Sunday, October 2, 2011

Time Will Tell

You've got to hand it to America.  What a testament as to her resiliency.  After long struggles with black/white issues, the birth of the Civil Rights Movement, ugly and violent behaviour, angry outbursts, murders and riots...whom did we elect? 

Millions of Americans, both black and white went to the polls, together, in 2008 and voted into office the first Black President.  It's really sad we keep pointing to a person's race whether they be in politics or in private life.  Race doesn't matter.  But I believe that substance and character do.  No matter what the circumstance, political or otherwise.      

Countries are like rubber bands.  They expand and contract.  They rise and fall, they go forward and backwards.  They are, sometimes, stretched to their limits.  But they are constantly in a state of evolution, and the direction of that evolution determined by the people who occupy the country's land mass.

Hopefully the people are focused on encouraging the country toward evolving for the betterment of everyone, not just a select few.

It is interesting to fathom just why a politican thinks this way or that.  What drives them toward this agenda or that?  How did their background of experiences, friends, companions, relatives, teachers and education play  a role? 

In the end it is what the people want.  But an uninformed group can quickly check a country's growth; seriously undermine its health and impede any progress toward anything meaningful.

There is a sinister, ideological war being waged.  It's been going on for years.  Just below the surface, it has rarely dared raise its ugly head lest it be found out and dealt a death blow.   

But some of us have gotten a whiff of it and we're holding our noses.

Are we more enlightened?  Are we more aware or 'aware less'?  Are we more caring?  Are we more receptive?  Are we more astute?  Are we more savvy?

Did we wise up or just become more resolute? 

The outcome of the next Presidential Election will tell the tale.

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