Saturday, January 21, 2012

Illusion or Reality?

Think of this lovely sphere as being weighted down by a heavy blanket of dense gray fog.

Every so often a  small light manages to pierce through and penetrate the darkness, sending out its rays of warmth and enlightenment.

An unrealistic concept?  A futuristic scenario?  Just random musings of a misguided wayfarer?

We are all being lied to, deftly spun by masters of guile and deceit, to be cocooned in a vast and sticky spider web by those whose sole agenda is thwarting, putting an end to intellectual insight and thought, peaceful dissension and discussion.

Picture, if you will, a giant vulture sitting atop a mountain.  His defiant and hauteur manner impregnates the stagnant air with wings shamelessly splayed as he scornfully soaks in the warmth of the sun.

His furtive eyes constantly searching...ever seeking out new prey, slyly surveying all that surrounds him.

His razor sharp talons, ripe with human remains, coil like hardened steel traps as they dig tenaciously into the dirt.

The foul smell wafting up from below fills his nostrils with salacious pride as his unmerciful smile belies his intense satisfaction.  

His vile and despoiled, dank and fettered dark realm...akin to the lair of a Black Widow spider as it scurries to its dark corner after hungrily devouring its mate.

His realm is growing stronger.  Or, is it?

What lies beneath him are the remains of countless millions who have perished.

Many from deliberately wholesale annihilation solely beause of just who they were...war, homicide, suicide, abortion, drugs, etc.

Do you honestly believe that the Power Brokers who were and are at the forefront of these onslaughts will continue to prosper toward their despicable agendas?

It is unarguable that life on this planet has always been under attack, whether it be by other human beings,   animals or otherwise.

There is always someone or some thing trying to deprive you of your existence, for various and assorted reasons.

But could it be that there are other Beings in the universe who are, and constantly have been, watching over this little sphere we inhabit, with a keen interest in all that is taking place here?

Could it be that seeing our sordid history is replete with false starts, outright lies, with only faint rays of light  able to filter through every once in a while...Ghandi, Buddha, Confucius, Dr. Martin Luther King, Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Socrates, Thomas Jefferson.  Do you suppose that they (the Beings) might just be losing patience with us?

Are we, as a whole, silently descending into some sort of dark agenda?  Are we, at this very moment, somehow part of it without the ability to actually acknowledge it, incredulously oblivious of it?

Or, do we feel, do we somehow sense...know that something is happening out there that we do not like,  that we don't understand?  Could it just be our imagination?

I'd say the answer to this is no.

I believe that within a short period of time, many have been waking up,  awakening to a different chord ringing in our ears, and being felt in our gut.

It is a discordant and disconnected, vacant and unsettled feeling as searing stomach acid wells up from below, relentlessly clawing at our esophagus, leaving us desperate for water.  

Is there some type of an Armageddon-type event being planned?--Some type of crackdown where we all will be stripped of everything we hold dear and swept asunder by those who are diabolically drunk on power and control?

Or, will it be some type of meteorological event containing an asteroid, a CME or some other celestial body heading our way?

I have a deep affirmation, a deep belief that what we are feeling, observing, will be...unless those of us who can see underneath it all continue making our voices heard and a concerted effort along with a strong committment to identify those who would do us harm, along with their agenda(s) and speak out on behalf of the well-being of All on this planet who only wish to live out our lives in peace with one another.


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