Saturday, May 14, 2011

Another Unprecedented Disaster....Massive Mississippi Flooding

how do you deal with adversity?  how do you cope with watching everything you've worked for, saved for,  washed away?  how do you find the inner strength, resolve and the fortitude to just go forward (on) with your life when you come to the painful realization that you've lost everything?  how do you cope with experiencing something tangible like your house, your car, disappearing as you watch, helplessly?  One moment the house you lived in for years, the pet you loved and cared for, the car you drove back and forth to work is gone.  You may have even lost loved ones, friends.  They are no more.  things you always counted on, but now as you survey the swollen countryside, everything is under water.  how do you cope with the aftermath of emotions that are surely going to come?  these catastrophes are taking us down to our very core.  to who we really are.  it's like stripping the bark off a tree, peeling an onion.  we were so safe and secure or so we thought until Mother Nature deemed otherwise.   are we witnessing an increase in natural disasters or is it because we are all so connected now via the internet, television, cell phone?  coping and coming to grips with disaster boils down  to your individual psychological makeup, life experiences and spiritual beliefs.  it's bad enough to watch everything destroyed if you have nothing to fall back on, to provide you with strength and sustenance.  Good people, churches, and other organizations, neighbors, strangers, compassionate people who willingly offer their money and their assistance...this is what is going to help us make it through.  This is what is going to make the difference.    Neighbor helping neighbor.  Neighbor reaching out to neighbor.  It doesn't matter whether your neighbor is Indian, Black, Asian, Hispanic or White.  When disaster strikes, color becomes muted.  Because everyone is in the same boat.  The real innermost spirit of the human being is called to duty, upward, onward and outward, to help, aid and comfort their fellow human beings.

Are these disasters we are witnessing on purpose?  Or are they just normal earth events that would have occurred anyway?  Are they lessons from an unseen hand that are purposely being sent our way?  They are happening all over the planet.   Is this the only way that man will finally learn to live peacefully together, side-by-side, with his fellow human beings, accepting one another in love and friendship?
something to think about....

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