Sunday, October 30, 2011

I Want to Know 'Everything'

Me:  Why?
Being:  What is it you want to know?
Answer:  Everything.
I want to know why, I want to know that; I want to know dis, I want to know dat.  Why does the sun come up everyday?  What makes the rain to rain on the hay?  Why is there night why is there day?  Why is there love, why is there hate?  Why is there early why is there late? How does the brain work?  Why walk a mile?  Why does the moon look down with a smile?  The Great Wall of China; the Temple of Doom; Caracas, Antigua, and arid Khartoum;  High peaks and low valleys, mountains and lakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, great killer quakes; The Great White, Blue Devil, Evil and Good; E.T. and Sasquatch, The Boyz in the Hood; Frenchmen and English, Spanish and Asian, all with their own particular persuasion; Drunkards and sober, sweet wine and beer; Happy and sad; Hearts full of fear; Prayers and utterances; Violence and peace, Givers and takers, Friars and Fiefs; Good hearts, and Black hearts, sadness and grief.

Being:  "It is arrogant, impertinent and presumptious of you to consider these things, as you are not equipped to be 'Lord of the Rings'.  

You live and you die.  That's all there is to it. 

Leave all the rest to Us with Intuit. 

You will find answers when end of your rope, when all are left hanging, with no glimmer of Hope. 

You fight Us you mock Us, then despise and despair.  

We All can see you are going Nowhere. 

When Your Proper Time Cometh--from Dark into Light, You'll have Sages, Sentient Beings on hand for Insight.    

Be Silent and Listen.  Learn and Apply.  All that is Here Will Soon Multiply.

A new Dawn approaches, not End of Days; but a new Understanding, as the old is betrayed.

Be of Good Heart, Be of Good Cheer.

You All are very special, Near To Us, Dear.

So Again Let Me Say, Let Me Make It Quite Clear...

Start Embrace One Another; and stop Living in Fear."

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