Friday, March 30, 2012

The Real Obama

We've all heard about the death of Trayvon Martin--and that right wing organizations, Conservatives and Talk Radio are to blame.

"Trayvon was hunted down like a rabid dog", comments from one Black woman I heard on television.

The New Black Panther Party has put a bounty of $1M on Zimmerman's head.  Could this be called "Murder for Hire?"

Where the hell is the outrage from the television media, newspapers, responsible journalists?

We have twits (Spike Lee, Roseanne Barr) and tweets that have frightened people to the point where they have gone into hiding.  And all because some nitwit tweeted the wrong street address.  

Lee:  "Oh, so sorry.  Won't happen again."

You just ruined someone's life you abject moron.

And where is our Commander in Chief?  - MIA on this one.  Nothing.  Zero. Nada.

And yet Obama has to take the blame for starting this whole mess.  He paved the way, by his comments, and subsequent silence to take any responsibility for toning down the rhetoric.

Was this done on purpose?

And, isn't it interesting--just in time for the elections.

This is an old trick--whip the crowds up into a frenzy, pander to the violence-prone and continue to inflame emotions, while ignoring those who are trying their best to get their voices of reason heard, both Black and White, above the din.    And all for political reasons.

Good little Commie.

Instead of acting Presidential and helping calm down the rising, meteoric rhetoric, it is becoming very apparent that President Obama will be held responsible for the out-of-control situation we know have by his refusal to take charge of this very volatile  situation (and getting more volatile by the minute) by defusing those people and groups who wish to take matters into their own hands instead of letting justice do its job.


He Who Has Ears....

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sharpton and Obama Prostituting Martin Shooting

ET Contact? You Decide

Trouble Makers

Okay, okay, enough is enough.  This latest shooting of a black teen is nothing new.  Trayvon Martin, seventeen years old--shocking, yes, but nothing new.

It is interesting that black on black crimes, which seem to happen regularly, in black communities, continue to go unnoticed by the media and even by the people living in those communities, with no big names in either the political arena or other venues getting involved, expressing their disapproval and offering solutions to end the bloodshed.

But the minute you have someone who happens to be on a neighborhood watch, shooting someone, who just happens to be black, with no concrete information as to who really was to blame, you have the big guns drawn (Jesse Jackson, and our own President) pointing fingers.

So much for taking the high road (keeping your personal opinions to yourself aka keeping your mouth shut) and acting prudent.  Why am I not surprised?  

And the Black Panter Party making threats?  C-mon, where is our own Justice Department on this one or is it just justice for one particular group of people?  

Wouldn't it be better and expected to wait until all the evidence, witnesses, etc. were called to provide information before one opened his/her mouth(s) to lay blame?  Or, is there an underlying motive for these so-called leaders to quickly issue statements that only serve to ratchet up emotions?

I believe there is.  It is called stirring the pot, making trouble, and using race to foment emotions, which, if left unchecked, will  inevitably  lead to violence.  I personally believe that this is the exact reason why certain people jump on these opportunities to spread their agenda of hate.  

We are not a nation of Blacks, Hispanics, Whites or Asians.  We are a nation of ONE.  Does anyone even care anymore that there are those among us who care only for dividing, not uniting?

And, do you ever see the Asian community acting like the Black community?

That there are those in this country who are constantly using race to spew lies and work a group of people up, as a cover up for their true motive of empowering those who only see violence as a solution to their problems is truly despicable.  

This ain't the friggin jungle.  But, according to the way some groups continue to act, maybe it is.

If certain people get away with their mission of using incidents such as this to whip up the people, accuse and assault those with no proven evidence, thus possibly fomenting acts of violence by any group, then I'd say we need to consider putting these people on a terror watch list for that is exactly what they are promoting...terror.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Strange Sounds

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

You Might Want to Check This Site Out

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Good Little Communist

Well, it's finally being used...the "C" word, I mean, albeit by very few.  Except of course by the mainstream media (MSM).  They have been in lock step with Obama from the beginning and, I believe, participated in one of the greatest cover-ups of all time.
Forget Iran-Contra
Forget Watergate.  This one is the biggie.  And because of the media's insatiable quest for getting a Communist  elected to the highest office of the land, they willingly, gleefully, sold their souls to the Devil.  Never mind the fallout for the country and the rest of us.
The President of the United States is not a supporter of our free market system but a foe.
The President is not a defender of the Constitution but a detractor.
The President's policies are all about dismantling Capitalism and turning this country into a Socialist one.
Hasn't Obama and his comrades witnessed the sorry results of imposing Socialism on a country, on a way of life?  Of course they have.  But that never stopped those that came before and won't stop those that come after who continue to believe in this false, dangerous and Marxist Utopian Mindset.  For them it's full speed ahead and damn the torpedos.
You do realize that this is why we went to war in the 40's - to fight Fascism and Communism?
1960's:  American soldiers fought in the Vietnam War to thwart a Communist takeover.
You do realize that Communism is anathema to Capitalism?
You do realize that Communism is our Enemy, not our Bed Mate?
The question is, will the same individuals who voted for Obama in 2008 vote for him again in November?   Or, has an "about face" taken place in which many have wised up?

Or, will the hopeless and hapless pieces of brain matter that suck off this country's teat, who care nothing about what someone stands for, but only about what Big Government can do for them, eagerly mark their  X in the voting booth?

Will we again have massive voter fraud and intimidation to get a certain individual elected to office?      

Yes, it's all about color for some and for others all about ensuring they get theirs, no matter what the cost to the country or to the rest of us.  

What a shame we do not educate our kids as to exactly what is going on in the world...what is evil and what is good.  How to recognize it.  How to fight against it.  How to have respect for things like freedom, liberty and the right to happiness, that were fought for and secured with blood, sweat and tears.

WAKE UP AMERICA.  For many of you, depending on someone else to make your decisions, to feed you, clothe you and even THINK for you is something you take for granted.

Government has reduced you to a pile of rubble whom they realize they can placate with handouts, bailouts.    What good little soldiers.  Just keep them happy and that circle won't be broken.

And remember one thing, Words Do Matter.  Hope and Change for the Better?

I dare say, NOT.

Friday, March 16, 2012

National Security Issue

I don't know why I haven't heard this being mentioned...but aren't these extraordinarily high gas prices a national security issue?  Consider the impact:
1.  On our transportation industry (these are the trucks, trains, etc. that deliver our goods and services) and the higher fuel costs will be passed on to the consumer in the form of higher grocery prices (inflation).  And alot of these Mom and Pop operations will not be able to withstand the onslaught and will fold
2.  On Emergency Services
3.  On the U.S. military and its ability to fight
4.  On the average American travelling to and from work (higher gas prices means less spendable income)
5.  Destroying thousands of jobs (the Obama administration giving a thumbs down to the Keystone Pipeline)
6.  And, with higher gas prices you are, in effect, hobbling the free market system.  Could we call this a form of economic terrorism?

Sunday, March 4, 2012


redwood tree pictures 6 the sixth redwood tree picture.
Awake oh Earth
  From deep, deep slumber
From bed you rest on
  That has your number
Open up your half-moon eyes
  Gaze upon your mountains, skies
Stirring now, you flex your muscles
  Making the Behemoth Redwoods rustle
Then your energy
  Starts to flow
Quiet the Wind
  Then strong, fierce blow
Petals drop
  Rift canyons deep
Across your landscape
  Stealthily creep
"Earth to Human:
  Learn Mind-Speake"
For it is I not you
  Who Reigneth
From Beginning I've Tried
  To counsel, traineth
All of you...but alas
   Only few have simple grasp

What Was That?

Is There An Echo In Here?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Keepin Track

1.  Iran boasts they will destroy Israel via nuclear weapons (and anyone else who gets in their way)  Have they even considered the harm they will do if they unleash this monster not only to Israel but other countries?    What about birds, fish, the flora and fauna, the ocean, fresh water, the air we breathe, and peoples' health?  Are they insane?

2.  Instability in Afghanistan, the Sudan, Somalia, Syria.  A total meltdown is occurring in Mexico

3.  The sun is in a solar max cycle until 2013 (which occurs every 11 years) in which it will more than likely produce even more solar flares, CMEs in the M-Class, X-Class range.  These are known to wreak havoc on technology (from the power grid to the internet)

4.  A second severe outbreak of tornadoes in the United States, in just a few weeks, occurred in February and yet again the first of March.  Tornado season doesn't even start until April.  Entire towns have been wiped out

5.  An unusual, horrifically cold winter in parts of Europe

6.  December 26, 2004:  Sumatra:  Earthquake, magnitude 9.3 hits, resulting in the death of 228,000 people in Indonesia and SE Asia.  This quake shortened the length of an earth day by 6.8 millionths of a second

7.  January 12, 2010:  Haiti:  Magnitude 7.0 earthquake.  316,000 people perished

8.  February 27, 2010:  Chile:  Magnitude 8.8 Earthquake.  This quake shifted the earth's axis by about 3" (8 centimeters) and shortened an earth day by 1.26 millionths of a second

9.  April 14, 2010:  Iceland Volcano, Eyjafjallajokull, erupts, disrupting European flights for one week

10. March 11, 2011, Tohoku, Japan:  9.0 mag earthquake with resulting tsunami that killed more than 15,000 people

11.  August 23, 2011:  Virginia (United States) Rare East Coast Earthquake:  5.8 magnitude

12.  We have the threat of an errant asteroid hitting us.  And, scientists are finding new ones all the time.

13.  We have the Yellowstone Caldera in Wyoming (USA) and an eruption is way overdue

14.  We have the Cascadia Fault, the New Madrid Fault, the San Andreas Fault (all U.S.) that could come to life within our lifetime

My point:  Isn't it time we stop acting like a bunch of spoiled brats, ego-maniacs and control freaks and acknowledge that we have no control over these events?  They just happen.  And, concentrate on the one undeniable fact that in the deck of cards we are holding is the one card that will trump all others...

Mother Nature  

Ball lightning: Unknown form of reasonable energy - English