Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Obama Apocalypse

it just irks me no end to see the President of the United States and the Speaker of the House whacking balls around on a golf course.  It is almost surreal.   what are they talking about?  the nation's road to fiscal ruin?  what they had for dinner last night?  how the family is doin?  this ain't no time to be talkin nonsense this be a time for talking some common sense. 

if i may speak my mind, this guy who holds the title of President is a cunning character.  he shows up for press conferences speaking putrid spittle, while his henchmen, Harry Reid, et. al. continue to whittle this country down. 

forget the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Obama be a one-man show. 

I must say that 2008 sealed this country's fate as voters lined up, en masse, smiling and salivating, licking their chops, waiting for the opportunity to vote for their favorite opiate....big government.  

it is painfully apparent that any common sense we once had, has been sorely squandered.  for now we have a President whose sole purpose in being elected to office is for one thing and one thing only and that is cruelly  positioning this country's head on the chopping block.  i now know how that Thanksgiving Turkey felt. 

there are some who would call Obama "clueless," Rush Limbaugh being one of them.  There are some who will always cling to Obama and see him doing nothing wrong. 

But there are some who are willing to call Obama as they see him.

He is a sly and clever despoiler, a foreign sojourner in a foreign land, his vacuous shibboleths resonating in an empty echo chamber. 

for Obama, the Destroyer, has nothing meaningful to offer, nothing meaningful to say.  he is but a hollow schill, a hollow man, a hollow representation of something, some one, alien to our way of life, our liberties, our happiness, our well-being.

i love thee Republic and the strength that binds thee.  it is a testament to the Founding Fathers and their Wisdom that this country is able to sustain an attack such as this.

but for how long?  how much more will this nation be able to withstand such abominable plunder?

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