Friday, November 22, 2013

The American People Should Exercise "Their Own Nuclear Option" Come November

Apparently Harry Reid, Senator, NV has been considering this option for some time.  In an extraordinary move to curb the minority party from exercising its right to filibuster, Reid, with the help of 50 Senators all but castrated the Republican Party's ability to function by implementing The Nuclear Option.  Now, while this may or may not be unconstitutional (it is unclear to me anyway) what Reid just pulled off is, in my opinion, tantamount to seizing power (maybe even abuse of power) so that one branch of government will have little opposition (The Senate) when it comes to railroading through their judicial nominees.  Gee, will the Republicans ever get a clue as to who they're dealing with here?  In other words, when are you guys going to show some balls?  Maybe if the Republicans had worked together instead of bashing the Tea Party over the head, this wouldn't have happened.  This could also be a sign of weakness in the Democratic Party.  And another way to switch all the furor and focus off of ObamaScare.  Both parties in the past have threatened to use this little known piece of procedural oneupsmanship.    At this point it is unclear what the Republicans will do.  Harry Reid never impressed me.  But one thing he just solidified for me is the fact that Reid and the Democrats will do whatever they feel necessary (whether it borders on criminality or not) to shove their socialist crap down our throats.  I'm neither for or against Republicans and Democrats.  It is obvious that both parties have been in office way too long, are too firmly entrenched in politricks, and have forgotten that they were elected to do the will of the people.  They mouth the Constitution but continually trample all over it.  Just remember, Dirty Harry, the American people are keeping score. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I am tired of being lied too
I am tired of being manipulated
I am tired of being used
I am tired of supporting a system
  That only takes and does not give back
I am tired of politicians
  Who only know how to use people
People are Important
People are what make the world turn
People get assholes elected
And then those same assholes turn on them
Obama, Schumer, Boehner, Reid and Pelosi
  and all you others
You know Who You Are
You have let me down along
   With millions of others
You have no soul
You have no mercy
You are soulless
You are evil
You will do what you must do
  to keep your power, to protect your asses along with
Your assets in the time allotted
But after that allotted time,
  Watch out
The people do not forget
Yes, they do forgive
   but only because they have compassion
Something you all know nothing about
   There is coming a flash point
  In which God fearing Men and Women
   Will, altogether, come together
And declare an End to The Games

Soule:  Don't know how long this will stay up but posted it anyway because people have a RIGHT TO KNOW.  Just google terrorist training camps in the USA. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Do you believe in ETs?  Do you believe that some of them are walking amongst us?  Do you believe that some of them have infiltrated government, corporations, and major institutions?--that some of them have actually formed partnerships with governments?  Most of us have heard of Area 51 but  most of us really don't have anything concrete to go on as far as what happens there.  This is going to sound way out but I'm going to post it anyway.  Even though the Thought Police abound, I am still able to think and express my feelings and thoughts.  What if, what if, Area 51 contains alien beings?  Thus the reason for all the secrecy.  Not the fuzzy little aliens we've come to love and accept (The Greys) but other sinister ones with a diabolical agenda?  Maybe at some point in the very near future, these beings will be unleashed to discharge a government sanction (on us).   Is there a group of benevolent aliens who are able and willing to stop this?   Much speculation abounds about the DHS buying up millions of rounds of ammo, MRAPS and training a civilian security force.  For what purpose?  We're all being spoon fed information that it's because of an eventual economic collapse.  Maybe it's really because of something else all together, something they are very well aware of and we aren't.  Maybe they really are in cahoots with forces we can only begin to imagine.  If you don't like what I post, don't read it.  In either case, I believe this is something worth considering.  What if, what if, I am right? 

Got Paxil?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Chinese Chicken

Friday, November 15, 2013

A Secret Security Force Hidden Within Obamacare?
Soule:  How much more information do the American People need in order to realize we don't have a President, we have something much, much worse. 

Phillipines Relief Effort

2014 Is Going to be a Rough Year for America

Send Out the Clowns

Thursday, November 14, 2013


President Obama had the audacity to show his face on national t.v., today, November 14, and announced he would make a change to Obamacare only (we now find out) because he was pressured by Democrats who are worried that his "signature" health care monstrosity will affect their reelection chances.  Duh.  They're scared stiff that people will remember their names.  I certainly hope so.  Let's see if I can help out here in this regard *  Obama, if he really had a heart, could have made changes to this hapless piece of legislation weeks ago when people all over the country were suffering sticker shock as they received their new premium and cancellation notices.  

New Obama Slogan:  "Politics trump People"

In the interest of all those who are on the receiving end of this piece of crap, here posted for your blogging experience are the names of all the Democrats who voted FOR Obamacare:  (If I inadvertently left out any Republicans who are complicit, you may visit the website listed below for their additional information.)         

Remember all of them when you go to the polls next time.


Alexander (R-TN)
Ayotte (R-NH)
Baldwin (D-WI)
Barrasso (R-WY)
Baucus (D-MT)
Begich (D-AK)
Bennet (D-CO)
Blumenthal (D-CT)
Blunt (R-MO)
Boozman (R-AR)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Burr (R-NC)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Chiesa (R-NJ)
Coats (R-IN)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Collins (R-ME)
Coons (D-DE)
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Donnelly (D-IN)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Franken (D-MN)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Graham (R-SC)
Hagan (D-NC)
Harkin (D-IA)
Heinrich (D-NM)
Heitkamp (D-ND)
Hirono (D-HI)
Hoeven (R-ND)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johanns (R-NE)
Johnson (D-SD)
Johnson (R-WI)
Kaine (D-VA)
King (I-ME)
Kirk (R-IL)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Manchin (D-WV)
Markey (D-MA)
McCain (R-AZ)
McCaskill (D-MO)
McConnell (R-KY)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Merkley (D-OR)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Murphy (D-CT)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Pryor (D-AR)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schatz (D-HI)
Schumer (D-NY)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Tester (D-MT)
Thune (R-SD)
Udall (D-CO)
Udall (D-NM)
Warner (D-VA)
Warren (D-MA)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wicker (R-MS)
Wyden (D-OR)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


The Tea Party

Common Sense is Dead
Soule:  I love you man!


I assert that Congress has lost all credibility.  Congress, by their very act of misrepresenting themselves to us, is no longer needed.  They have violated their Oath of Office to uphold and defend the Constitution.  They have trampled and trashed the boundaries imposed upon them by this document.  In turn, they have willingly turned their backs on the American people.  I assert that Congress has exceeded its track record of manipulating and lying to us.  I assert that both parties, spearheaded by the President of the United States, are willing participants in a dangerous game with the American people, using them as pawns.  I refer to this game as "Bloodsport."  I assert that Congress is a bunch of lackeys, a bunch of criminals who continue to hide behind their real motives and intentions.  We are now finding out and painfully so, that because of their insatiable quest for power and control, irreparable damage has and is being done to the American people and their country.  It is frightfully obvious, by now, that Congress will pursue their dangerous agenda of taking down a country.  The fallout from their insidious agenda is known as collateral damage---aka, The American People.    It doesn't matter to these shills if you lose your health care, your job, your retirement savings or your mind.  They are waging a psychological battle upon the American people.  For years we've been lied to.  At one point it may be argued that one side was more passionate about representing those who elected them.   This is not the case anymore.  I assert that Congress needs to be fired.  They need to be kicked out and into the street.  Let them find a job; let them deal with this maniacal piece of torbid shit which some lunatic dubbed The Affordable Care Act.  And let's start with President Obama.  I assert  that this current president and his policies are unravelling for all to see.  It's taken five years for Obama to expose himself.  And it ain't a pretty picture.  I believe the American people are finally catching on.  (what a relief).  I assert that Obama be removed from office immediately for crimes against the American People.  However, remember one thing--dangerous people do dangerous things when they've been exposed and they feel their backs are against the wall.  To the American People I say, STAND YOUR GROUND.     

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Get Rid of Eric Holder

Their Political Asses are More Important Than the American People
Soule:  Then why didn't you stop it, you pathetic bunch of liars.   

Monday, November 11, 2013

School Policy Trumps Lives

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Devastation in the Phillipines

My prayers are with the Phillipine People after Typhoon Haiyan devastated their country.  The death toll is at 10,000 souls.     

The ACA - We Were Pissed On, Now We're Pissed Off
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say the federal government owes you health care.   We were doing just fine leaving it to the private sector.  The Affordable Care Act (ACA) just another blatant example of an in your face power grab by left wing ideologues.   

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Dire Information Re Plant No. 4 - The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Disaster

Say It Isn't So!

It's Crumbling

Totalitarianism by Stealth

How to Spot a Nut Job

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Dark Side of the Moon

Many of you are unfamiliar with the history of the former Soviet Union and forced labor camps.   These labor camps came to be known as gulags as the result of political repression.  The name Gulag was the government agency that administered these forced labor camps during the Stalin era.  Many of those sentenced to these camps were convicted by NKVD troika.

According to  NKVD troika or Special troika were institutional commissions of three persons who issued sentences to people without trial[citation needed]. These commissions were employed as an instrument of extrajudicial punishment introduced to supplement the Soviet legal system with a means for quick execution or imprisonment.[1] It began as an institution of the Cheka, then later became prominent again in the NKVD, when it was used during the Great Purge.

Many of those imprisoned included petty thieves along with political and religious dissenters.

The first of these labor camps was established during the Stalin era, right after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1918.

Suffice it to say that many thousands if not millions perished under Stalin's brutal hand.  
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Literature, coined the phrase "gulag" and wrote a book in 1973 that I urge you to read, entitled, "The Gulag Archipelago".  These gulags were likened to death camps as those imprisoned were worked up until their deaths. 
could what happened there, happen here?   


David Horowitz Reveals Where We're Really Headed with Obamacare

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Remember, Remember


There are those who still don't get it (or just plain DON'T want to get it)  those people who continue to turn their heads away, refusing to believe the lengths this president will go to to promote his agenda of control, destruction and death.  There are those in Congress, on both sides, who see nothing wrong with Obama's agenda because they agree with it and wholeheartedly support it, thus continuing to offer their aid.  What Obama is doing is Treasonous.  And I contend that the likes of Harry Reid, in blocking vital Senate legislation and continuing to cover for Obama, thus allowing Obama to continue his destruction, is just as accountable as Obama for the damage being done to this country and the American People.  Since when is one party so emboldened and so powerful in the misguided belief that they have absolute authority to wield their totalitarian ideology over the rest of us?  We now have a number of miscreants in charge of this country.  And sadly Obama's agenda is  "their" agenda.  This is one reason you cannot trust your own government anymore.  Who can you turn to?  How many Democrats are avowed Communists or Communists, in hiding?  How many Republicans?  How many of our elected officials have sold their souls to the devil?  A leader of a country along with his supporters have the people's fate in their hands.  Are we just learning this to be true?  When a people just don't care anymore about the direction their country is headed, if they are too interested in signing up for handout after handout, if they've lost their dignity, their pride, their moral compass, if they are so terribly misinformed/uninformed or so stoned out of their minds that all they care about is their next drink, their next snort or their next injection, the country is in deep, deep trouble.  What a president  proposes, what a president executes into law, will have an impact on your life.  Can we not see that with the laughable (if it weren't so damn serious, so wholly damaging) Affordable Care Act?  We can expect both positive and negative results from the decisions a president makes but with Obama, the reckless, dangerous and negative impact has far exceeded anything any of us could have possibly imagined.    Would you agree?  How was it that Obama managed to gain the traction, the leverage, the foothold and the following in the first place in order to dupe the American people into thinking that he was some sort of god?  Was this all part of a horrible scheme that that is slowly coming to light?  At this time it remains a mystery but let's just say I believe there were and are dark forces at work here.  We can't have a country remain free with liberty and justice for all now, can we?  Those tyrannical ideologues who believe in the illusion of fairness along with excoriating their adversaries and exercising the brutal power necessary to institute it, via any means necessary, will continue to push for and punish those who disagree with them as they gleefully engage in the deconstruction of anything worthwhile.   They have devised a hit list and at the top of that hit list are The American People.  Do you honestly think that they will stop at nothing in order to see to it that their pervasive and evil agenda succeeds?  Do you, for one moment, think that they will not, would not, resort to even violence and mayhem to achieve their ends?  Make no mistake--they will use everything (and everyone) at their disposal.  Would you agree that Time is of the essence?  If we want to remain a free country and a free people and continue to enjoy the liberties won for us by the Framers, then we need to unite as One People in Our Resolve to Stop Obama and His Minions Before They Can Do Anymore Damage.  How many of us will now start to demand that Obama step down and step down, immediately?  May the American People humble themselves before a Just God.  May this Just God, In His Infinite Wisdom, See Our Contrition.  May He Hear Our Cries For Help and Reach Out to Us in Our Hour of Need.  God Save the American People and This Great Country, The United States of America.  Divided We Fall but United We Stand.     

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I Got Mine

Ex Secret Service Agent - It's Worse Than You Think

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

ANON - The Story Behind the Mask

Who's to Blame?

Monday, November 4, 2013

November 5, 2013 - Anonymous Million Mask March

Ain't it the Truth?


Barack  Hussein Insane Obama -- People don't like being lied to.  And I agree with Clint Eastwood, "Obama is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."   As I stated in a previous post, my feeling is that Obama Care is the beginning of the end for Obama and his legion of supporters.  When a tyrant starts to lose his base of support, because he is no longer deemed to be an important cog in their wheel of deception, then his house of cards will start to crumble.  They will turn on their own and hungrily devour them.  You are now seeing this happening.  Obama don't know it yet but he's ignited a Baracklash that's going to go down in history.  We're now seeing the real Obama--and the Emperor ain't got no clothes.  The grumblings of resentment, rage and anger starting to boil over, because millions of Americans now know that their president lied to them regarding their health care is the beginning of the end of Obama.  It don't matter if you be Blue Collar or White Collar, Black, White or Tan.  Duh End is Comin For Da Man.  One thing to keep in mind, however.  A tyrant does not change his spots, willingly.  A tyrant will do anything he can to keep his hold over the people and remain in power.  But this Hoaxter in Chief has forgotten one thing.  This is a country By the People and For the People.  Time to take it back.       

One Nation Under Allah

Edward Snowden - A Manifesto for the Truth

Nope, You Got it Wrong - It's The First Commie, Lyin MUSLIM Liberal Bastard President

Maniacal Ain't the Word

Sunday, November 3, 2013

And the Losers Are?

The Ring

Educate Yourselves

Did Juan Williams, Fox News, Sign Up for Obama Care?

To Juan Williams of Fox News, shut the hell up.  I listened to some of what you said yesterday, 11/2/13, in defense of your President as you leveled part of the blame for the embarrassingly and woeful launch of Obama Care to the thirty or so state governors who decided (and in my particular state this decision was made by the voters) to let the federal government set up and handle their own exchanges.  They wanted no part of them.  I say, cudos to those governors and the voters.  To Fox News I am tired of your "fair and balanced" approach to the point of throwing up.  I am tired of hearing those on the left being given an opportunity on your cable news network to continue to offend me, my family, my country, my common sense and my decency.  Your insistence that you maintain a fair and balanced commentary is commendable but not to the point where a spokes person can get away with making statements such as Mr. Williams did yesterday.  I take extreme offense.  Because of your president, Mr. Williams, this country is now spiraling out of control.  And your flagrant, inane continued support for a Democratic Party gone mad, led by a president who should be in prison, has now put my family's health care in jeopardy along with my country, small business, doctors, my happiness and well-being.  You, along with your dear leader, have successfully undermined and dealt a fatal blow to one of the greatest health care systems on this planet.  And yet you continue to open your mouth in support of one of the most insidious presidents I have ever witnessed.  You are an accomplice to murder Mr. Williams.  Murdering a country.   And that goes for the rest of you liberal bastards.  And to those of you who voted for Obama I don't feel one bit sorry for you.  You got what you voted for.  Who I do feel sorry for are all those who are now beginning to suffer and pay for your mistake in 2008.  And by the way, Mr. Williams, did you sign up for Obama Care?  I'd very much like an answer to this one.  You make me puke.

You Wanted Slavery - You Got It!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Four Turnings
Soule:  permission granted to post this link...


Friday, November 1, 2013

Purging the Military

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Commandos Made it to Benghazi

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Marriage Tax

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

An Overlord on Overdrive

Well, we wanted a third party didn't we? How about The "IN YOUR FACE PARTY?" 

The Bungler has done it again.  I'm beginning to think that our President isn't at fault for the mess we're seeing with his signature piece of legislation, The Affordable Care Act, because da man has dun left da planet.  

How on earth do you arrive at the name, THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT, that is anything but?

That is costing millions in taxpayer dollars to implement, now starting to negatively affect people's health, killing jobs, sending Doctors running for cover, raising everyone's rates and just plain making life miserable in general?

Worse yet, why wasn't this stopped?  Are we so far gone as a nation, as a people, that we don't have anyone willing to stand up for us anymore?

And why would anyone in their right mind (doesn't this give one pause?) smugly attribute their signature to something so Orwellian and then have the balls to shove it down our throats?

Maybe we need to rethink just what who and what we are.  What it is to be an American because when you just roll over and play dead, then maybe you are.

Mr. Obama is fond of all the power he amassed that was willingly handed over to him by a group of people in 08 and 12 that must have been stoned out of their friggin minds.

Mr. Obama lives the good life:  Playing golf, eating out at only the finest, throwing lavish dinner parties while continuing to tax people into oblivion.  

Sounds like a good little Lefty to me.  

Mr. Obama ain't one of us.  Hell, he wasn't even born here and he's so far removed from this country's principles and the document that founded her, that I'm throwing up (again).    

Barack be an Overlord on Overdrive, weaving in and out of consciousness. 

Conscious when he want to be and unconscious when it suits his purpose.

How is it that Obama can walk away, unscathed, while others continue to take the fall for his inept handling of everything? 

Because Mr. Obama has a mental problem and he's in denial, along with the same like-minded psychopaths, in tow.  Obama is propped up by his minions so he can continue to act out his fantasies and at our expense.   

I mean, c'mon, it don't take no rocket scientist to know we got a lunatic in the White House.  Okay, okay, maybe the ones who voted for Obama still don't get it and maybe they never will but there gotta be at least one of you who do.        

Mr. Obama is like a Ponzi Scheme--Hell, he is the Ponzi Scheme!  

Trouble with this is we know what happens when Ponzi schemes start to go--Look at what's his name who's serving time.  At some point someone is going to crack and then everything comes crashing down.

Question is, "Who will crack first?"  Maybe we're seeing the first signs with Obama Care falling on its ass.     

I shudder to think what else these goons are cooking up.

We constantly hear of mass shootings and the cry for more mental health screening and testing. 

Why don't we start at the top with our Commander in Chief?

Then all those under him--oh, what fertile ground.

Where do I sign on the dotted line to have all these swine committed?

-- Here piggy, piggy.....

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

You Get the Point

Monday, October 21, 2013

You're Not Going to Like This
Soule:  Caution as some of the videos on this site are very graphic.

Shame on You, Senator McCain

Cleaning House

Remove the Opposition

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Synarchist Fifth Column

A Fifth Column is a group of people who undermine a larger group, such as a nation or a besieged city, from within. The activities of a Fifth Column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize when coordination with an external attack requires and extend even to uniformed military operations as part of a coordinated campaign. They can be clandestine, involving acts of sabotage, disinformation, or espionage executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mark These Words Well

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Thank You, Founding Fathers

Soule:  Now let's see if we can keep it.

A Lawless Country

Monday, October 14, 2013

Where Has All the Money Gone?

Stop the Spending

Someone please tell me what's wrong with

Both Democrats and Republicans say,
"We're broke" and we can't help our own people, you know, Veterans, Seniors, etc.

But, over the last several years THEY
have provided direct cash aid to:
Hamas - $351 M,
Libya     $1.45 
Egypt - $397 M,
Mexico - $622 M,
Russia - $380 M,
Haiti -    $1.4 
B,Jordan - $463 M,
Kenya - $816 M,
Sudan - $870 M,
Nigeria - $456 M,
Uganda - $451 M,
Congo - $359 M,
Ethiopia - $981 M,
Pakistan - $2 
South Africa - $566 M,
Senegal - $698 M,
Mozambique - $404 M,
Zambia - $331 M,
Kazakhstan - $304 M,
Iraq     -   $1.08 
Tanzania - $554 M,

and lastly, let's not forget that Congress still manages to vote itself a paycheck while the rest of the country goes broke.

I'd say it's time not only for a House cleaning but a Senate cleaning as well.  

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Vets Storm Memorial

And She's Being Considered to Replace Janet Napolitano?

One Million Vet March October 13, 2013 - They Supported Us Now We Need to Support Them!
soule:  Check out this site for your state and where the rallies will be held

Friday, October 11, 2013

75,000 Cows Perish in South Dakota Blizzard

And the Greatest Threat to the Nation Is?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Seeking Truth

Off the Chart

Muslims Practicing Terror "Dry Runs" on Airplanes


Free Thinkers?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Hollow Man

What we see playing out in American politics today is very disheartening.  It's not about fixing problems.  It's not about fixing our enormous debt and reining in spending.  It's not about what's best for the American people nor the country.  It's definitely not about fair play.

It's a power struggle between two sides with the American people caught in the middle.   It's about a Marxist ideologue on a one-way mission who takes no prisoners.  .

I personally believe that Obama was carefully groomed for just this point in America's history.  Maybe I'm wrong but then, maybe I'm right  We can debate this subject till hell freezes over.

Obama baited his honey trap with words oozing out of his mouth, the exact words millions of Americans were waiting to hear.   Promise me anything.....

Millions of Americans cast their country aside in 2008 in favor of casting a vote for Obama.  They swooned, by the millions.  Then lo and behold, they went right out and did it again in 2012.  Ah, but this is another subject that could be debated till hell freezes over.  With all the scandals and fraud that has invaded our voting system, the argument could be made that Obama wasn't elected at all--it just appeared he was.  You get the point.  At this point in time, it doesn't make any difference.  He's President.    

But what should matter, to all of us, no matter if you voted for Obama or not, is the damage he is inflicting on this country, which will come back to haunt you as well.  This is still your country, is it not?  You may not openly say so, and demonstrate just the opposite in word and deed but in the end you have to face the fact that you physically reside here.

It stands to reason that ideologues, after having their way with the masses, will ultimately discard them without even batting an eye.  That's just what they do.  And many of you are not being taught about history in school so you undoubtedly cannot, will not or will just plain refuse to believe this fact. 

I remember Joseph Stalin, I remember Adolf Hitler, I remember Benito Mussolini, I remember Pol Pot, the Cambodian Murderer who massacred millions of his own people.  Look up the book, "The Killing Fields."  I remember this because I was born back then.  My parents went out and fought during WWII--They were and still are called "The Greatest Generation."  Thank God today most of them are leaving this earth. 

Once a beguiling (treacherous, cunning, skillful deceit) despot achieves his goal(s), after having his way with you, you are no longer of any use to him.  Do you not understand that you are only a vehicle to someone amassing more and more power?  Do you not understand that because of the  decision you made back in 2008 and then in 2012, you've been had, along with the country?  Do you not understand that, because of greed and selfishness, you played right into someone's hands, allowing them to continue on their path of destruction?

So, this leads us to exactly where we are right now.  With the House digging in and refusing to negotiate with a non-negotiable President the question is, who will cave?  But there are some other things you should know.  I listened to a Constitutional Scholar the other day who provided me with an account of how and why we have arrived at this point in our country's history and where we're headed.

As I stated above, what we are witnessing is a power struggle but oh, this power struggle is so much more.  And it boils down to one thing.  Obama is unwilling to negotiate because Obama, Reid, Pelosi, et. al. will not cut spending, period.  They will only negotiate when the other side gives up and gives them what they want.  As to spending, they only want to increase it.  If you are running a $17trillion dollar debt and refuse to whack some unfunded mandates to stop the bleeding, what do you think will happen?  

Obama's end game is to increase spending, while keeping all the unfunded mandates going.  And it don't matter one whit to these tyrants if they bankrupt the country to do it.  What happens then?  Your welfare check, your goodies, your house, your job, your family, your way of living, well it's no more.  It's gone because the country is bankrupt.  There ain't no more money, honey.

If we do not hold our elected leaders responsible and remind them that anymore spending, by either party, is a no no unless of course it's for good of country, we're either going to spiral up to hyperinflation where no one will be able to afford anything or down into a deep depression.  Either way, it's going to be catastrophic.

So what do we do?  Well, one thing is to increase the pressure and heat on Congress.

Let them feel your pain.  Let them know that their job is on the line if they don't toe the line.  And that starts with the President.   We're simply not going to tolerate your behaviour anymore. 

Call, write, demonstrate.   Join activist groups that stand up, support and defend the Constitution.

Understand that by doing this you are saving your own ass along with your country.   

QUESTION:  Who owns this country?

Your answer will determine which way we go.     

Look at the WWII Vets who were just shut out of their own WWII memorial.  And yet they defied the barricades, they defied Obama's thugs.

Look at the Vietnam Vets who were arrested in NYC for demonstrating peacefully.  

Again, I'll ask the question, "Who owns this country?

Look at the Truckers who are on a mission--arrest as many Congressmen they can who do not support and stand up for the law of the land--The Constitution.

Again, I'll ask the question, "Who owns this country?"

Yep, you're right--IT'S WE THE PEOPLE.

Well then, start acting like it.

Definition of unfunded mandate: 

Wikipedia:  An unfunded mandate is a statute or regulation that requires a state or local government to perform certain actions, with no money provided for fulfilling the requirements. Public individuals or organizations can also be required to fulfill public mandates.[2]
As of 1992, there were 172 federal mandates that obligated state or local governments to fund programs to some extent.[3] Beginning with the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the United States federal government has designed laws that require spending by state and local governments in order to promote national goals.[4] During the 1970s, the national government promoted education, mental health, and environmental programs by implementing grant projects at a state and local level; the grants were so common that the federal assistance for these programs made up over a quarter of state and local budgets.[5] The rise in federal mandates led to more mandate regulation.[5] During the Reagan Administration, Executive Order 12291 and the State and Local Cost Estimate Act of 1981 were passed, which implemented a careful examination of the true costs of federal unfunded mandates.[6][7] More reform for federal mandates came in 1995 with the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA), which promoted a Congressional focus on the costs imposed onto intergovernmental entities and the private sector because of federal mandates.[8][9] Familiar examples of Federal Unfunded Mandates in the United States include the Americans with Disabilities Act and Medicaid.[10]

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How Much More Information Do You Possibly Need to Realize that Obama is A Dick Traitor and Thief?

Obama's Damn Nation

Million Mask March

soule:  So this is what it's come to in this country.   

Monday, October 7, 2013

You'll Run out of Handcuffs

Thomas Jefferson: "When People Fear The Government There is Tyranny, When Government Fears the People, There is Liberty"

Another Democratic Nightmare


A Million Vet March in October

Friday, October 4, 2013

Feds Wire Barricades Together Around WWII Memorial

soule:  Half a million, I'd say Mark's off on his head count--More like 5 million.  

Thursday, October 3, 2013

 Update:  October 3, 2013 (See below):  A recent photo of Comet ISON:  - What do you think?


January 31, 2013:

Okay, I'm in need of some interpretation here.  Can anyone help out with what this might signify, symbolize?

This morning I dreamed of the Egyptian God Horus.  I am familiar with this Egyptian God.

In the dream I saw his eye (see below- but I'm still uncertain if this is considered his Left eye or is this his Right?) and behind it a long tail with what appeared to be made up of a myriad of stars.

The tail gently curved around and reminded me of a Scorpion's tail (that's the first thought I had) as I perceived it had the ability to "whip" around, if it wanted to.  

Could this possibly be connected, in some way, to the Constellation Scorpius?

I viewed this image from the front porch of my house and was excitedly running back and forth in bare feet, trying to keep sight of it because it was being obscured by trees.

At the time I was unsure if it was traveling or if it was fixed.  I'd have to say now, after thinking more on this, that it appeared to be travelling and that's the reason I was running back and forth to try and keep up with it (not lose sight of it).

From the direction of my house this image/object appeared to be travelling downward toward the west .    

Another thought that came to mind was that this possibly signified a comet of some kind.  

It was not menacing in any way.  Just a beautiful sight especially with the long tail that curved gently around and upward.

soule:  I did receive some information from several sources:  the first one was this symbol indicated "an opening up to a higher consciousness."

The second source indicated that dreams are personal and can be very profound in nature; it would be difficult to really pin down what this particular dream meant but suggested I consult a dream interpreter.

the third source was:

This site offered the most informative and revealing information, yet.

Thanks to all of you.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013



Oath Keeper or Oath Breaker?

It's an old trick politicians and tyrants play--keep the masses in the dark as long as possible and then slowly reveal your true motives to them (after you've been elected, of course).  By that time they'll be so busy just trying to keep their house, their bank account, their job, they won't have the resolve necessary to fight back.  Just keep them hobbled by any means necessary and under your control.  Tax them heavily.

In America today, there are many who don't pay any taxes or have any obligations, moral or otherwise, but continue to enjoy the fruits of other peoples labor.  Yes, there are those who are in need of help and deservedly so.  We have an educational system that is hate filled.  It is funded by taxpayers but run by left wing ideologues who are there for the express purpose of indoctrinating your kid and mine with anti-American, Left Wing ideology.

Year after year America's schools are turning out drones, generations of kids who haven't sacrificed anything.  Drones who cannot read, cannot reason and cannot think beyond that new MP3 Player, IPad or IPhone.  But when it comes to voting, they'll vote for the first slick talker with the words they want to hear, the expensive suit and tie, a top hat and twisted cane.  Why, he's The Candy Man.  He gathers them all around him while they continue to sway and swoon, admiringly looking up at him, teary eyed, and not paying any mind to their surroundings.  A soft spun and rather sticky substance is slowly descending over them.  But who cares?  He's sweet talking them.  Is anyone paying attention?  No yet.

Slowly it's getting thicker and thicker.  Now they're finding it's getting harder to breathe.  Looks of anxiety cover faces as they finally feel themselves coming out of their stupor.  Enthusiasm is waning and turning into anxiety as they feel a hot breath on their faces and are forced to look up into two fiery red hot coals, resembling eyes.   Too late.  They've been had.  They've been duped.  And that hot sticky substance they're just now noticing is a spider web.  That individual breathing down their necks, the person they thought they could trust, who promised them the world, is a very hungry spider.  And a venomous one at that.

All of this is an old game that has been artfully played out, throughout the centuries by despots, thugs and tyrants.

When no one challenges these elitists who have risen to high levels of incompetence in our government and in our schools, they continue their mass indoctrination and eradication of anything people hold dear.  They don't care about you.  All they care about is their insidious agenda.

Sacrifice is one thing that does not come easily to people.  Who wants to sacrifice anything?  Wouldn't all of us rather live out our lives, with no problems whatsoever?  Of course.  We don't willingly go out and look for sacrifice but ultimately that's what may (more likely will) befall us due to our choices and decisions.  Electing a President falls into this category.

The Framers of this country knew, and painfully so, the meaning of the word sacrifice because they lived it.  From those dark days when America's noble spirit was tirelessly being attacked by a tyrant King, when those Americans who cherished their liberty and their freedom more than having to live under a tyrant King who persisted in tirelessly applying his boot to their necks, they knew they had to do something.  They made the decision and went forth (and many unwillingly) to sacrifice in order to be rid of a tyrannical ruler.

Alas, because of their decision, many ended up losing their homes, their businesses, their fortunes, their lives.  They didn't ask for this, sacrifice was thrust upon them.  "Do I just look the other way, stay home and continue to let someone else dictate to me how I am going to live every aspect of my life"?  Or will I be a Patrick Henry, "Give me Liberty or give me Death"?

The sacrifices these Americans made paved the way for the birth of a nation.  How could they have known that?  They didn't.  Their decision to sacrifice all came down to what was in their hearts.  Undoubtedly they prayed but in the end, they listened to the counsel of their own being.   

If we are not taught how to cherish something and take care of it, it will eventually disappear only to be replaced by something else.  That something else is what I'm worried about.  Courtesy, self-discipline, patience, gratitude, honor, courage, sacrifice, humility, love of country, respect for life, are these the traits we are seeing now among ourselves and playing out in the halls of Congress?  I dare say not.

There is an ideological war being waged across this country and we're right in the middle of it.  It is a struggle for our very souls, as Americans.  I am appealing to all who can plainly see what's going on.

It isn't hard to fathom our fate if one side wins.  This is a struggle that involves all of us. 

I don't want to see my country dissolve into anarchy.  But that is exactly what will happen if  Barack Hussein Obama and those backing him, have their way. 

This country has come full circle and yet, this time, I believe we're in far more danger than when we were two-hundred and thirty years ago.

Obama is bent on forcing "his way" on the American people.  I say "It's time to push back."   

Are we willing to make the sacrifices needed to restore this country?  Are we ready to rewrite history?

Our very lives depend on whether we're willing to do this or not.  It's your head and mine on the chopping block.

Will we call ourselves Oath Keepers or will it be Oath Breakers?

We have an obligation to God, country, family, ourselves.

May God Have Mercy on Us.

God Bless This Great Nation.