Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Dwindling Middle Class

well, after taking two and a half weeks to gather all my receipts, totaling everything up, buying a new piece of equipment (that wasn't cheap, BTW) let's see....8K on supplies, 4K on other things, income, federal income tax, state income tax, Soc. Sec. (which is classified as income, so for all you younguns out there, git ready to have it rammed to ya) and fuel....we won't even go there...i'm gittin $1100.00 back from the feds. And the state got $10.00 of my hard earned money. Dang!!! Let's see $1100.00 divided by 12 months = $96.67 per month, (mutter, mutter, mutter) and there are 30 days in a month so, voila! my pay for all the hard work i did last year was $3.22/day. Didn't i just read somewhere that people in really poor countries make only $2.00/day? And, 65% of that goes to food and fuel. Well at least i'm $1.22 ahead but with the price of fuel and food goin up here i'll soon be joinin them. Hey Congress and you too, Mister President, keep up the good work. i hear you want to tax me even more. so I have a question fer ya..."what does a squirrel gather?" You got it...nuts. That's what you all are, a bunch of nuts. You fell from different trees, of course. Did you Congress guys ever stop to think that pretty soon if you keep takin away our (what do they call it now? oh, yeah, wealth) there might not be any more of us to tax? because, you will have taken away all the wealth we had? Are you even listening? Do you even get this? Then what, you morons? Got a backup plan? No, but i bet you sure can make one up in a hurry. don't bother to answer as i already have my answer. why did i not think of this years ago? i'm goin on welfare. forget working for a livin. it don't pay. just think, i'll get a big fat welfare check for doin nothin. Hey, don't point yer grubby lil finger at me. at least i went out and worked for awhile and what did i get in return? nottin. i'm ready now and i deserve it. ..i'm so far below the poverty level now that they're gonna have to create a whole new class. so Welfare here i come. Woo Hoo!!! now i'll be able to really enjoy myself....finally i can go and sit on my butt and do nothin all day. Consume all the beer and wine i want and when i think about chocolate, i get all worked up. for all youse guys drivin the Beltway to work everyday, that's "turned on." now i'm finally in heaven. i'll show off my brand new ipad, iphone, blackberry and the finest gold jewelry. it will hang from every inch of me. then i'll go down to the new car dealer and pick out what i always wanted...a second car . a brand new, fire-engine red Lamborghini with an I LOVE OBAMA sticker plastered to its rear end. Now i'm really in. why the heck didn't i think of this sooner?

ans: maybe cause i got some good sense instilled in me and morals from my Mom and Dad, who lived through the Great Depression and were of the Greatest Generation. You know how the Greatest Generation got its name? Because of hard work, NO handouts, living within their means, respecting their elders, didn't dare abuse a child, spanked their kids, loved their country, weren't public menaces, went to church, and fought in a war to end all wars so the rest of you and i could live here in freedom. Hey Congress you listenin? NO.

Freedom: Free to live, free to choose. But never free to just rip the middle class to shreds. Don't forget the middle class is (was) the meat between the two pieces of bread. my parents also taught me that you don't take from them that have in order to just hand it over to them that have not, and all because they refuse to work.

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