Thursday, January 12, 2012

Obama Needs Another Trillion - SO WHAT'S NEW?
soule:   "Let's see, Mr. President, can you give me a second and I'll see what I can do for you?"  

"But I have one condition fer ya".  


Obama:  "Why...why sure.  Now I promise you that I'll hold off on a decision until I can consult with Congress.  There ain't nothin to worry about as Congress is out to lunch right now (soule:  literally) so I can't consult with them until they get back.  You don't have nothin to worry about.  You got my word on that.

Obama:  And, remember when I said I'd bring CHANGE to Washington?  (soule:  wipin the sweat from her forehead..."ah yes sir, it's undisputable how screwed we've been ever since you brought CHANGE to the Oval Office"), er, I mean how much CHANGE you've brought."

Obama:  Lookin at his watch..."my dear, we're wastin precious time (mine).  I be the Prez and I'm pleadin for yer help.  I need the money, NOW.  After all, I spent all you had".

soule:  Look sir, I'm gonna give you a second chance to redeem yerself.  I'll take you at yer word.  (BIG MISTAKE).

"I may be able to help you out but only after I'm finished scrounging the money to pay my mortgage bill, my property taxes, my cell phone bill, my phone bill, my automobile insurance bill, my life insurance bill, my grocery bill, my electric bill (now there's a whopper) my gas bill and my health insurance bill.  Did you know, Mr. President, that gas is up to $4.00/gallon?

soule:  After I'm through payin all these items I'll see where I can find another Trillion$$$ so you can just blow it all again.
It is said that the Leader of a country is a representation of the people he or she governs.  A mirror, if you will.  If this be true, then Americans are Irresponsible, Narcissistic, Reckless, Ignorant, Delusional and a bunch of Spendthrifts, responsible for electing a misfit to office.

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