Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Utopian EcoVillage Network Federation

soule:  I was just thinking about this concept the other day.  Isn't it time we re-think how we live?  Isn't it  time to stop the insanity of rushing here, rushing there?  Isn't it time to reconsider just who and what is really important in our lives?  Isn't it time to consider that we all belong to one big global community?  That your child's well-being is as important as mine?  That what you eat is as important as what I eat?  That we all need warmth and nurturing?  We all need hope and encouragement?

We all have a right to thrive.  We all need a reason to live.  If we cannot thrive, we cannot live.  The two go hand-in-hand.

Global communities, created for the express purpose of empowering man, not enslaving him.  Clean air, clean water, plenty of room to grow both physically and spiritually; good soil to grow fresh fruits and veggies; good grass to raise livestock and poultry. 

Sound old-fashioned?  Sound hippy-ish?  Sound too unconventional? 

Do you see any government promoting freedom from want, health and happiness for its citizens?  I'd say we're witnessing just the opposite.  The programs the government comes up with sound good but when you get to the fine print, you find you've been had.

Instead, we see governments corralling and controlling.  Squandering OUR money like it's going out of style...well it is.  How long do you think it will be before the dollar is no longer the reserve currency of the world?  Think about it.  Government throttling all classes of people.  Gagging them, handing them a heavy dose of disrespect for just about everything, and drowning them in a bureaucratic nightmare of pyrrhic costs, regulations and paperwork.

We might consider this 'utopian' concept.  It may have much to offer and be the start of something really big.

It's time for real, substantive, healthy change, not just hollow words.  It's time to put into action doable projects that will benefit everyone and make this world a better place for all.   

This concept could even catch on and sweep across the planet at such breakneck speed, that it could leave us all with that once in a lifetime good, good feeling that something really transcendent had taken place.        

(I just hope Al Gore doesn't get wind of it--because if he does...there definitely goes the neighborhood...)

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