Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ever See the Movie, "WRONG TURN?"

We've come to expect politicians promising us things to get elected and then turning around and not fulfilling them.  But I have to tell you, from what I am seeing, going on in Washington, D.C., the deception is beyond the pale.  I believe that for many people it just doesn't matter anymore.  So let's paint a broader picture.  President G.W, how would I rate him?  Maybe a C.  President Clinton, maybe a C-.  We small folk (peasants to our handlers) have quietly gone about the business of being Americans for a long time.  We proudly wrapped the flag of Old Glory around our shoulders and patriotically went out and did what was required of us.  We made it through the Great Depression, left behind loved ones to fight war after war, paid our taxes and raised our families. 
Never once did we say anything negative about our country.  "Why, our government could do no wrong".  We were brought up to believe that.  And, for a while, this was true.  But things have changed.  What was it about that generation, long ago, that just went along, made no waves, and made no trouble?  It was the way they were brought up.  People have changed.  People are going to act according to what they are taught.  The values instilled in them.  And from my vantage point, what I now see happening with people is a far cry from many years ago.  The people that made this a great country  are dwindling in numbers.  The people that don't have a clue about how and why this country came into being are in the millions.  It is because our schools, universities, do not teach about the greatness of America but only how it is evil and can be discredited, ridiculed, and destroyed.  We don't teach American History in schools, nor Math, nor the Sciences but are turning out millions of drones who cannot compete with the rest of the world in Math or Science because of the NEA.  This organization is another real threat to our liberties.  The Asian countries are outdoing us in math and science.  Instead of the public schools stepping up to the plate, they are ignoring this situation and continuing down the Utopian Communist path of statism.  We should be ashamed but are not.  Who will take the reins of this nation (considering there is even one left) when the time comes to lead?  And will we continue down this road to destruction that Obama and his friends have paved for us?  Some are now able to see beyond the veil, as to what lies ahead for this nation and us.  We have penetrated a stinking, putrid lair of cover up after cover up after cover up.  Lies, lies, lies.  Deception on the Grandest Scale I have ever witnessed.  The Great Liar, the Great Deceiver is in charge of change.  Forget the Hope.  That was just a myth.  An administration that deceived many into thinking that all we needed, all we wanted was hope and change.  But did anyone ever question just what this hope and change was all about?  And where was the MSM in all of this?  Out in Left Field, where they've always been.  Have we wakened up yet?  We've been severely stroked and petted, whooed and whowed but all the time it's been years of foreplay and all to ease the pain of what they really had in store for us.  They've finally corralled us all into a box and there is no way out.  Where was and is the MSM?  They are still out there with their lunatic rhetoric and spin, trying to keep us all in line, trying to keep everybody calm, trying to talk their way out of a big fat lie.  You are all a bunch of collusionists with evil.  You are Anti-America and Anti-American.  You are all accomplices in destroying this nation.  And I am damn mad about this.  You got it you bunch of *#:(($$***!!  I don't want to hear the name Socialist, I don't want to hear the name Centrist being applied to a President who only has one thing in mind, doing whatever is necessary to remain in office.  I am tired of all the slobbering blabber by you in the free press.  You are nothing more than a bunch of very wealthy anti-Capitalists, (who made all your dough right here in America) Anti-freedom, anti-liberty, anti-jobs, just plain Anti-Americans, who have finally succeeded in handing this country over to an administration who is gleefully putting the final nail in our coffin.  Spin, mistruths, he/she misspoke, I am sick of all the subterfuge.  All these years, we Americans have bought into the idea that all is well with our country.  Is it plain to see that this is not the truth, anymore.  Do you see anyone doing anything about solving the problems we are facing?  Financial doom, no building of refineries, taxing us more, no job creation, destroying the housing market, adding tons more to the government payroll, and ramming down our throats a healthcare nighmare that will destroy the private sector.  Answer me something...if you see someone robbing a bank what do you do?   Call the cops or just walk away?    Isn't that the situation we have here now?  And who is doing anything about it?  I'd say America made one big mistake back in November of 2008.  It's called a wrong turn but can we make it right?  Only if we regain some sanity and get some respect not only  for ourselves but for this country who has offered liberty and freedom to millions.  This country, who has done so much for so many, and whose precious and hard-won ideals are now under aggregious assault.

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