Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Is America the Only Country Building Detention Camps?
Is the U.S. the only country going full-speed ahead with building so-called FEMA detention camps?
This is a very good question. And I am wondering, why it just occurred to me to ask myself this.
How much is this costing the American taxpayer? And, is this how I want my tax dollars spent?
I searched for an answer on the internet but my search did not bring up any other country doing this. Yes, Wikipedia provided a list of all the countries (in the past) that have built interment camps for various reasons.
Many of them not good.
If this be the case, this is certainly pause for some very serious thought. So far the only country on the planet engaged in building these so-called camps is America.
The question has been asked, numerous times, by those who are puzzled, those who are alarmed..."Why?" Again, no one seems to know the answer, no one is providing an answer, although there is much speculation.
But more and more people are watching very warily, with a feeling of unease.
Instead of continued whispers and conjecture, more and more facts are coming to light that the government is indeed up to something, but what?
It is apparent they have determined the best way to handle this is to engage in dis-information, try to keep us in the dark, or say nothing, hoping we will all go away.
They may continue to think they have pulled the wool over our eyes but to many of us, the moths have eaten big fat holes in it.
Too many things have been happening lately in different states, with different large-scale ops going on, courtesy of DHS.
And didn't I just hear about the operation in Los Angeles and the reason for all the helicopters buzzing around was so that the military would have a grip on handling problems in urban areas? Since when do you involve the military in handling civilian problems...see Posse Comitatus.
The piece d' resistance to all this is the passage of The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in which American citizens, without being charged with any crime, can be rounded up and sent to these camps.
So now we have a connection, ..detention camps and a good reason for them....rounding up and incarcerating American citizens.
I have to ask, "how can you not see what is happening when you are witnessing these events on television and reading about it on the internet"?
The Department of Homeland Security is making a mockery of our way of life and the law of the land...The United States Constitution.
And by not answering to the people, as to what their motives really are, we are left to arrive at some pretty dismal and frightening conclusions.
see: "Unconstitutional Legislation": http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2012/01/28
Could this be another one of those "The Truth is out there, hiding in plain sight?"
This is a very good question. And I am wondering, why it just occurred to me to ask myself this.
How much is this costing the American taxpayer? And, is this how I want my tax dollars spent?
I searched for an answer on the internet but my search did not bring up any other country doing this. Yes, Wikipedia provided a list of all the countries (in the past) that have built interment camps for various reasons.
Many of them not good.
If this be the case, this is certainly pause for some very serious thought. So far the only country on the planet engaged in building these so-called camps is America.
The question has been asked, numerous times, by those who are puzzled, those who are alarmed..."Why?" Again, no one seems to know the answer, no one is providing an answer, although there is much speculation.
But more and more people are watching very warily, with a feeling of unease.
Instead of continued whispers and conjecture, more and more facts are coming to light that the government is indeed up to something, but what?
It is apparent they have determined the best way to handle this is to engage in dis-information, try to keep us in the dark, or say nothing, hoping we will all go away.
They may continue to think they have pulled the wool over our eyes but to many of us, the moths have eaten big fat holes in it.
Too many things have been happening lately in different states, with different large-scale ops going on, courtesy of DHS.
And didn't I just hear about the operation in Los Angeles and the reason for all the helicopters buzzing around was so that the military would have a grip on handling problems in urban areas? Since when do you involve the military in handling civilian problems...see Posse Comitatus.
The piece d' resistance to all this is the passage of The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in which American citizens, without being charged with any crime, can be rounded up and sent to these camps.
So now we have a connection, ..detention camps and a good reason for them....rounding up and incarcerating American citizens.
I have to ask, "how can you not see what is happening when you are witnessing these events on television and reading about it on the internet"?
The Department of Homeland Security is making a mockery of our way of life and the law of the land...The United States Constitution.
And by not answering to the people, as to what their motives really are, we are left to arrive at some pretty dismal and frightening conclusions.
see: "Unconstitutional Legislation": http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2012/01/28
Could this be another one of those "The Truth is out there, hiding in plain sight?"
Homeland Insecurity
Fragments of Time
What matters at this
very moment
Is the Thought you have
is it Loving
Is it Hateful
is it Frightful, Happy, Sad?
Like the Twinkling Star
So this Life is full of frazzles
Quiet the Mind
Refresh the Soul
Cast aside worn ways of old
To Thy Bosom gather Sun's Rays
And Strive to Make
a Better Day
very moment
Is the Thought you have
is it Loving
Is it Hateful
is it Frightful, Happy, Sad?
Like the Twinkling Star
So this Life is full of frazzles
Quiet the Mind
Refresh the Soul
Cast aside worn ways of old
To Thy Bosom gather Sun's Rays
And Strive to Make
a Better Day
Soule's Poetry
Friday, January 27, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Ball Lightning
soule: No one would ever give this subject a second thought unless, of course, they happened to have an encounter with this phenomenon.
It was November 15, 2011 and I was on my way home from town. It had been lightning and thundering all morning but no big deal.
As I turned onto the highway and was approximately 250 feet away from where I had just turned onto the road, there was a terrible crack of thunder along with a lightning strike.
I still can't determine if I heard the thunder first or saw the lightning or both at the same time.
I tensed up, gripped the steering wheel and put my head down expecting the car to be hit. Instead the energy burst right alongside the road.
At that fraction of a moment, a red orb appeared in front of my window so that I was looking through it as I continued to drive. This image only lasted a short time I'd say, maybe three seconds and then it was gone.
There was a car following me and it would have been hard for them not to have witnessed me crouching down in anticipation of the lightning strike. And they certainly heard the thunder clap.
Yet, no one stopped and I kept on driving.
So I'm now one of the lucky ones who actually had an encounter with this and lived.
It is thought to be some type of plasma energy and the scientists believe its temperature is 10,000 degrees fahrenheit.
Ball lightning has been known to cause damage to buildings, etc. and even death to people.
I have noticed that since this happened, my hearing is much more acute than it ever was.
The color of this thing was red, like a tomato, with small streaks of yellow.
If anyone has had a similar experience, let me know.

soule: No one would ever give this subject a second thought unless, of course, they happened to have an encounter with this phenomenon.
It was November 15, 2011 and I was on my way home from town. It had been lightning and thundering all morning but no big deal.
As I turned onto the highway and was approximately 250 feet away from where I had just turned onto the road, there was a terrible crack of thunder along with a lightning strike.
I still can't determine if I heard the thunder first or saw the lightning or both at the same time.
I tensed up, gripped the steering wheel and put my head down expecting the car to be hit. Instead the energy burst right alongside the road.
At that fraction of a moment, a red orb appeared in front of my window so that I was looking through it as I continued to drive. This image only lasted a short time I'd say, maybe three seconds and then it was gone.
There was a car following me and it would have been hard for them not to have witnessed me crouching down in anticipation of the lightning strike. And they certainly heard the thunder clap.
Yet, no one stopped and I kept on driving.
So I'm now one of the lucky ones who actually had an encounter with this and lived.
It is thought to be some type of plasma energy and the scientists believe its temperature is 10,000 degrees fahrenheit.
Ball lightning has been known to cause damage to buildings, etc. and even death to people.
I have noticed that since this happened, my hearing is much more acute than it ever was.
The color of this thing was red, like a tomato, with small streaks of yellow.
If anyone has had a similar experience, let me know.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Illusion or Reality?

Think of this lovely sphere as being weighted down by a heavy blanket of dense gray fog.
Every so often a small light manages to pierce through and penetrate the darkness, sending out its rays of warmth and enlightenment.
An unrealistic concept? A futuristic scenario? Just random musings of a misguided wayfarer?
We are all being lied to, deftly spun by masters of guile and deceit, to be cocooned in a vast and sticky spider web by those whose sole agenda is thwarting, putting an end to intellectual insight and thought, peaceful dissension and discussion.
Picture, if you will, a giant vulture sitting atop a mountain. His defiant and hauteur manner impregnates the stagnant air with wings shamelessly splayed as he scornfully soaks in the warmth of the sun.
His furtive eyes constantly searching...ever seeking out new prey, slyly surveying all that surrounds him.
His razor sharp talons, ripe with human remains, coil like hardened steel traps as they dig tenaciously into the dirt.
The foul smell wafting up from below fills his nostrils with salacious pride as his unmerciful smile belies his intense satisfaction.
His vile and despoiled, dank and fettered dark realm...akin to the lair of a Black Widow spider as it scurries to its dark corner after hungrily devouring its mate.
His realm is growing stronger. Or, is it?
What lies beneath him are the remains of countless millions who have perished.
Many from deliberately wholesale annihilation solely beause of just who they were...war, homicide, suicide, abortion, drugs, etc.
Do you honestly believe that the Power Brokers who were and are at the forefront of these onslaughts will continue to prosper toward their despicable agendas?
It is unarguable that life on this planet has always been under attack, whether it be by other human beings, animals or otherwise.
There is always someone or some thing trying to deprive you of your existence, for various and assorted reasons.
But could it be that there are other Beings in the universe who are, and constantly have been, watching over this little sphere we inhabit, with a keen interest in all that is taking place here?
Could it be that seeing our sordid history is replete with false starts, outright lies, with only faint rays of light able to filter through every once in a while...Ghandi, Buddha, Confucius, Dr. Martin Luther King, Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Socrates, Thomas Jefferson. Do you suppose that they (the Beings) might just be losing patience with us?
Are we, as a whole, silently descending into some sort of dark agenda? Are we, at this very moment, somehow part of it without the ability to actually acknowledge it, incredulously oblivious of it?
Or, do we feel, do we somehow sense...know that something is happening out there that we do not like, that we don't understand? Could it just be our imagination?
I'd say the answer to this is no.
I believe that within a short period of time, many have been waking up, awakening to a different chord ringing in our ears, and being felt in our gut.
It is a discordant and disconnected, vacant and unsettled feeling as searing stomach acid wells up from below, relentlessly clawing at our esophagus, leaving us desperate for water.
Is there some type of an Armageddon-type event being planned?--Some type of crackdown where we all will be stripped of everything we hold dear and swept asunder by those who are diabolically drunk on power and control?
Or, will it be some type of meteorological event containing an asteroid, a CME or some other celestial body heading our way?
I have a deep affirmation, a deep belief that what we are feeling, observing, will be...unless those of us who can see underneath it all continue making our voices heard and a concerted effort along with a strong committment to identify those who would do us harm, along with their agenda(s) and speak out on behalf of the well-being of All on this planet who only wish to live out our lives in peace with one another.
Soule's Rants
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Obama Needs Another Trillion - SO WHAT'S NEW?
soule: "Let's see, Mr. President, can you give me a second and I'll see what I can do for you?"
Obama: "Why...why sure. Now I promise you that I'll hold off on a decision until I can consult with Congress. There ain't nothin to worry about as Congress is out to lunch right now (soule: literally) so I can't consult with them until they get back. You don't have nothin to worry about. You got my word on that.
Obama: And, remember when I said I'd bring CHANGE to Washington? (soule: wipin the sweat from her forehead..."ah yes sir, it's undisputable how screwed we've been ever since you brought CHANGE to the Oval Office"), er, I mean how much CHANGE you've brought."
Obama: Lookin at his watch..."my dear, we're wastin precious time (mine). I be the Prez and I'm pleadin for yer help. I need the money, NOW. After all, I spent all you had".
soule: Look sir, I'm gonna give you a second chance to redeem yerself. I'll take you at yer word. (BIG MISTAKE).
"I may be able to help you out but only after I'm finished scrounging the money to pay my mortgage bill, my property taxes, my cell phone bill, my phone bill, my automobile insurance bill, my life insurance bill, my grocery bill, my electric bill (now there's a whopper) my gas bill and my health insurance bill. Did you know, Mr. President, that gas is up to $4.00/gallon?
soule: After I'm through payin all these items I'll see where I can find another Trillion$$$ so you can just blow it all again.
It is said that the Leader of a country is a representation of the people he or she governs. A mirror, if you will. If this be true, then Americans are Irresponsible, Narcissistic, Reckless, Ignorant, Delusional and a bunch of Spendthrifts, responsible for electing a misfit to office.
soule: "Let's see, Mr. President, can you give me a second and I'll see what I can do for you?"
"But I have one condition fer ya".
Obama: "Why...why sure. Now I promise you that I'll hold off on a decision until I can consult with Congress. There ain't nothin to worry about as Congress is out to lunch right now (soule: literally) so I can't consult with them until they get back. You don't have nothin to worry about. You got my word on that.
Obama: And, remember when I said I'd bring CHANGE to Washington? (soule: wipin the sweat from her forehead..."ah yes sir, it's undisputable how screwed we've been ever since you brought CHANGE to the Oval Office"), er, I mean how much CHANGE you've brought."
Obama: Lookin at his watch..."my dear, we're wastin precious time (mine). I be the Prez and I'm pleadin for yer help. I need the money, NOW. After all, I spent all you had".
soule: Look sir, I'm gonna give you a second chance to redeem yerself. I'll take you at yer word. (BIG MISTAKE).
"I may be able to help you out but only after I'm finished scrounging the money to pay my mortgage bill, my property taxes, my cell phone bill, my phone bill, my automobile insurance bill, my life insurance bill, my grocery bill, my electric bill (now there's a whopper) my gas bill and my health insurance bill. Did you know, Mr. President, that gas is up to $4.00/gallon?
soule: After I'm through payin all these items I'll see where I can find another Trillion$$$ so you can just blow it all again.
It is said that the Leader of a country is a representation of the people he or she governs. A mirror, if you will. If this be true, then Americans are Irresponsible, Narcissistic, Reckless, Ignorant, Delusional and a bunch of Spendthrifts, responsible for electing a misfit to office.
Enough Already
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
BLOGGERS UNITE! - A Paranoid and Out of Control Agency
soule: If the DHS and its heavy arm, the TSA, could and would willingly demonstrate to us that the procedures they employ 'to keep us safe' from would be terrorists, are meaningful, that they effectively contribute to our 'collective' security rather than diminishing it, I sure wish they would.
Because up until now, I have seen nothing of the sort - only heavy-handed, outrageous conduct by a federal agency who is just hungry for more and more power and control over our lives.
And, in my opinion, their latest piece of work...monitoring bloggers, The Drudge Report, The New York Times??? and others, confirms what I just stated.
DHS/TSA - just another nail in the coffin of individual liberty.
soule: If the DHS and its heavy arm, the TSA, could and would willingly demonstrate to us that the procedures they employ 'to keep us safe' from would be terrorists, are meaningful, that they effectively contribute to our 'collective' security rather than diminishing it, I sure wish they would.
Because up until now, I have seen nothing of the sort - only heavy-handed, outrageous conduct by a federal agency who is just hungry for more and more power and control over our lives.
And, in my opinion, their latest piece of work...monitoring bloggers, The Drudge Report, The New York Times??? and others, confirms what I just stated.
DHS/TSA - just another nail in the coffin of individual liberty.
Homeland Insecurity
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
The NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) and Other Treasonous Pieces of Legislation
soule: Government FOR the People, BY the People. Apparently this administration, Congress, thinks it's a thing of the past....
soule: Government FOR the People, BY the People. Apparently this administration, Congress, thinks it's a thing of the past....
Oath Keepers
Start Taking Back Your Life
I can't tell you what 2012 holds for us. But I sure know there are plenty of opinions out there!
What I can tell you is that I have a confident, almost exhilarating, looking foward to feeling that something good this way comes. It is emanating from the center of my being...the heart.
We do need to continue to focus on the positive, on the good, on the light that surrounds all of us, instead of allowing the darkness to swallow us up. Empowering negativity by anxious and dire thoughts will not improve our situation(s).
We all have within us the capability to change, reach out toward others and pray for our leaders.
Events and people will run their course. Once something is set in motion, it either gains speed or peters out.
Those of us, watching from the sidelines, can feel helpless as we feel we have no control over what is happening.
I tried an experiment. And maybe this will work for you.
I discontinued my satellite t..v. It's been six months now and I've noticed a big difference.
I am actually able to think for myself without every anchor in the world filling my head with a bunch of mumbo jumbo.
Every morning I'd get up and the first thing I'd hear was background noise that almost drowned out the coffee maker.
Bobble heads all clamoring for my attention, inane commercials, and incessant talking while I tried to go about my business.
So I put an end to the chatter and what happened?
I found I was able to sift through all the garbage they were spewing and reclaim my own decision making process without the help of a bunch of blubbering antagonists.
And I'm saving much needed money.
Try it. It may work for you too.
What I can tell you is that I have a confident, almost exhilarating, looking foward to feeling that something good this way comes. It is emanating from the center of my being...the heart.
We do need to continue to focus on the positive, on the good, on the light that surrounds all of us, instead of allowing the darkness to swallow us up. Empowering negativity by anxious and dire thoughts will not improve our situation(s).
We all have within us the capability to change, reach out toward others and pray for our leaders.
Events and people will run their course. Once something is set in motion, it either gains speed or peters out.
Those of us, watching from the sidelines, can feel helpless as we feel we have no control over what is happening.
I tried an experiment. And maybe this will work for you.
I discontinued my satellite t..v. It's been six months now and I've noticed a big difference.
I am actually able to think for myself without every anchor in the world filling my head with a bunch of mumbo jumbo.
Every morning I'd get up and the first thing I'd hear was background noise that almost drowned out the coffee maker.
Bobble heads all clamoring for my attention, inane commercials, and incessant talking while I tried to go about my business.
So I put an end to the chatter and what happened?
I found I was able to sift through all the garbage they were spewing and reclaim my own decision making process without the help of a bunch of blubbering antagonists.
And I'm saving much needed money.
Try it. It may work for you too.
Soule's Rants
Monday, January 9, 2012
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Black, White and Tan
Yesterday evening, after driving a long distance, I stopped at a gas station to fill up. I noticed a young dog wandering aimlessly with his nose constantly to the ground. He was a light tan color.
Just then, a van pulled up next to me and an older black man got out. I continued to fill my gas tank and then watched as he purposely walked toward the little animal and emptied something onto the ground.
The little dog immediately made his way over to the man. Then the gentleman turned and started walking back toward his van. As he passed near I said to him, "that was a nice thing to do." His response, "I knew the little fella was hungry."
I immediately remembered the remnants of afternoon's lunch still reposing nicely in my trunk. It was a styrofoam container full of rib bones and some rice pilaf.
I finished filling my gas tank and walked around to open up my trunk. I pulled out the container and walked toward the little dog. He didn't run but stayed put, his tail wagging happily as he hungrily gulped down the meal.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if this caught on? Something so simple, so profound, so full of love, one of those random acts of kindness we hear about but this time directed toward a helpless animal.
Aren't we helpless animals, in one way or the other, at some time in our lives?
As I was pulling away from the station I waved at the old gentleman and he waved back.
I was thinking...two total strangers connected together that day through an act of love and kindness, and all because of a little dog who had lost its way.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Thief Steals Car, Prosthetic Legs From Florida Army Veteran « CBS Tampa
Thief Steals Car, Prosthetic Legs From Florida Army Veteran « CBS Tampa
soule: Let us hope and pray that the thief who stole this vet's car reads this article and realizes he stole a car with this veteran's prosthetic leg inside.
If this thief has any feelings, any moral fiber at all, he'll either return the car, apologize to this veteran, or turn himself in.
And if not, maybe, in the next life, this thief will be assigned his new role...as a soldier who suffers the affects of an injury, which immobilizes and debilitates him for the rest of his life.
soule: Let us hope and pray that the thief who stole this vet's car reads this article and realizes he stole a car with this veteran's prosthetic leg inside.
If this thief has any feelings, any moral fiber at all, he'll either return the car, apologize to this veteran, or turn himself in.
And if not, maybe, in the next life, this thief will be assigned his new role...as a soldier who suffers the affects of an injury, which immobilizes and debilitates him for the rest of his life.
Civilian Brutality
On Davos - An Indian Businessman Speaks His Mind
Sunday, January 1, 2012
It's 2012 and We're Picking Up Speed
We’re all invited to a Tea
Where eyes wide open,
ALL will see
The Cruelty, the depravity -
Of our Human Condition”
Looks more like Perdition
The Powerful keep running around
Trampling the weak into the ground
But times are changing
And They will see
We finally grasp Totality
We’re tired of all the pushing,
It’s time for peace and
Global loving
Get out of Our way
You bureaucrat
Or we will swat you
Like a gnat
The world is finally coalescing
Holding hands
And reassessing
We’re on our way
Just don’t stop now
Or we will tumble
Like the Dow
Hands extended
Across the planet
Black ones
Brown ones
The whole darn gamut
We’re gaining speed
The Momentum spreads
This time we’ll
Cut the Snake off head
Where eyes wide open,
ALL will see
The Cruelty, the depravity -
Of our Human Condition”
Looks more like Perdition
The Powerful keep running around
Trampling the weak into the ground
But times are changing
And They will see
We finally grasp Totality
We’re tired of all the pushing,
It’s time for peace and
Global loving
Get out of Our way
You bureaucrat
Or we will swat you
Like a gnat
The world is finally coalescing
Holding hands
And reassessing
We’re on our way
Just don’t stop now
Or we will tumble
Like the Dow
Hands extended
Across the planet
Black ones
Brown ones
The whole darn gamut
We’re gaining speed
The Momentum spreads
This time we’ll
Cut the Snake off head
Soule's Poetry
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