Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I try and squeeze in meditation on a regular basis but with my busy schedule sometimes I miss the mark.    However, every once in a while a thought manages to come through, from my spirit guides.  I usually sleep with a pad of paper and pencil by my bed so I can catch the message(s) while they are still fresh in my mind.  This morning I awoke with a warm and comforting feeling as I was actually able to see (visualize) a lovely intricate pattern that encompassed the entire earth.  Think of something that was crocheted say a doilie or cross-stitching or visualize a spider's lacy cobweb.  Many fragile, delicate little strands of some material woven together to form a whole.  This image I had definitely had to do with relationships because the word "relationships" came through loud and clear.  Do we realize how precious and how very fragile they are?  All too often we treat them poorly, neglecting them and taking them for granted.  Relationships, whether they be with a husband, wife, daughter, son, friend, co-worker, or an in-law are sometimes thrust upon us or we are able to choose them.  There are other relationships...a boss with employees; the CEO of a big corporation and his share-holders; the government and its relationship with the people.
But this condition of relating to each other is a just a small part of a much larger picture.  This life we were given, even though we are mostly incapable of  comprehending it in on a spiritual basis, is just repetition, repetition, repetition, the same old routine, day after day after day.  But when you look at it under the microscope you find that is much more....a vast  network of tiny little ongoing things that subtly continue to happen.  This miraculous and curious on-going process of life, is like a vast crocheted network encompassing the whole earth.  It's like a net that is over everything.  The very words we use and how we use them, whether harsh or cruel or soft and sweet have an impact not only on the ones being subjected to them, but to our own selves as well.  This also includes the entire planet as a whole.  I am one who believes it might be wise to comprehend the theory put forth by some one (whom I can't remember) that if a butterfly flaps her wings in a jungle, far away, the very act of moving its wings will affect someone eating a Pastrami Sandwich in New York.  Sound far-fetched?  Maybe, maybe not.   What I am trying to say is that our very state of being alive, our very existence and being able to interact with others is a gift of utmost importance.  Obviously there are those who could care less about this gift as they continue their incessant thirst for bloodlust.  There are those who refuse to look behind the curtain to see what lies on the other side.  They have made up their minds that they will not change, do not have to change, but you do.  Even though it would be nice to dwell in never-never land and believe that they will, well, I just don't think it will happen anytime soon unless something out of the ordinary occurs.  We need to think before we open our mouths, as to how we will affect the person or persons we are communicating with.  We need more civility, tolerance, compassion,  patience and faith.  We are all becoming entangled and transfixed with everything happening in the world right now.  But that doesn't mean we have to follow their lead.  The next time we would like to shout at someone and say something hurtful, try to remember these words...a Source bigger than all of us created us and it is up to us to either help our fellow along his life journey or allow ourself to become an   obstacle to him.  We have a choice.  There is something invaluable in being able to communicate in a loving and meaningful manner with others.  It takes discipline and commitment to forget yourself and think of someone else first, e.g., taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk with your son and daughter while on the way to a baseball game.  Cuddling and cooing with an infant.  Actually sitting down at the dinner table with your family to talk about the day's events without the t.v. blaring in the background or the cell phone continually ringing.  We have too many distractions getting in the way of starting and nuturing  relationships.   There is so much going on today to divide our attention from what is important.  A simple thank you is sometimes all it takes.   So stop, listen, breathe in... exhale and slow down.  Every single waking moment is a gift from above.  Make note of what is important in your life.  Relationships, we can take them for granted or treat them with care.  Relationships...they come in all shapes and sizes.  This  is what the Source intended...meanful communication is all important for a good relationship and that includes with Him.  Picture that lovely gossamer butterfly, hovering in place, just waiting for one more human to receive this message.   And right now I believe I can smell that Pastrami Sandwich in that New York Deli.  Wonder if I can remember where I put that number?  I know it's around here some where.  And for the lovely Butterfly, why she's all aglow now as she's done her job.  There she goes, gracefully fluttering off toward that lovely white fragrant flower while I'm reachin for the phone book. 

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