (was it deliberately or by accident--you decide) and our dear friend and confidant, China, is now the place holder;  
(3) China is not a friend but a sly and clever antagonist, who is taking advantage of our pitiful state, positioning herself handsomely, all the while playing us like a fine Stradavarius Violin;
(4) Congress is decisively more interested in protectin its assets/asses than ours.
(5) We are still giving enormous sums of money to foreign nations, even though we have none left for ourselves.

It is clear to me that government doesn't care one whit about our financial status only in making it worse nor are they the least bit interested in the lives of the very people they were sworn to protect.  Only in those special interests groups and individuals that will enable them to hang onto another four years in office.

In view of all of the above, don't you believe it is time to take stock of where you are, presently?

First...take the blinders off.

Take a good hard look at your present situation:  your savings, 401K, how much of a mortgage you have left to pay on, your credit card debt and other issues. 

Then, in the interest of protecing what's really important, take stock.  Take the measures necessary to protect your family, what is rightfully yours, and what you worked damned hard for. 

Did You Know:
Because Congress, (Barney Frank and Chris Dodd in particular) pressuring (threatening) banks to lend to people that:
(1) didn't have the necessary resources to pay for a home;
(2) didn't do background checks to ensure they could pay back the money they were lent;   is questionable if many of them even knew the implications of what was contained in the documentation they signed; 
(3) pandered to those they knew couldn't pay their loans back because they were of a certain group and/or were poor and/or disadvantaged.  Now the foreclosure rate has fallen off the cliff;
Banks are not lending money anymore or very little, because they don't want to lose their investments again; And, i am quite sure that if one investigated, one would find that Both Frank and Dodd profitted handsomely from this huge scandal.

Not only that, an interesting statistic just came to light:  Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac are now the BIGGEST mortgage holders in the United States.

How interesting.  How convenient.  The government now OWNS most of the mortgages in this country.    (better read the fine print on yours.)

Note:  I am not against anyone who falls under the government category of "poor and disenfranchised" and believe they should be afforded the same opportunities, like the rest of us, just to clear up any misconceptions.  But safeguards should have been in place, to prevent this meltdown from happening. 

And, clearly, they were not.  I also feel that many of these people (my opinion only) were openly, knowingly taken advantage of just to "sign" em up.

Now look at the mess our government has created not just for them but for all of us, not to mention the frustration, angst and despair that has been heaped on many of these people. 

And did this blatantly avoidable financial housing meltdown have a beneficial impact on this country's dismal economic status?  I dare say, NOT.

No house, no job.  No roof over your head and no money to pay your bills.  Maybe, a short ride on unemployment. 

Government is not the solution it is the problem.  It don't create solutions, it creates problems which turn into crises and then races to solve the crises, claiming that they know what they are doing but only making things  worse.

How I would love to see Barney Frank and Chris Dodd's shameful, sorry asses bein thrown out onto the street, with all their worldly possessions, like many of these people had to go through. 

They still got their job.  They still got a roof over their head.  Can anyone spell S-L-I-M-E-B-A-G?

Americans, wake up and smell the coffee.  It's goin up in price BTW.  And, while you're sippin away, take a look at your bank statement.  It's our asses on the line, not theirs.  Stop voting these politicians back into office so they can keep screwin us.

What we have today is OUT OF CONTROL GOVERNMENT--all too powerful government, with razor sharp talons outstretched, hovering fervently, malevolently, drooling all over a bunch of down and out individuals and entities which happens to include just about everyone.  Growing more hungry and more powerful, each day.

Whatever label the government assigns to, poor or middle class, it makes no difference anymore as we are all squarely positioned in their crosshairs.
ALL TOGETHER NOW...."dumb diddle diddle diddle, dumb diddle i..."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jenny McCarthy on Healing Her Son’s Autism and Discovering Her Life’s Mission -

Alphabet Soup

Instead of "occupyin" Wall Street
political feudin and fightin
pointin fingers
shovin people around
groups and individuals encouraging trouble and mayhem
and just plain actin stupid...we might consider focusing on something that could possibly be comin our way from outer space.

The sun is in an eleven year solar max cycle and could, at any time, throw a big one our way.  We could be hit by a huge stream of plasma particles that may well wipe out our communications systems and have other catastrophic effects.  To say this would be a disruption to everyone's life, is putting it mildly.

Haven't we had several wake up calls recently (in my opinion that's what they are--to get our collective asses together?) 

Like a sharp tap on the shoulder:
Chilean Earthquake;
Japanese Earthquake (March 2011);
a record 283 tornadoes across the country in one day - (April 2011);
massive flooding
severe droughts
an unusual East Coast earthquake - (October 2011);
a string of Oklahoma earthquakes ranging from a 5.7 to 2.7 - (November 2011) and scientists can't figure out the reason(s) why.  Hmmmm

Isn't it time we all stop acting like idiots, calm down and realize there are much bigger things to worry about?

Things we can't plot, can't predict, can't mark on a calendar (until, of course they happen) and only if we have any calendars left.   

There are things in life we have no control over.  When are we going to realize this absolute? 

Or will we, in righteous indignation, continue to stubbornly bob up and down in our bowl of alphabet soup, choosing instead to continue down our path of self-destruction, oblivious to and caring less about an event that could very well put an end to all of us?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Crazy World

It's getting more difficult to open up the Drudge Report anymore, readin all the crap a-goin on.

I expect a to see a headline that reads somethin like this, in the not too distant future:


Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Sun Keeps Its Eye on Us During the Day and the Moon at Night

How is one even able to perceive, imagine, the thought, the realization, the wonder, the utter mystery and magnificence of our state of  being? 

We wake up and get up.  We put on our clothes.  We comb our hair and brush our teeth.  We smell the coffee wafting from the kitchen.  We say "good morning".  We turn on the news.  We hug our kids.  Then it's off to work or school. 

This is an everyday occurrence.  It is called existence.  It is a state of being.

Realistically, sadly, I am very much aware that this is not occurring in other parts of the world.

Nor is it occurring in many homes here.

Have you ever been so hurried, so worried, that there is no room inside you for hope anymore, for some type of relief, for some type of rescue?  That you've pretty much given up on everything, everyone, yourself included?

You are throwing things around, and very are now filled with a what's the sense of it all type of resignation, and then out of the blue a feeling hits you, penetrates your mental state, and you experience an immediate and soothing awareness, a realization that everything is going to be okay? 

We have many unseen guides who surround us.  Who are here to help us, want to help us, if only we will give them permission to do so.

Many of you will laugh at this.  "How do you know?" Because I've seen them and spoken with them or rather, it's been the other way around.

No, I'm not some sort of wizard, guru...just a person who meditates, listens for answers and continually prays for the world and its planetary inhabitants (all of them).

Contrary to popular belief, we are not here to be traumatized by events and people yet we all fall prey and experience these things.

Not one of us leaves this life unscathed, in some way(s). 

This is the great lie...that we all must endure these things.  This is the way of ignorance and deception.   

We are here to find a new depth of understanding and deepen our awareness of who we are and where we fit into the Grand Design of the Universe for we certainly do fit in somewhere. 

To find our spiritual footing, identify and root out the rot and trample down the thorn bushes so a velvety carpet of green grass can grow.  It's the "getting there" part that is diffult.

We are angels and demons.  We are good and evil. 

It doesn't matter that we're here but what we do with the life we've been given, while here.   

We have choices.

We can try and "make a difference" or, "it doesn't make any difference to me".

We can fight the good fight or refuse to become engaged, crumple up and fade away.  

Life is a constant struggle, a constant battle between two opposing forces.

We are continually being shoved and pulled, swayed and tugged between doing something good or doing something harmful or evil. 

I believe in Kharma..."What goes around comes around."

I believe in Reincarnation.  How can you not believe in Kharma without believing in the other?

I believe that Man is inherently Good, not Evil.  But evil inclination(s) often get the best of him.

I believe that there are, presently walking among us, (and for thousands of years) humans of the most evil sort who are bent on and most desirous of inflicting pain and suffering on their fellow human beings.

And these people (demons if you will) are hellbent on continuing their spiritual warfare and mayhem on us until the elevated vibrations from the Ancient Ones, and the Illuminairies, who exist among us today, become so strong that they overcome the cruel, foul and incessant shrill shrieks of the Black Noise.

This battle between good and evil will continue until a new awareness of Peace and Harmony takes hold on ths the collective mind begins to vibrate more powerfully and begins to operate on the same frequency, as our hearts and minds become one.

Monday, November 7, 2011

USGS Earthquake Map: Oklahoma - From November 5, 2011 - November 7, 2011
soule:  Maybe the mystery is solved.  Maybe this is the meaning of what I saw materialize in front of me, months ago --5-7-11

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Let There Be Love


White House: There's no sign of E.T. or UFO cover-up

White House: There's no sign of E.T. or UFO cover-up
no sign, no sign, no sign

Unless, of course a group of these nettlesome little creatures decides to put an end to the government coverup crap by nobly bivouacing a fleet of their high tech flying machines right smack dab in the middle of the White House lawn.

And the rest of us watch in amusement while a fallacious gov, dazed and confused, now hysterically tries to rev itself up into full spin gear, trying to convince the rest of us that what we just witnessed was a mirage.      

Maybe Obama could convince them to register to vote for him in 2012.

Or maybe the Repubs could convince them that they are the party of choice.

Or, maybe these little green men are here for the purpose of forming their own party---Think about it, a Third Party and all made up of Illegal Aliens.

Folks, it don't get much better than that.  LOL

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Taking "Sexual Harrassment" To A Whole New Level

Ah, the Liberal Media....we have so much to thank them for.  They, along with another scurrilous group (politicians) get away with ambushing, lying, cheating, spewing, skewing, slanting and raising issues that are designed to deflect, railroad, stop and/or obliterate anyone they feel threatened by, anyone that doesn't fit their cozy little Liberal agenda and their definition of what it is to be a Liberal. 

They don't wait for no facts...they just run with the rumour(s)...FULL STEAM AHEAD.

I feel sorry for this smug bunch.  These are delusional misfits full of fear, and frightening, when you think how easily they become unglued, existing solely for the purpose of creating confusion, doubt and fear, possibly  screwing up somebody's life and reputation, and all because they need to put a stop to someone they are paranoid about.

Afraid and unwilling to accept someone with a different set of values and views than the ones they espouse, they plunge head first into attack mode. 

Then we have a morass of who said what, when and where.  Well the person may have been offended or not.  He (the accused) may have said something they (the accuser(s) misconstrued the wrong way and the person who said it didn't mean any harm.  But the other person ran with it.

Could it be that money was involved?  Hmmmm.

The Left is constantly on the lookout, searching vigilantly, watching for that little blip to turn up on their radar screen, for anyone or anything that could possibly bring their delusional, teetering, tottering wobegoten little world of Humpty Dumpty crashing down around them.

C'mon, we all know the free press in this country and their allies have too much free dumb.  They've had an agenda in place, for years, to make sure that their guy gets elected; that their agenda(s) gets pushed; that their views are shouted from the rooftop; that their laws and regulations are passed.

And it's a big deal to go after a Conservative, running for President, meteorically rising in the polls, who just happens to be a Republican and a Black one at that.

It's not that they (the Libs and American press) got no shame.  How can you possibly even know the definition of this word when you, from a tender age, were placed atop a telephone pole, perched all high and mighty, like a fierce bird of prey, a-lookin down at all the snacks and then you spy a Tea-Partier a-goin 'bout his business of just runnin for Prez. 

Man, what a morsel.

And one cannot even get across to this rabid bunch that they're so bent on bringing someone down, and it don't matter one whit how they do it, that they very well may be a-spinnin themselves into a dizzying vortex which may have the opposite causal affect they were a-hopin for and that be....backfirin on them.   

Am I mad at what I am seeing?  You bet I am.  These slimebags are just that...slime.  I don't mind an occasional joke or an off-handed remark about someone from say a Jon Stewart or other.  I may not like it but I'm not going to go out and intentionally hunt them down, with the full intent of destroying their  reputation, because they made a comment I did not like or felt offended by or whatever.....

We Conservatives have been subjected to this sort of abuse for years.  So what's new? 

But you know what.  I am very angry and very tired that this man, whom I believe is one of the best if not the best candidate for fixin this country's problems, and is putting everything on the line, for the sake of this country, is gettin his ass handed to him by a bunch of Leftist Thugs.

The trouble is we got a social agenda in this country and it's been taken to a whole new level:  It's called Sexual harrassment. 

Just what the hell is sexual harrassment? 

Let's be honest.  When has someone not been sexually harrassed either intentionally or unintentionally?  Let's give an example:  I worked in an office and my boss or other co-worker comes by and says, "hey there gorgeous, you sure are looking mighty fine today."

What...I'm gonna run to the EEO and fill out paperwork accusin this person of sexually harrassing me?  Are you kidding me?  So, you say, what if it were a woman making the same comment?  I'd say, "forget it sister".   What, you're tellin me that my choice of the word "sister" is gonna get me in trouble?

Have we really come that far down the slippery slope?

And what about this part of the Sexual Harrassment Game that you may offend someone simply because of the way you accent a certain word or maybe the way you stand or the look on your face may, in some way, unbeknown to you, be offensive to the other party. 

And twenty years later, you're served with some type of lawsuit or accused of some thing, vague and anonymous, no names of the accusers given, because of something you said that someone with a personal axe to grind or thin skin misconstrued or saw a flash of gold at the end of the proverbial rainbow.   

I don't think so. 

This is the Liberal Utopia.  We daren't do this and we daren't do that.  We can't play hopscotch without wearing a harness; we can't ride a tricycle without wearing a helmet; we can't play baseball or football 'cuz we may get hurt.  We can't say something goofy or cute or vague 'cuz the other kid may cry or run home to mommy; we can't say how nice someone looks 'cuz someone may be offended.  But they can print whatever the hell they want; accuse someone without any evidence and we're supposed to take it, sitting down.

Well, count me out.

Liberals are apparently threatened by most everything.  That's why they got to have Big Gov protectin their ass.  They apparently must see something wrong in just about everything and take it personally.

What a sorry bunch of thin skinned upstarts.     

It is time, way past time, that if an individual adamantly says he did not say this or did not do that, that he is innocent of any wrongdoing (if anyone can figure out just what the hell constitutes wrong doing) that the people who are fed up with this type of donkey dung start speaking out.    

And for you socialist scientists out there...quit trying to rework the Laws of Nature.  Men will be Men. 

Why just look at one of your favorite role models....Bill Clinton.

You bunch of Sanctimonious, Sociopathic Hypocrites.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Life Will Find a Way
soule:  and after the Great Flood, which purportedly destroyed many other DNA types (other races of people that no longer exist today) one can only ponder, wonder, what those ancient human beings may have looked like.

How they thought, how they behaved, how they integrated with others (if at all) or maybe their structure was more aloofness, more nomadic.

Maybe, during their time here on earth, they contributed to the advancement of humanity, in some way we haven't yet figured out.  I wonder what they looked like?  Maybe they thought differently; maybe they had a whole set of new ideas on how to solve problems; maybe they were very adept at tool and pottery making; maybe they followed celestial events very closely and worked off of star charts;  maybe they were artists; maybe they knew alot about science.  Maybe they took good care of their off-spring.  Maybe they were peace-loving.  Maybe they were vegetarians.  Maybe they had their own language (way of communicating).

We can only speculate.  

The sad part is...we will never know.  

Miracles Do Happen