Saturday, July 16, 2011

We Be F****d

p.s.  after posting the article from Canada Free Press, April 8, 2011, 'THE UNRAVELLING OF BARRY SOETERO, aka BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA II,' I had a moment to reflect. 

This is the gross horror that stared back at me:  it is blatantly evident, with all the evidence slowly being uncovered, that the man elected President of the United States in 2008 is not who he says he is.  There has been an undeniable and complete coup and coverup, to get this guy elected to the Oval Office. 

You know I've been wonderin about this for some time.  It just did not make sense to me. 

A virtual unknown, with a questionable background, missing holes in his past and no documentation.     Almost sounds like the beginning of a spy novel. 

If what we are beginning to learn is true, that Obama is NOT who he claims to be, how in the hell could he/anyone pull this off?  And more importantly, how could the Pied Piper pipe so many Americans into voting for him?  Was it strictly because he was Black?   I certainly hope not.  Isn't it about substance, not color?  Or are we still stuck in the past, like Sheila Jackson Lee?

Was Obama handpicked for the part?

More importantly, when will someone, anyone call Obama to account?

Don't we have some valuable assets to protect like our economy, our way of life, our liberty and freedom, our children, the elderly, our military, the Constitution?

I do not see anyone speaking out.

When will it start?  By that I mean, the tide turning on this piece of flotsam? 

Will it be in time to save what is left of this country?

What have you done to defend this country?  Are you one of the many free-loaders who knock out kids, don't work because you choose not to, contine to buy your high-priced liquor, your dope, your fancy gold neck chains, your hand-cut steaks, all the while snubbin your noses at the rest of us who are trying to survive under this administration that has all but squandered anything left of the poor and middle class?

It is time someone took a stand.   And I don't see anyone on the horizon.

This is my country.  My parents fought for what you squander.

Is anyone ready to march on the Capital, en masse and demand a recall?

I'm ready and I ain't goin down easy.

God Bless America.

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