Sunday, December 30, 2012


What's ahead for the coming year?
The energy I'm experiencing right now is quite dramatic.
If you're not in shape physically and mentally for the challenges coming, then you need to listen up.
I'm no astrologer but I do follow an astrologer and read my horoscope.
The energy for 2012 was a 5.    
The energy for 2013 will be a 6.
Every thing is energy.
Energy can be inert (contained) as in a rock or it can be released by throwing that very rock at something.    It hits its target, fractures into pieces, releasing the energy within.
The evil eye, a vacant stare, fidgeting with clothing are all indicators of energy.
What I perceive coming in 2013 is akin to seeing a giant tidal wave on the horizon.
It stretches from end to end.
This wave isn't moving.  It appears to be suspended as it just begins to crest.
But I do believe it's still building strength and momentum.
What this wave signifies I do not know.
But I feel it's going to be something significant.
A shift of some kind.  Maybe a new respect, a new awareness of each other, this planet and our place in the solar system.
A coming together of some sort.
I have much faith in human beings.
I don't mean that all Catholics will convert to Protestantism or all Democrats will turn into Republicans.
I mean that the shroud we've been under for so long is finally twisting and turning in the wind.
The veil is peeling off.  
We are beginning to see things, events, much more clearly now.
We don't need someone else's interpretation of what just happened on the nightly news.
We're very capable of comprehending all the details and arriving at our own individual conclusion(s).  
I believe that in 2013 we're going to learn to do with less.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to cherish our relationships more.
I believe that in 2013 we're not going to take anything for granted, anymore.
I believe that in 2013 we're not going to lust after things we don't have.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to be grateful for the things we do have.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to reach out to people through more service and help.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to witness some spectacular celestial events.
I believe that in 2013 communication is going to take center stage.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to be told some shockingly deep dark secret(s).  And I believe that these secrets will be about politicians.
We're slowly learning through unimaginable and painful scenes of suffering and tragedy that we must embrace  the moment for if we do not, that moment is lost to eternity.
That special kiss, a cheery hello and a sad goodbye.  Hugs.  We're learning that we can't count on them being there anymore.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to dramatically drop our insistence on material things and look for more meaningful things.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to stand up to evil and evildoers.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to receive knowledge of why we are here and what our purpose(s) are during this life experience.
I believe that in 2013 a new cycle for humanity begins as we continue to make our way through the universe,
striving for guidance and understanding on where we all fit in.
I believe that in 2013 the best is yet to come.
Happy New Year to all

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What Does Buddha Signify?

  • Four Noble Truths:
    Life is Full of Suffering, Suffering is Caused by Craving, Suffering will Cease Only When Craving Does, and the last one, these can only be accomplished by following the Eight Fold Path:
  • This path requires that one have the right views, the right speech, the right aspirations, the right livelihood, the right conduct, the right effort, the right mindfulness as well as the right contemplation.

The Only Certainty is Uncertainty

CROSSROADS by Michael Connelly

It is the 2012 Christmas season, yet many of my fellow Americans are not feeling the usual joy that has historically come with this time of year when we not only celebrate the birth of Christ, but celebrate a time to spend with friends and family. Instead, I sense there is almost a feeling of despair and desperation in the air.
          Christmas itself and our right to celebrate it are under attack by those who want to strip America of our traditions and our values. In addition, millions of Americans are unemployed, and even many of those who do have jobs face an uncertain future. Regardless of what happens with the so-called “fiscal cliff” the hidden taxes in Obamacare will kick in on January 1, 2013 and people will see their take home pay decrease while their insurance premiums and cost of health care take a huge jump.
          At the same time, thousands of new onerous and unnecessary regulations are being imposed on American businesses by the Obama administration that are going to result in increases in the prices of everything from food to energy and the loss of even more jobs. Small businesses are in the cross hairs of the Obama campaign to bring the American economy to its knees and everyone is afraid except for those who are looking forward to more “free stuff” from our new “Lord and Savior” as actor Jamie Foxx refers to our President.
          The New Year will also see massive cuts to our military even as the Obama foreign policy of coddling our enemies is leading to rapid growth of Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other radical Islamic groups who have vowed to destroy Western civilization. In fact, the Obama administration’s latest move to “protect” America in a politically correct manner is have the military issue a new 75 page manual to the members of the military prohibiting our troops from saying anything that might be offensive to the Taliban or other Muslim extremists.
          Many Americans believe that we have lost our moral compass and committed national suicide by reelecting a President who will continue to take away our basic freedoms. That is clearly the goal of our Dictator in Chief, but all is not lost yet. There are still many true Americans out there and we need to take heart from some of our past Christmases when all seemed lost.
          In December 1777 General George Washington led a bedraggled and apparently thoroughly beaten Continental Army into its winter camp in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. There were only 12,000 men left in the army at that point and many left bloody footprints in the snow as they marched since they had no shoes. They also had little food, ammunition, and adequate clothing or blankets. That Christmas of 1777 was spent trying to construct enough shelters to keep them from freezing to death.
          The outcome seemed inevitable; the promise of a new nation, free from British oppression, that had been born just seventeen months earlier by the signing of the Declaration of Independence, was not to be. As the winter got worse 2500 members of the meager army succumbed to various diseases, yet the rest continued to drill and train and they refused to give up. They emerged in the spring as a fighting force that would always be outnumbered and out gunned, yet they would fight for five more years and against all odds ultimately prevail.
          Now fast forward to another Christmas season in Europe in 1944. The Nazis had launched a surprise offensive in the Ardennes in Belgium, overrun and virtually destroyed several American infantry divisions and trapped the 101st Airborne Division in the small town of Bastogne. The town was where several key roads merged and if it fell there was nothing to stop the Germans from dividing the Allied armies and prolonging WW II indefinitely.
The American paratroopers were outnumbered and running out of food, ammunition, and medical supplies, yet they refused to surrender and they stopped the Nazi offensive. When the Germans failed to take Bastogne they tried to bypass it shortly after Christmas and they found a gap in the U.S. lines. SS troops surged through it at night and after a fierce fight in the village of Sadzot overran Company B of the 87thChemical Mortar Battalion killing, wounding or capturing half of the company and taking all of the 4.2 mortars.
The surviving Mortarmen, including my father 1st LT Roy Connelly, regrouped and with the help of a small contingent of stranded paratroopers and combat engineers they took back the town and their mortars. Then they held off the Nazi armored battalion for three days until relieved. There are countless stories like this throughout our history and they should give us comfort and hope.
We can’t give up and the people in Washington D.C. who think that they have a green light to subjugate us should remember that the United States is not a democracy and was never meant to be. Our founding fathers knew that a democracy could become a vehicle for a small majority of people to vote to deny basic human rights to everyone else.
In a Republic this can’t happen because the rights of all individuals are protected by law and in our case that Law is the Constitution. If any effort is made to take away those rights than we have a right and a duty to resist, and that is what we must do at every level. We must fight tyranny in our school boards, our city councils, state legislatures, in congress, and in the courts. Whether it is the tyranny of UN Agenda 21, gun control, denying us our religious freedom, or invading our privacy we can and will resist. 
Christmas has always been a time of hope and this year must be no different. We must start off the New Year by redoubling our effort to take back our country. God Bless America and Merry Christmas.
soule:  the author has kindly granted permission to re-post his article.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


There shall be Peace on Earth
For unto us a Child is born and unto us a Son is given;
And the government shall be upon His shoulder
And His Name shall be called Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace
There shall be no end.
Isaiah 9:6, 7 a
Our God will not be mocked!  The angel's singing
was not vain words flung on the empty air,
But vital prophecy, and truth set winging
that will not be denied.  Today's despair
is pierced by golden shafts.  The sunlight breaking
it's way through clouds should bid our darkness cease,
and ease our anxious hearts long numbed by aching,
There shall be Peace on earth.
There shall be Peace!
Men will give Glory to their God, and nations
will yet turn to Him, unified at last,
Class after class of high and lofty station
and race after race will turn, their warring past,
and brother will kneel by brother, each tongue naming
One Name, and like a spring flood thus release
their pent up praise, too long withheld, proclaiming
Him Counselor, Mighty God,
The Prince of Peace.
Grace Noll Crowell

CAIR Goes After U.S. Constitution
soule:  permission was granted to post this link

Sunday, December 16, 2012

All the Lonely People, Where Do They All Come From?

We don't have a gun problem in this country.  We have a huge (mind) mental health problem in this country.

It appears we have a total lack of understanding when it comes to recognizing the symptoms, signs and  circumstances that would compel someone to go out and commit these horrible acts.

December 14, 2012:  Twenty year old Adam Lanza went on a killing spree today after first shooting his mother at her home, then continuing to Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and opening fire on teachers, killing the principal and twenty young children.

I am not making excuses for what Adam Lanza did.

I am only pointing out some things that I hope will be considered so this type of atrocity never happens again.

We are left stunned and horrified as to the savagery he authored.

I believe this latest act, by this one individual, has permanently left a deep and indelible mark on the American psyche.

We already have the politicians weighing in, the Second Amendment enthusiasts, this group and that group, the fact that the Obama administration dropped funding for school safety in 2011, opinions all over the place but in the end, will we ever really discover the truth as to why a twenty year old young man clothed himself in camouflage, donned a bullet proof vest, slipped a ski mask over his head and took with him several automatic weapons and all for the express purpose of blowing his mother, several teachers, the school principal and twenty young children away?  

This unbelievable carnage had to have had its roots somewhere.

We are finding out that Adam was a loner.  Did he display any symptoms that would have led one to seek medical help for him?  Was he withdrawn, hostile, confused, angry?  Did he have any friends?  Were video games and the internet his only friend?  Was he shown any warmth and love and knew that his existence really mattered to someone?   Was he accepted for who he really was?

There are so many questions....

Just, exactly, who was Adam Lanza?

He stood out from the crowd in how he dressed and interacted with friends.  It's also thought that he had a very high IQ.  Yet, apparently, from initial reports, there was never any sign that he would, one day, commit one of the most atrocious acts this country has ever witnessed.

When you see someone who looks differently from you, what is your reaction?  Do you go over to that person and act friendly, trying to make contact with and communicate, or do you prefer instead, to shy away, stay away?

Do you point fingers, make fun of and bully them because they just don't fit in with your own personal expectation of what it is to belong, to fit in, to be normal?

Are the public schools actively identifying these individuals, those who just don't seem to fit in with the rest of the kids,  (you know, that little box) assessing their personalities, their skills, their strengths and weaknesses, aligning them with others of who exhibit these same qualities, employing teachers who have been taught to effectively deal with and cope with these kids because, somehow, they were born with brains wired a little differently from the rest of us?

Or are they openly being isolated, ostracized, made fun of, poked and probed, prodded into some dark classroom corner where they can be caged, more easily managed by an uncaring faculty and a clueless agenda, all the while unable to escape accusatory looks, muffled rhetoric of those educators who have no patience nor do they really care about devoting the time necessary to finding the clues of how these kids really tick, denying them their opportunity to achieve to the highest standards they were meant to achieve, silently standing on the sidelines watching wordlessly as these kids withdraw completely into themselves?

I have had some experience along these lines and sadly I have to say the answer to this is yes.

The criminal investigations have started into the family; friends, relatives and relationships.  These will be ongoing, for years.  And the physical and emotional effects will never go away.

This event has permanently traumatized all of us.

But, we have choices.

We can continue to ignore the underlying problem(s) of why these things are happening and in doing so, only encourage more of them to take place.

Why is it that when the President of the United States was notified of this event did he not immediately appeal to our spiritual leaders for help?

Asking them to all come together, to pray for us as a people, as a nation?

Because he, like many others, are unwilling and/or oblivious in owning up to the underlying problem(s) either because of politics or just plain ignorance, thus making an overt decision refusing to address them.    

No one is taking responsibility.

There is a moral breakdown occurring in this country and all of us, collectively, are at fault.

We are quick to blame the government, politicians, the NRA, the Second Amendment and guns.

We have journalists and a news media who play up tragedies instead of focusing on finding out the reasons why.  

But do we bother to blame ourselves?  Our hectic lifestyles?

And, we have not come to grips with the fact that no amount of money thrown at a problem will ultimately solve it.  Just look at the economic mess we are in.

I remember a time when I was growing up that we all sat down at the dinner table and ate dinner together while discussing the day's events.    

We went over homework and answered questions; hugged each other and said "I love you."  Listened attentively to problems, kissed boo boos and read bedtime stories.

We prayed together, stayed together as one unit, a whole, a family.

Nowadays we're all watching sky-rocketing crime rates and drug addiction, kids walking the streets with no supervision, no one taking an interest in what they are doing, where they are or who they are running with, discipline being a "no no" because those who know what's best for us and our kids have deemed it too harsh, the latest starlet who just got arrested for the umpteenth time, camping outside retail stores to ensure we're first in line to get our hands on the latest internet gadget and shopping till we drop.

No wonder we don't have time for the really important things in our lives--we've forgotten and we're not being taught these virtues anymore.

In the meantime, the country and one of its sacred institutions, the family unit, is falling apart.

Our society is on overdrive and just like the engine of a vehicle, if you do not take the time to change its oil and give it a wash every once in a while, it will ultimately stop working.

Is that where we are now?  Is that what we, as a nation, have become?

These are horrific wake up calls folks and I believe I know where they are originating from.

Just like Hashem when he was bringing the Hebrew Nation out of Egyptian bondage and  they were paying him no heed, as they selfishly pursued their headlong lust and thirst for what they decided was most important in their lives.

He ultimately got their attention by shocking their sensibilities.

We are in bondage now, in so many ways.  Just look around and within yourself.

G-d has just so much patience with a people who continue to ignore and flaunt His laws, murder innocent babes inside and outside the womb, lust after idols and publicly and privately pervert themselves on the altar  of debauchery.

Do you not see what is happening here?

He who has eyes...see; he who has ears...hear.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 15, 2012 - Bill of Rights Day

For Bill of Rights Day Recommit to Honor Your Oath and Prepare to Defend the Bill of Rights

Today, December 15 is Bill of Rights Day, the anniversary of its ratification in 1791.  Few Americans even know about it.  No doubt every Veteran's Day you pay proper respects to the men who gave their lives for our freedom, but do you pay proper respect to what they defended with their blood, sweat, and tears?

"There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights."-Marine General Smedley Butler

Listen to "Old Gimlet Eye" (as Marines fondly call General Butler). He knew what he was talking about.  Here is a man who fought all over the globe for Uncle Sam.  He was the only Marine to be awarded the Corps' Brevet Medal and TWO Medals of Honor, all for action on separate occasions.  A true warrior's warrior.  And after all that warfare, after all the combat he saw, that is what he had to say about what was worth fighting for.   Our homes, and the Bill of Rights.  He knew, and understood, that the Bill of Rights is the crown jewel of this constitutional republic, that without the Bill of Rights, there is no America, and above all else, it must be defended with our lives, our fortune, and our sacred honor.

Now there was a Marine who understood his oath (Semper F'ing Fi Marine!).  Do you understand yours?  Do you know the Bill of Rights?  Do you know the history of its clauses and why they were written?

The Bill of Rights was meant to prevent a repeat of the abuses that compelled our forefathers to take up arms.   It was meant as a shield to protect the people against tyranny, so that the sacrifices and blood shed by our forefathers would not be in vain.  When you read through each of the first ten amendments to our Constitution, reflect on that fact.  Nearly every single abuse of the rights of the Founding Generation by Parliament and King is addressed by our Bill of Rights - warrantless searches and seizures (including seizure of people); confiscation and forfeiture of property, men being compelled, by means of torture, to incriminate themselves; secret evidence, secret accusers, and denial of the ancient right to jury trial, with trial instead by a military tribunal; violations of free speech and assembly; the attempts to disarm the American people - all of those were among the "long train of abuses" which compelled the Founding Generation to finally take up arms in defense of their natural rights.

And that long train of abuses is now being repeated today, by the modern equivalent of Parliament (the den of traitorous vipers otherwise known as Congress) and "King Obama" (who received all of his illegitimate, de facto totalitarian powers from "King George" Bush before him), with the help of complicit judges who think the Constitution is merely whatever they say it is.  History is repeating itself, and you are now called upon to take your place in the endless struggle between good and evil, between liberty and tyranny.

Like General Butler, you swore an oath to defend the Bill of Rights, along with the rest of the Constitution.  But how can you keep that oath if you don't know it, and don't understand it?   Take time today to read the Bill of Rights and think about the hard lessons of history contained in it.  Reflect on the fact that the Bill of Rights is the heart and soul of this Republic, and also recommit yourself to defending it with courage, honor, and integrity, up to and including giving your life, if you must, in its defense.  Honor our fallen by studying and then resolving to defend what they too swore to defend.  Anything less is dereliction of duty.

Continue Reading and comment:

Friday, December 14, 2012

RG3 on Coming to D.C.: 'I Fear God' | CNS News

Knife-wielding man injures 22 children in China

Mind Numbing

Massacre at Sandy Hooks Elementary School, Newtown Connecticut, December 14, 2012.

My mind cannot even begin to fathom the unspeakable horror of what just happened to these innocent children.

This is not about gun control.

This is about mind control.

How do you get into the head of someone bent on committing evil?

No amount of gun laws, regulations, is going to stop someone else from going out and committing another atrocity.  

Maybe we, as a country, as a people, need to start assessing the spiritual content (or lack thereof) in what we teach our children and what is being taught in our schools and other institutions.

And some deep soul searching definitely is in order.  

House Speaker Boehner just ordered all flags lowered at the Capitol in honor of all those slain.

My prayers go out to all....

Just One Big Human Milkshake

Let's look at the world as one big whole.

No countries, no divisions, no sections.

Just one big happy family all living together under the same roof.

It sounds good but I believe the end result would be disastrous.    

I'm not talking spiritually here--there's a big difference.

I fear there are those among us right now who have made this their goal--with no thought in mind of how negatively we'd all be impacted as their only goal is one of domination.

Behind the scene players cavorting and conniving with people's money, livelihoods, language, morals, culture.  

Those who believe we need not be unique and separate individuals anymore but all blended together into some sort of human milkshake.

This is not the good and spiritual oneness I have spoken of before.  This is just the opposite.

And think about the blending process--we're all stuffed into one container with razor sharp blades whirring around.  Someone is going to get hurt.

I try to stay away from conspiracy theories, theorists.

But let's just suppose for a moment that what is happening in the United States today is not a series of calamitous accidents but by design.

We could take it one step further...let's suppose that what is happening in the mid east today is not by accident but by design.

Could these events be connected, in some way?

Could we have idiopathic leaders in the world today that were deliberately placed, at just this time, to help with heralding in dramatic change, participating as co-conspirators with the forces wreaking havoc on people's lives throughout the world?

Evil--are you upset by the use of this word and if so, why?

Is this just another word slowly being castrated from the English language because it does not conform to the ideologues of political correctness?

That maybe it's too harsh a word for people to handle and should be substituted by another, more diminutive one?    

What I see happening today is on a grand scale--we are slowly being seduced, brainwashed, reworked.

The forces at play are invisible but more and more, the carnage they produce is clearly visible.

Definition of the word "framework":  (Merriam Webster Dictionary):
                        n.a basic, supporting part or structure.

>The structure of man is a skeleton (framework).  You break the skeleton, you break the man.

>The structure of family is two parents seeing to it and taking care of their offspring.  You break the structure apart (framework), you break the family unit.  

>The structure of marriage is two people taking a sacred vow committing themselves to one another.  You assail and attack this contract (framework) and it eventually falls apart.

The patterns of our behavior (morals) started changing in the 1960s.

>Drug use was first introduced to troops serving overseas.  What was once considered wrong (drug use), inappropriate and immoral was given the green light.  Drug use among many has now become a national epidemic, resulting in another breakdown of framework (structure).

Countries have rules and laws (framework) in order to govern properly.  Of course, there are exceptions to this.  In the United States we have the U.S. Constitution which is the framework (structure) of this country.

>You choose to ignore and sidestep the existence of this governing document.  You will break the structure (framework) of the country you have targeted.  You may achieve some sort of control but chaos is not far off.

Is there or is there not a concerted effort by those today with just these goals in mind?

You be the judge.

The use of Political Correctness is a way of training people to think of, and to perceive, reality in the official way. If you think differently you are a "hater," a "racist."

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Dream

And behold, I saw four angels hovering over a great rift, across from one another.
Their heads were bent slightly downward.
One angel was facing East, and one West; one was facing North and the other South.
They were of the same height, width and breadth, wearing cream colored garments.
Their countenance, might and stature resembled columns of smooth marble.
Across their chests and extending down to their  wrists, was a mesh of fine maille.
They each wore what appeared to be a belt of some kind of woven metallic material.
As I was wondering about this, all four heads slowly raised and turned in my direction.  
I was unable to move as eight pair of unfathomably deep dark eyes focused on me.
There was an almost inaudible humming sound, as I was overtaken by a deep and penetrating gaze.
Each angel had, on its forehead, a word:
The angel facing East was Manifest.
The angel facing West was Magnify.  
The angel facing North was Multitude.
The angel facing South was Might.
Their feet, even though they were suspended in air, were hobbled and held fast by a thicket of brambles.    
Each had a long sword that was encased in an intricately detailed metal sheath.
The images on the sheath resembled Egyptian Hieroglyphics.
Their sheaths caught the glint of the sun every once in a while as it slowly made its way through the sky.
I'm unsure how much time went by as I endured their fixed gaze.
It was as if they were injecting thoughts, probing, making me think, ponder.
I suddenly found myself longing for home, thinking of my children, relatives, neighbors, and those who had gone before.
What seemed like an eternity ticked by.
Then, slowly, the darkness in their eyes retreated and they slowly turned back, facing one another.    
The rift below was full of turbulence and commotion.
Great blankets of dust and smoke wafted up from below and I could hear cries along with what sounded like water and  great waves crashing and thundering.
It was difficult and painful to comprehend what was going on.
The sun was muted and the moon was just barely discernible.
Interesting, I we have both the sun and the moon together.
As far as the eye could see there was a horizon with no vegetation; just emptiness, desolation.
The ground upon which I stood trembled now and then - it was as if something exalted was about to spring forth.
I saw an immense circular object hanging above the angels and over the giant rift.
As I strained my eyes I could make out what appeared to be a clock.
It had four sides to it with numbers on all four sides.
I could see through the clock but could not actually discern what portentous time it displayed.
There was no second hand.
It was of such beauty and magnificence that no mortal being could ever attempt its design, let alone behold it.
I marveled at this.
There were a large pair of upright wings with sharp talons attached to the bottom of each wing.  I fathomed that they were at least twenty feet in height.
One wing was attached to the left top part of the clock with its talons firmly anchored.  The other was attached to the right top of the clock.
It was as if they were holding it up and balancing it, in midair.
I swore I could hear something echoing from afar.
In spite of not understanding why I was here or even where I was, I heard these words..."the Great Hour is upon us."
Is it not true that the mind can take only so much it doesn't understand?
How was it possible that a single human being could be viewing this and actually being made aware of something like this?  Something so unimaginable, so incredulous?
More importantly, what did this all signify?
Then I knew, as these Beings were quick to answer my question.
They were instructing and in no uncertain terms I heard, in my head, "get your house in order."
I noted that they had distinctly said the word "get" instead of the word "put."
Now, I believe they did not say this to me, personally, but as if they were saying this to "all" of us.
I feel that they knew that each one of us, if we cared to heed their message, would interpret it in their own way and take the action(s) necessary.
They also knew that there would be those who would not.
Do we not live in unprecedented times?  - Is this not so?
Do we know not what tomorrow will bring?  - Is this not so?
I am just passing their message on, to all who will listen...

"Get your house in order".

Friday, December 7, 2012

A Day That Went Down in Infamy

Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 2012

Seventy-One years ago, on December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii.

America was caught with "its pants down" so to speak.

This attack was the beginning of American involvement in WWII.

The war lasted until 1945.

There are still many of us living today whose parents were involved in fighting this war.

Yet American school children attending public schools are not being taught about this war.  How and why it happened.  The countries and people involved.    

They are not being taught about sacrifice; going without; rationing; losing loved ones and victory gardens.

If we see something wrong, then isn't it within our power and isn't it our duty to try and change it for the better?

We cannot afford to let the status quo continue to get away with dictating what they think is best for the rest of us, especially our children.

There were untold amount of sacrifices made by many during this war.

The lives lost were in the millions.  The extinction of human beings - horrific.

Let us all strive together to ensure that this does not ever happen again.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Montana Courtroom Incident Proves Wild Fire Can Burn Twice

Uh Oh

To help save the economy, the Government will
announce next month that the Immigration Department will start deporting seniors (instead of illegals) in order to lower Social Security and Medicare costs.

Older people are easier to catch and will not remember how to get back home.

Well, i have to admit that I gotta give cudos to the government for once.  

At least they've finally come up with a plan to address the immigration problem, sort of....

Yearning to Be Free

Now we have the people of Egypt clamoring, openly demonstrating that they want to be free of bondage.  

They have every right to claim what the Creator freely ordained for each and every one of us on this planet.

It is our birthright.  But one that is being cruelly denied, time after time, by power-hungry tyrants .

Where is the Obama administration on the Egyptian uprising?

Why are they not defending the Egyptian people in their hour of need?

Because the Obama administration is not about anyone's rights--only about ensuring that people have no rights, as we are sorely beginning to grasp, here.

So what does it matter to the Obama administration if millions of Egyptians go the way of Syria or Lebanon or Iran?

It won't matter.  

The Obama administration may mouth the words of support to the Egyptian people
           but in backroom deals and in hushed whispers
             deals will be made in which the Egyptian people
               will ultimately be the losers.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Behold A Pale Horse

Behold A Pale Horse
soule:  this video I posted was removed due to a copyright issue.

Here is a website where you are encouraged to purchase this film.

This film is, in my opinion, exactly what is happening in America today.

For yourselves, your friends, your families, this is a MUST SEE film.

Please visit or

Distribute it to as many people as you possibly can.

This is really happening, folks.


Friday, November 30, 2012

'Santa' showers $100 bills on storm-hit NJ, NY - DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG

Save Syria Now!

Crossing the Meridian

My take on what's going on in the world today? advice is consult your Bible or, rely on your own gut instincts.

And pray like your life depended on it because it does.

We've seen upheaval before but I don't believe on such a grand scale.  There is not one part of this planet that is not confronting something dire.

Do you remember the line in a kid's chant where it says, "and we all fall down?"

My question is - will we ever get back up?

I'm now going to share some of what I feel is taking place, especially in view of the fact that we have another four years under an Obama administration - this being my first and most crucial point.

>When we had the opportunity to change direction in this country, we didn't.  We opted to continue on the same road to economic ruin and fiscal slavery.

>Now anyone in their right mind could see that this wasn't the way to go but then, we are not living in a world where people want to confront reality.    

>It appears that things have been turned upside down - what was the top is now the bottom; what was the bottom is now the top.  What was right is now wrong - what was wrong is now right.

>There are so many things out of whack that you really have to wonder if there isn't something extraordinary  taking place.

>Things are gearing up, spiritually, I believe.

Let's get back to how Obama was able to win the presidency.  This was all planned a long time ago.

Consider John McCain.  Seemed worthy enough being a former POW and all that but why on G-d's earth would you put up an old man who had already fought the good fight but didn't have it in him to fight the last and most crucial fight (as we are now finding out?)

And, why would you pick an unknown for a running mate?  Why not someone the American people knew and respected?

Things just don't add up.

I believe we are finally able to discern some things that have long been hidden because now is the time for things to be revealed.

It's like viewing a secret chess game that has been playing out for many, many years, with many players.

Many of you have heard about the New World Order and a group of well-financed, well-heeled individuals who make up a secret society that are behind all of this.

The purpose of this New World Order is to level the playing field.  Forget about success.  Everyone will be reduced down to a new form of equality.  We will be like everyone else.  There won't be any incentive to excel.  We will all be turned into nice quiet obedient little drones.

We will dress the same, talk the same and think the same and you damn well better believe that your government will ensure that you are programmed to comply.  

You can take what I just said with a grain of salt, or take it to heart.

I believe that when McCain won the Republican nomination, he knew that he was only playing the part of a temporary pawn, as he was very much in collusion with the cunning, behind the scene players.  He had a key role to play and he played it flawlessly.  He lost, Obama won.  Just what they wanted.

He was programmed to dutifully walk the walk and talk the talk.  

Things just don't add up, or do they?

I believe in Spirit.  You can call this Spirit G-d or Creator or whatever you like.  They all mean the same.

It took many, many years of agonizing experiences before Spirit revealed to me that I was an Empath.

Being an Empath can be a curse and a blessing because you are caught between two worlds of energy--the material world you live in and the spirit world wherein lies both Light and Dark.

But Light and Dark Forces can manifest in the material world and take on many forms and shapes - human, animal, demonic, angelic -- the Good, the Bad, the Ugly and they all have a role to play.

What I perceive happening right now is that a portal has opened up and Spirit is pouring forth.  It is from both realms - Light and Dark.

And that right now is the time for this to happen.

Could these times and coming events have been foreseen, ordained, by those Ancients who have gone before?  

We have heard about Armageddon (the war to end all wars) and End of Days.  The Mayan Calendar which ends on December 21, 2012 (the Winter Solstice) in which the predicted that mankind will somehow end.

To put it bluntly, I believe we have forces aligning themselves on both sides of the aisle right now -- the side of Light and the side of Dark.

For in the not too distant future, I believe that all hell is going to break loose.

It will be a battle to the finish and you and I just happen to be living during this time.

Is it not true that when peoples are confronted with seemingly insurmountable circumstances heroes and heroines are born?

And all will be tasked with making a decision.  Most of us know that which is good and right.  We also are very much aware of that which is bad and evil.

We will be asked, "which side am I on"?  "Will I stand or will I fall"?

This is where prayer, asking for wisdom to understand, the knowledge to fight with and the courage to sustain us will come into being.    

There is one last bastion of freedom on this planet and it is the United States of America.

We could go one further and say that Obama was born, babied, indoctrinated, educated and groomed for just this exact moment in time.

Or you could just say to me, "you're full of s**t", or please, "just shut the hell up".

Well I won't.  I can't.  

Because it's becoming more and more apparent that my role, right now, is to educate, advise, warn and offer guidance to all those willing to listen.  The rest is up to you.

Let me ask you:  What better way to take down a country other than to seize her assets and squander them on political cronies and failed solar companies, take the rest of what's left and make billions in payoffs to buddy banksters, nationalizing automobile companies, screwing up the housing industry, offering free goodies  (bribing) to entice people to vote for Obama, and then enslaving millions more to sign up for food stamps, thus removing the burden of responsibility from them, contributing to an already massive debt and re-distributing the burden of payment to the rest of us?

Obama the Crusher; Obama the Destroyer.

I believe we have a moral obligation not only to preserve and protect the high ideals this country was founded upon but to ourselves and the rest of the world.

For without a free America there will be no free world.  

"Which side will you choose?"

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Time for Understanding is Upon Us

Friday, November 23, 2012

Lights Went Out in America on November 6, 2012

Controversial - Yes...but what if he's on to something?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Communication Connection

The internet is fast becoming the world's nervous system.

Communication, with one keystroke, between individuals from all over the planet, is now commonplace.

Social networking has taken off and has been a major player in events taking place, worldwide.

There continues to be talk about the date, December 21, 2012 and the Mayan Calendar.

Some believe that after this date the human race will no longer exist.

I disagree.

The other day, while listening to t.v., I heard a gentleman voice his opinion that the Mayan Calendar is not about annihilation but about communication.

I couldn't agree more.

Communication with peoples from all over this planet has exploded, thanks to the Internet.

We are slowly learning just how deep corruption is in institutions and people we once thought to be iconic and held in high esteem and how we've been systematically deceived.

Just today we learn that the Pope has stated that Jesus was born earlier than thought and there were no animals present at his birth.

How extraordinary.  What else does he know that he hasn't shared with us?  And why now?

Also, why must we take what the Pope says as "gospel" truth?  There is no verification process that I know of.

Taking this one step further...why must we believe anything anyone says anymore?

Are we not free to choose between what we are told and the truth?

How many more deep dark secrets are buried deep within the Vatican's vaults of hidden from the world, esoteric knowledge?

We do know that there will be a planetary alignment taking place on December 21, 2012.  The last time this occurred was 26,000 years ago.

December 21, 2012 is the winter solstice.  The sun will almost be perfectly aligned with our Milky Way Galaxy.  What makes this so extraordinary is the information contained in the link below:

I believe we're on the cusp of something.  Something you cannot put into words but feel deep within.

I believe we're entering a new age of communication which will (and already is) bringing about epic  enlightenment and illumination.

Enlightenment that will bring us closer to the true nature of just who and what we are, as human beings, and connect us to those who continue to keep watching us from a distance.

Who knows, maybe our infrequent and out-of-sight celestial neighbors will pay us a visit that no intelligence agency, no military or government bureaucrat will be able to deny because they will be in plain sight, for all of us to see.

I believe a great communication connection is upon us.  

One that will be mind-altering in its scope as it will blow the cover off of all the deceptions and all the lies we've been repeatedly told, for thousands and thousands of years.

Monday, November 19, 2012


It is profoundly regrettable and woefully sad that the nations of the world are once again neglecting their duties as responsible bodies, preferring instead to hide in the background and in many cases, funding, aiding and abetting terrorist thugs, while Israel again goes it alone.

And a President of the United States whose only words regarding what is happening in the Mideast, as Hamas and others continue their incessant rocket attacks against Israel, as their ultimate goal is her complete annihilation, is....

                                        "We don't want to ramp up the rhetoric."

What the hell does that mean?  Shouldn't you say some thing in defense of a country who hasn't/doesn't/didn't provoke these latest attacks but is only retaliating in order to protect her country and her people?  

But no, you just keep flying the friendly skies (you're in Asia now, aren't you?) and skirting your responsibilities as President again...just like you did in Benghazi.

As President you need to say something.  I'll see if I can offer some help.

It is very apparent (to me, anyway) that you do not have a firm grasp on this dire situation that could spiral out of control at any moment.

And are you aware, Mr. President, that if it will not be Israel's fault.  Why does the world continue to blame Israel for the continued violence directed at her?

First of all, Mr. President, do you realize that if you say nothing, or if your remarks are so full of gibberish or non-answers, or (all of the above) that you are directly providing aid and comfort to those responsible for launching the attacks?  Okay, I'm glad you understand this part.  So, this is what you need to say:











Barack Obama.

Well, Mr. President, what do you think?  I'm waiting.for your response.

p.s. And I didn't even use a teleprompter....


"We Americans got so tired of being thought of as dumb asses by the rest of the world that we went to the polls this November and removed all doubt."  

Friday, November 16, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012


To the Men and Women of our Armed Forces; To the Producers and Job Creators--the Manufacturers, Small Business Owners, Farmers and Ranchers, Investors and Risk-Takers, and the rest of the hard working Americans who play by the rules...Please accept my sincere apologies for the general election results of November 6, 2012.    

To my Dad, a veteran of WWII, the Korean War and Vietnam, to my Mom who built Liberty Ships during WWII and raised three daughters while Dad was away, understand that your daughter will continue to remember and honor your sacrifices.  

To the men who stand watch and guard The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, 365/7, in rain, sleet, snow and ice.

I honor you, I salute you.

To the President of the United States and the Democratic Party, and to those who cast their vote to elect Barack Hussein Obama to another four years, in spite of his failed and miserable record, I have just three words for you...YOU OWN IT.

Under this administration our debt has spiraled out of control, our Libyan Ambassador and three others were just ruthlessly slain, yet this President remains mum.

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, continues to make speeches as if she were on Prozac. - So it's Damn the People of the United States for we're not releasing the facts, nor the details of this dismal failure by the President of the United States, and others.

And, Damn the families of the Fallen.

Under this administration we had the Fast and Furious Debacle spearheaded by the Department of Justice in which guns were willingly made available to Mexican Drug Cartels (in order that our guys would know where the bad guys were, at least this is what we are told) resulting in the death of an American Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry.

And yet this administration has made no demands on the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, to come clean, so he continues to take cover and willfully obstructs and obfuscates anyone as to the details of this sorry matter.  He doesn't even have the guts to take responsibility. - Damn the family of the slain.

Under this administration gas has risen from $1.78 just over four years ago to over $4.00 and higher in other places.  Food prices are also going up.  

Under this administration we are considering Sequestration, a process which will cut into our defense budget and savage our military personnel, thus reducing our ability to be able to defend ourselves, let alone any one else.

In addition, George Soros' Think Tank has weighed in, recommending that in order to save money, that military benefits be decreased.  Who gave Soros the right to dictate anything concerning this country?  -


Under this administration we had $787 Billion in stimulus money squandered on political cronies and failed solar companies, yet this administration shows no remorse nor shoulders any responsibility for where it   went nor who should be held accountable.  Contemptible.    

Under this administration we had a housing meltdown in which untold millions of Americans lost their homes, their savings, their livelihoods, many of them needlessly.

Twenty-three million Americans still cannot find work.- Unconscionable.

Under this administration we had an unconstitutional, unpopular Health Care Bill shoved down our throats which will not reduce the amount we pay for health insurance but only increase it.

Under this administration we increased the number of Americans on food stamps to 47%.

Side Note:  If you Liberals want me to throw some Republicans under the bus in order to make you feel better, thus assuaging any guilt you may have, as you slowly come to grips with the damage you've done,  you can just forget it.

Because now, YOU OWN IT.

You own it all:

You own the paralysis that is coming, the mess that is coming; the uncertainty; the higher taxes resulting in reduced income for all of us, making it harder to pay for livestock feed or medical bills or pay for simple goods and services; the continued layoff of employees because businesses both large and small still don't have a clue as to how much they will owe in taxes or in health benefits; the resulting economic devastation; the crippling economic collapse.

And all this will happen on your watch.

It is curious to see a sign along Main Street with big bold letters declaring, "SAVE RURAL AMERICA -VOTE DEMOCRATIC".

Answer me, "what have Democrats done for your small town?"  

Whenever I drive around, all I see are crumbling streets and crumbling infrastructure, no new businesses and no new growth.  And it appears that this is not going to change.  "Am I wrong"?  

The Democratic Party continues to pander to special interest groups and people's basest instincts, promising handouts instead of a hand up; literally enslaving certain groups of people by pimping for their votes - bribing them with amnesty and welfare checks and other goodies, all the while ignoring the laws of the land; robbing individuals of their G-d given right to life, liberty and the right to be free of government intrusion because years of lies and debasement by government have reduced people into accepting lives of poverty and no hope, stripping them of their dignity and any resolve they once had; pitting this group against that group; lying and obstructing; flaunting their offices; ridiculing our military and hurling insults at those who disagree with them.



Wednesday, November 7, 2012

We Are All G-ds

There are different levels of understanding and illumination.

Some people are very aware of subtle things happening, while others are unable to pick up on them.   

I am sensing a new cycle beginning in which the same past events and the same people have shaped our lives and our world before, and this cycle is happening all over again.

It is repetition and nothing new--just how the universe works.

If you sit quietly, with no distraction, and listen to the sounds and the silence all around you, whether it be during the day or in the evening, you will grasp a little of what I am trying to describe.

You will begin to sense a loving, harmonic vibration that continuously winds around us and through us and throughout the cosmos like a silken ribbon.    

The trouble is, we're too busy to even notice it.

In order for us to get through this thing called Life we must learn some things and most of the time it's the hard way.  Why is that?

If you are experiencing anxiety about the future, questioning the acts of others, feeling angry or perplexed or confused as to which path to take now, I urge you to take a few moments out of your day, whether you're at work, on the road, or at home and connect with the G-d Force within you.

Partake of its life-giving nectar.

Now, more than ever before, I believe events which have just transpired and those near on the horizon, are telling us there is more than just living out lives that have no worth.  There is some sort of connection taking place.

Now, more than ever before, I believe the Cosmos and the G-d Force within each of us is gently nudging us toward a new direction.

This G-d Force is communicating with us through beautiful imagery such as crop circles, music, enlightened leaders such as the Dali Llama, meditation and prayer.

Yes, there are those who will refuse to hear and stubbornly insist on continuing to engorge their already swollen egos.

This is Ying and Yang.  The momentum of the universe as it swings gently back and forth, as error is committed and the correction made.

None of us are alone in our struggles here.  There are those who are here to help.

They are knocking but we must answer.

Take the first step:  Promise yourself you're going to take time to connect with this vibration.  Then set aside the time to do it.

Understand that there are unseen forces out there much larger than you or I could ever imagine.

They are not bad.  They are good.

They and we are parts of one another.

We are their celestial fragments.

They are here to help.  But the first step is up to you.

Outcome of Presidential Election, November 6, 2012

Ecclesiastes 1:9

That which hath been is that which shall be, and that which hath been done is that which shall be done; and there is nothing new under the sun.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Get Motivated

Letter Re: Self-Reliance Versus Governmental Reliance Mindsets
Stories like these only help to illustrate the wide range of problems that come to the surface when the thin veneer of society is striped off due to an event like Superstorm Sandy.  The compression of people in high density population centers like metropolitan New York etc, is just asking for chaos and confusion when their normally well organized and managed structure of life is quickly changed for the worse. Our world is now comprised of what is known as the inverted technology pyramid.  When one side is  weakened in can quickly topple over and leave the entire structure out of commission.   This weather event is a wake up call for those nodding in and out between slumber and full consciousness.  If you have not figured it out by now, now is the time to wake up and realize the full potential for the absolute horror that can present itself from a major calamity or event unknown.  Luckily, this is an isolated event in one part of the nation.  What if it were an event that somehow involved our entire nation or hemisphere- then what?
Those who snooze lose!  If you are sitting on the fence about the concept of committing to  personal preparedness, now would be an excellent time to make your decision one way or the other.  If you will study human nature you can see that most of it is completely predictable.  One example is the New York woman who appears on a television report. She is  well dressed in a high rent district demanding that the Mayor visit her part of town.  What pray tell is he supposed to do for her I ask.  Pass a law, spread magic pixie dust around, or pat her on the head like some abused puppy? Our society has for the most part become so completely dependent upon "someone else fixing our problems" that people like this stand the best chance of extinction.  Being prepared....

Saturday, November 3, 2012


How much in taxes do you pay?  Have you ever sat down and actually come up with a total?

From sales taxes to county taxes; to federal taxes to state taxes; to property taxes to excise taxes to taxes that leave me scratching my head as I have no idea what they are for nor where they originated from--just take a  look at your phone bill.

There is a big mouth out there and getting bigger.  Pretty soon we'll all be swallowed up.

Have we ever considered there is one entitlement out there that no one talks about and maybe we should.

One that  should be elevated to the top of the list?

That entitlement is the federal government.

It believes it has a right to mess with what you believe in, create more federal agencies that aren't needed and go nowhere, issue regulations that do nothing other than strangle job creation and free enterprise, dictate what your kids will have for lunch, and siphon off billions of dollars of your hard earned money that are then wasted on companies that go bankrupt.

The only ones benefitting from this are those who continue to create the rules and regulations as this effort ensures their job security.

But what about ours?    

Both parties are at fault for this break, this deplorable breach with the people.

There is no one party that is holier than thou.  

They both need to be closely watched By The People and occasionally, reined in.  

From taxation to regulation, the beat goes on.

What is the purpose of the federal government?  According to the Constitution it is to provide for the common good; for the country's defense and regulate commerce.  Nothing else.

Yet the federal government continues to broaden its outreach as it harrasses and harangues citizens who  resist efforts by those agencies using intimidation and coercion in order to get all of us to fall into line and eventually comply with questionable measures and unsafe practices all in the guise of keeping us safe.

What just happened on the East Coast?  The S**T HIT THE FAN.

And her name was Sandy -- SSANDYHTF.

Another great example of the federal government, with all its massive resources, all its agencies, a huge federal workforce and still incapable of getting help to the people in need, when they need it.

The federal government wants, they take, but they don't deliver.  

It's like a one-night stand.

You both circle around with interest, sizing each other up.  Good bet, bad bet?  Your antennae is on full alert as you lick your chops, this can't be happening, you didn't even order takeout, it just showed up.  How lucky can you get?  You know you can't let this opportunity go by.  You seize the moment.      

Finally, the deed is done.  And it appears it was just another easy conquest.

You're looking at your belt to see if there's room for one more notch.

You're feeling on top of the world.  No cares, just fond memories of what happened last night.  

You're on cloud nine until you check your mail box.  You rip open the envelope with an icon of Uncle Sam pasted in the right hand corner.  The bill is enormous.  

You now know that you've been had (no pun intended).

This is the federal government--pimping for every penny, every soul it can suck the life breath out of in order to satisfy its gargantuan, bloated appetite for more and more and more.

The federal government ain't got no respect.

It will wine you and dine you, tell you whatever you want to hear, will never commit to a meaningful relationship other than take away what is yours and will continue to promise whatever it is you wish for and then, like the proverbial whistle blower fed up with corruption, quickly distance itself  from you and eventually deny it knew anything.

Just like that one night stand.

But only one party really got what it wanted...and you?

All you ended up with was this lousy medical condition and another frickin bill.



Friday, November 2, 2012

Reid says he can't work with Romney - Washington Times

Reid says he can't work with Romney - Washington Times
soule:  it takes two to tango, Mr. Reid.  it also takes a willingness to work together, for the good of the country and the well-being of the people.  

this article clearly shows who the obstructionists are in Washington, D.C.

you've made the top of the list.

Nonunion Ala. crews turned away from Sandy recovery - WAFF-TV: News, Weather and Sports for Huntsville, AL

Monday, October 29, 2012

Liar in Chief

What is a human life worth?  Apparently not much when we witness the savagery, the brutality happening around the globe.

What is a human life worth?  Apparently not much when we witness the unspeakable act of partial-birth abortion as Doctors rip apart a full-term tiny baby.  

When you finally wrap your brain around the fact that human beings, and no other life form, are capable of the most unmerciful, the most horrendous, the most ingenious, the most cruel acts against one another, does this not give one pause to wonder why on earth we are even here?  Why on earth we even continue to exist?  Why on earth are we even allowed to exist?  

I am speaking as if something or someone is in charge of our actions, our evolution.

Maybe there is, maybe there isn't.  But it is very apparent to me that we are on the wrong path.  And one we've been on for thousands of years.  It doesn't change.  It just gets worse.

Could it be because we are so isolated from one another?  So many different cultures, so many different people, so many different opinions.

If we were all thrown into a mixing bowl what would be the outcome?  Would we all be melded together, as one?  Would this stop all the bickering, all the butchering, all the massacres, all the blood letting, all the hatred, all the ugliness that is so much a part of the human makeup?

I digress now to the horrific events that took the lives of four Americans on Sept. 11, 2012, in Benghazi, Libya.  What happened to my countrymen has had a deep and profound effect on me.  Not the barbaric act  itself but the callousness, the dismissive attitude of many, the political flatulence from individuals, in high places, who let these four men down.

Is it that the political elite think that the peasants have no eyes?  That we cannot reason?  That we are stupidly incapable of seeing through their murky veil of deception and lies?

There are no words to describe the scar that has been branded on my heart and on my soul, from what happened--the depth of sadness I feel for these four men and their families and others wounded during this attack, as we witnessed the President of the United States abandoning these four men in their time of need.

I have no hatred for those responsible for murdering these four Americans.

I have no hatred for the President of the United States for continuing to refuse to answer where he was and what he was doing, during this attack.

I have no hatred for the President of the United States as he continues to deflect and defer to some other nonsensical topic(s), after being asked pointed questions about where he was during this event.

I have no hatred for the President of the United States even as facts are slowly coming to light that pinpoint his exact whereabouts in a situation room, watching in real time as four Americans were pleading for help while they and our consulate were overrun by terrorists.

And the President did nothing to help.  

It is obvious that the President does not want to jeopardize his chances at winning re-election by revealing the facts.  

But how can you trust a President with four more years when he's obviously trying to hide the truth of such a horrific event from the American people?

How can you bring yourself to vote for someone who just broke faith with the American people by refusing (for whatever reason) to answer the questions being asked, providing he help necessary to prevent the needless murder of four Americans and the sacking of our consulate?

Obama abdicated his sworn oath, as President of the United States, to protecting these four men as we watched in horror as they were needlessly sacrificed on the altar of Islam.

What is a human life worth?   Ask Obama.

I have a sad and heavy heart that many Americans are not able to see what I see and will still cast a vote for someone in November who has betrayed not only the office he holds but the sworn oath he took back in 2008.

That oath was to protect and defend American citizens and the Constitution of the United States.

What happened in Benghazi, Libya was Dereliction of Duty, by the President of the United States, of the highest order.

And, this, above all else, even the dismal way in which Obama has handled the economy, will, in my eyes, be Obama's legacy:

A failed President, and a Liar in Chief.  
