Thursday, April 25, 2013

Defend the Constitution

Monday, April 22, 2013

An American Caliphate?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

FBI Hunt on For Twelve Strong Sleeper Cell

And the Plot Thickens....

The Tsarnaev brothers were double agents who decoyed US into terror trap

DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis April 20, 2013, 4:39 PM (GMT+02:00)
TTamerlan Tsarnaev killed. His brother Dzhokhar captured

The big questions buzzing over Boston Bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev have a single answer: It emerged in the 102 tense hours between the twin Boston Marathon bombings Monday, April 15 – which left three dead, 180 injured and a police officer killed at MIT - and Dzohkhar’s capture Friday, April 19 in Watertown.
The conclusion reached by debkafile’s counterterrorism and intelligence sources is that the brothers were double agents, hired by US and Saudi intelligence to penetrate the Wahhabi jihadist networks which, helped by Saudi financial institutions, had spread across the restive Russian Caucasian.
Instead, the two former Chechens betrayed their mission and went secretly over to the radical Islamist networks.
By this tortuous path, the brothers earned the dubious distinction of being the first terrorist operatives to import al Qaeda terror to the United States through a winding route outside the Middle East – the Caucasus.
This broad region encompasses the autonomous or semi-autonomous Muslim republics of Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Chechnya, North Ossetia and Karachyevo-Cherkesiya, most of which the West has never heard of.
Moscow however keeps these republics on a tight military and intelligence leash, constantly putting down violent resistance by the Wahhabist cells, which draw support from certain Saudi sources and funds from the Riyadh government for building Wahhabist mosques and schools to disseminate the state religion of Saudi Arabia.
The Saudis feared that their convoluted involvement in the Caucasus would come embarrassingly to light when a Saudi student was questioned about his involvement in the bombng attacks while in a Boston hospital with badly burned hands.
They were concerned to enough to send Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saudi al-Faisal to Washington Wednesday, April 17, in the middle of the Boston Marathon bombing crisis, for a private conversation with President Barack Obama and his national security adviser Tom Donilon on how to handle the Saudi angle of the bombing attack.
That day too, official Saudi domestic media launched an extraordinary three-day campaign. National and religious figures stood up and maintained that authentic Saudi Wahhabism does not espouse any form of terrorism or suicide jihadism and the national Saudi religion had nothing to do with the violence in Boston.  “No matter what the nationality and religious of the perpetrators, they are terrorists and deviants who represent no one but themselves.”
Prince Saud was on a mission to clear the 30,000 Saudi students in America of suspicion of engaging in terrorism for their country or religion, a taint which still lingers twelve years after 9/11. He was concerned that exposure of the Tsarnaev brothers’ connections with Wahhabist groups in the Caucasus would revive the stigma.
The Tsarnaevs' recruitment by US intelligence as penetration agents against terrorist networks in southern Russia explains some otherwise baffling features of the event:
1.  An elite American college in Cambridge admitted younger brother Dzhokhar and granted him a $2,500 scholarship, without subjecting him to the exceptionally stiff standard conditions of admission. This may be explained by his older brother Tamerlan demanding this privilege for his kid brother in part payment for recruitment.
2.  When in 2011, a “foreign government” (Russian intelligence) asked the FBI to screen Tamerlan for suspected ties to Caucasian Wahhabist cells during a period in which they had begun pledging allegiance to al Qaeda, the agency, it was officially revealed, found nothing incriminating against him and let him go after a short interview.
He was not placed under surveillance. Neither was there any attempt to hide the fact that he paid a long visit to Russia last year and on his return began promoting radical Islam on social media.
Yet even after the Boston marathon bombings, when law enforcement agencies, heavily reinforced by federal and state personnel, desperately hunted the perpetrators, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was never mentioned as a possible suspect
3.  Friday, four days after the twin explosions at the marathon finishing line, the FBI released footage of Suspect No. 1 in a black hat and Suspect No. 2 in a white hat walking briskly away from the crime scene, and appealed to the public to help the authorities identify the pair.
We now know this was a charade. The authorities knew exactly who they were. Suddenly, during the police pursuit of their getaway car from the MIT campus on Friday, they were fully identified. The brother who was killed in the chase was named Tamerlan, aged 26, and the one who escaped, only to be hunted down Saturday night hiding in a boat, was 19-year old Dzhokhar.
Our intelligence sources say that we may never know more than we do today about the Boston terrorist outrage which shook America – and most strikingly, Washington - this week. We may not have the full story of when and how the Chechen brothers were recruited by US intelligence as penetration agents – any more than we have got to the bottom of tales of other American double agents who turned coat and bit their recruiters.
Here is just a short list of some of the Chechen brothers’ two-faced predecessors:
In the 1980s, an Egyptian called Ali Abdul Saoud Mohamed offered his services as a spy to the CIA residence in Cairo. He was hired, even though he was at the time the official interpreter of Ayman al-Zuwahiri, then Osama bin Laden’s senior lieutenant and currently his successor.
He accounted for this by posing as a defector. But then, he turned out to be feeding al Qaeda US military secrets. Later, he was charged with Al Qaeda’s 1998 bombings of US embassies in Nairobi and Dar es-Salaam.
On Dec. 30, 2009, the Jordanian physician Humam Khalil al-Balawi, having gained the trust of US intelligence in Afghanistan as an agent capable of penetrating al Qaeda’s top ranks, detonated a bomb at a prearranged rendezvous in Kost, killing the four top CIA agents in the country.
Then, there was the French Muslim Mohamed Merah. He was recruited by French intelligence to penetrate Islamist terror cells in at least eight countries, including the Caucasus. At the end of last year, he revealed his true spots in deadly attacks on a Jewish school in Toulouse and a group of French military commandoes.
The debate has begun over the interrogation of the captured Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarmayev when he is fit for questioning after surgery for two bullet wounds and loss of blood. The first was inflicted during the police chase in which his brother Tamerlan was killed.
An ordinary suspect would be read his rights (Miranda) and be permitted a lawyer. In his case, the “public safety exemption” option may be invoked, permitting him to be questioned without those rights, provided the interrogation is restricted to immediate public safety concerns. President Barack Obama is also entitled to rule him an “enemy combatant” and so refer him to a military tribunal and unrestricted grilling.
According to debkafile’s counter terror sources, four questions should top the interrogators' agenda:
a) At what date did the Tsarnaev brothers turn coat and decide to work for Caucasian Wahhabi networks?
b) Did they round up recruits for those networks in the United States - particularly, among the Caucasian and Saudi communities?
c)  What was the exact purpose of the Boston Marathon bombings and their aftermath at MIT in Watertown?
d) Are any more terrorist attacks in the works in other American cities?

Saturday, April 20, 2013

They Failed

Am I Angry?

Am I angry at what just happened in Boston?  You bet I am.

This was another senseless tragedy, an agregious assault on our way of life, our institutions, our safety, our liberty.

Didn't the DHS say we were safe.  Isn't that their motto, keep us safe?  If so, what the hell just happened?

Isn't this another glaring example that when catastrophe strikes, local governments are best at instituting and devising ways of solving the problem?    Not the federal government.  I have no doubt that if the feds had been in charge of this investigation, things, people and pertinent information would have gotten very scewed, indeed.

Isn't the federal government too busy, anyway?
Today they are too busy herding us around at airports, demanding we remove our shoes, patting us  down, assaulting our kids, the elderly.  They're beating up on us but what about profiling those who wish to do us harm? 

Today they are too busy using horrific attacks on elementary schools as a means of dismantling our  Second Amendment right of being able to possess and use a firearm in order to protect ourselves and our families from evil doers.

Evil is not going to stop.  And it is empowered and emboldened when it sees people giving it opportunities to flourish.
 Now we'll all be wondering how many more terrorists are lurking in our communities--living just under the radar, until something triggers them into action.

Someone isn't doing their job. 

This terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon had nothing to do with shoes.

This terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon had nothing to do with guns.

Am I angry?  You bet I am.

When you cannot screen millions more people you allow into a country, would it be safe to surmise that many of these people do not honor the sacrifices made nor cherish the values held by those in  the country they are coming to?

Am I angry at what just happened in Boston?  You bet I am.

I am angry at my government for allowing this senseless tragedy to happen.

You see, the federal government is the problem.

Too many innocent Americans are cruelly being sacrificed on the sacred altar of some groups's political ideology.     

This country was founded on principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These are under attack at an alarming rate.

The Boston Massacre is a wake up call to all Americans that it's high time we restore the job of securing our own liberty, of protecting ourselves and our families, taking back from the federal government what it has seized from us.

It needs to be returned to its rightful place--The People.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those who lost their lives because of this evil act. 

And to the President and Congress, in case you haven't noticed or don't want to, this country is still actively engaged in a "War on Terror".

Just ask the victims, law enforcement and all the other good and decent people who rallied to the cause and came together for one reason and one reason only:  and that was not to cease the hunt until the terrorist thugs who committed these bombings were captured. 

Mission accomplished and a job well done. 



Friday, April 19, 2013

Leading the Sheep to Slaughter

Bomber Posted Video

Will Obama Bring Boston Terrorists to Justice?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

This Smells to High Heaven

Boston Massacre - Saudi Being Deported

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Say It Isn't So

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Massacre - The Sleaze Has Begun

U.S. Was Warned of Terror Attacks


Major General Paul Vallely on Obama's Forged Birth Certificate

DHS - Keeping Us Safe?

I Wonder, "Would the Boston Massacre Have Happened Under a Romney Presidency?"

I can't shake the nagging feeling that the horrific events of what happened today in Boston, Massachusetts were not just a simple one size fit all "terrorist" act but were actually an orchestrated event personally directed at the President of the United States. 

A totally embarrassing, unexpected, slap-in-the-face, savage and flagrant assault (could it be payback?) directed solely at Mr. Obama, who managed to pull down with him, the Department of Homeland Security.  

Remember this?  News Flash:  The President goes on live t.v. to announce that "Osama bin Laden is dead". 

We can take out Bin Laden half way across the world but you, Mr. President, can't prevent a terrorist attack from taking place right in your own backyard.

Not only is this tragic.  This is humiliating.

Yes, I remember 9-11 and then President Bush who didn't let any grass grow under his feet to hunt down the terrorists who spear-headed their jets into the Twin Towers, murdering over 3,000 innocent people.

Please, Mr. President, let's not hear you echoing "W's" famous words, okay?

It just don't fit who you really are.

I realize that an investigation is underway regarding Boston's officials and why those trash cans were placed so close to the marathon.  The facts will come out on this.

But maybe if Mr. Obama had stayed home long enough to learn his proper role as President, instead of jet setting all over the country to play golf, his many overseas jaunts, whoopin it up at countless lavish parties at the White House, (doesn't matter to him or Michelle that millions of Americans still can't find a job) this event might not have even occurred--Also known as Lack of Leadership.

Enemies keep an eye out for little things like this but then, you were to busy to take heed, weren't you?  

This terrorist attack, I might add, is also a huge black eye in the face of Janet Napolitano touting that law abiding American citizens who rely on the Bible to guide their daily lives, their guns and ammo to protect themselves and their belief in the U.S. Constitution to be the real terrorists.  

In addition, because of Mr. Obama's open fondness for enjoying the good life at the expense of dutifully executing his duties as President, could this be a reason we're seeing so much bluster from North Korea?

I'm sorry, Ms. Napolitano, you can't hang what happened today in Boston Massachusetts on law-abiding citizens--Not this time. 

And let's not forget Benghazi, shall we?

We have a coverup of massive proportions going on here.

Headline reads:  "April 15, 2013, America Caught Off Guard Once Again as Wayward President is Called Back From His Latest Golf Outing to News of Terrorist Attack in Boston, Mass.  Those in the Know Are Calling This Event One That Could Easily Have Been Avoided If DHS and the WH Had taken America's national security seriously."   

And now, how about the safety of our borders, Mr. President, Ms. Napolitano?

Did either of you stop to think that this could possibly be where this/these perpetrators originated from?     
Let's see if you and the President can sleaze your way out of this one.  

Monday, April 15, 2013



Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Nation Can Survive Its Fools But It Cannot Survive Treachery From Within

A Tyrant can get away with as much as the people allow him to.
We now have the IRS able to track people's emails without a warrant.
Such is just one of the many legacies that Barack Hussein Obama will be remembered for.  
We had Bill Clinton's sexual "bravado" which shocked the nation.

But that episode pales in comparison to the wrecking ball we now have in Barack Hussein Obama.
Never before have I seen such callous disregard, a very lethal, a very dangerous, wholesale assault on a nation's infrastructure.
And yet, Barack Hussein Obama was, somehow, "elected" to a second term.
(I have questions about his "first" term).
No where do I see any concerted effort by anyone or any organization to vigorously stand up to his  continued onslaught. 

Question:  How do you re-educate a portion of an electorate who do not even know the history of the country they reside in, nor even want to?  
Question:  How do you re-educate a portion of an electorate who willingly consented to outsourcing their personal lives, futures to a callous government and mindless bureaucrats?

This is a form of slavery.

I thought we had ridden ourselves of slavery?

If not, then why did we have 750,000 Americans leaving their homes, their families, their livelihoods to go to war to end slavery during the American Civil War?  Am I missing something here?

If you cast a vote for Obama in 2008 and again, in 2012, in my opinion, you voted to opt in for slavery.

And, if your ignoble decision lead to adversely subjecting myself and my family to the same fate, that is not fine. 

There are many Americans still living who remember the sacrifices made (by their parents) during WWII.

There are many Americans still living who remember the sacrifices made during the Vietnam War.

There are many Americans still living who have given their all to make this nation the greatest on earth.

But it seems we have a great disconnect here because, at the present time, we have a President who is not interested in any of this but only in destroying it.

I would say that we, as a people
as a nation, are mercillesly being driven
    at breakneck speed, toward a national breaking point
      by a bloodthirsty tyrant
         aided and abetted by ignorance and greed


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Monday, April 8, 2013

Have Scientists Reached a Conclusion on Why Mass Extinctions Occur Every 26 to 30 Million Years?

You Can Speak Softly But You Better Be Carrying a Very Big Stick

Saturday, April 6, 2013

It Has Begun