Friday, April 8, 2011

What a Country!

Watching the two parties duke it out to reach some sort of budget agreement was interesting as alot of facts surrounding this budget debacle finally surfaced.  Is anyone else sick of this nonsense?  It's really more than nonsense seeing that Congress, the people we elected to office, have pretty much emptied out our bank accounts.  Do they really care that this nation is on the brink of fiscal insolvency?  I think this latest round of talking deals answers that question.  The voters sent a clear message to Congress back in November.  STOP THE SPENDING.   That meant BOTH parties but we still have one party (the Democratic Party) that refuses to step up to the plate.  I'm sorry but that's the way I see it.  And I believe I have the facts to back this statement up.  How do you label a group (there may be a few exceptions) who seemingly ignore the gargantuan fiscal crisis this country is in but can only feels pain for one of its pets...Planned Parenthood?  Forget the fact that the country is going down the drain but don't you dare touch my population control project.  Man is is it working and the money it brings  Then, when it appears that it might get axed, because we are broke, they let the  loonies loose who start with absurd accusations to drum up support.    I'm sorry but this shenanigan only made me madder.  What is truly frightening is watching a bunch of spoiled brats who have full control of my money.  Apparently their Mommy or Daddy didn't do a good job of using the paddle.  You know the ole saying, "spare the rod and spoil the child."  Can you spell D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T?  Forget the fact that with a looming government shutdown our military would not receive their pay.  But you damn well can count on Congress receiving theirs.  The Tea Party needs to continue the pressure.  The Freshmen Congressmen, in both parties who really want to turn this country around need to stick to their guns.  No backing down.  Time has run out.  To summarize, If you're not willing to work toward truly fixing our economic mess then I say, lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.  The President has certainly gotten this message.  I haven't seen him in months.   Oh please, don't tell me he'll  be out of town again.  Where is it this time?  This guy certainly has alot of vacation time saved up.  I guess that's the hard part of bein a Prez...when the hard times hit,  just hit the road, that's what I always say.  What a guy, what a Congress, what a country!

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