Saturday, July 16, 2011

Funding Mosques Overseas

Government Largesse:
There is alot of discussion going on right now regarding the bleak outlook for this economy.  The administration is considering delaying social security checks.  Medicare is on the chopping block.   Have we heard anything about Medicaid? 

Unemployment is high.  We're still recovering from foreclosure shock.  Yet, we keep sending tons of money overseas.  Does it make sense for Americans, who have paid into social security all these years and for our military, who defend our freedom, to do without while foreigners gobble up America's largesse?

I say no.

Instead of balancing the budget on the backs of this country's citizens, how 'bout the State Department and other government agencies start reining back the free money?

This country has infrastructure problems.  How about directing some of those trillions to fixing our own bridges, sewers, roads and levees?

I bet if the government stopped the free giveaways, we definitely wouldn't have an economic problem here, anymore.


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