Friday, March 11, 2011


I came to a standstill this morning when I saw the devastation. Then I broke down and cried. The news was entirely devoted to the 8.9 monster earthquake that hit Japan early this morning. Nothing about Wisconsin, nothing about Charlie Sheen. We are slowly on our way to realizing that it's we, the people of earth, that really matter. Their well-being, their safety, their health. We constantly focus on the unecessary, the stupid, the frivolous, the Hollywood headlines that grab our attention. We keep forgetting that we are all connected, I believe now, more than ever. To the Japanese people, I am so beyond words regarding what just happened to you, your island, your home, I cannot find them. All I can do is continue praying for all of you. I will visit your beautiful country and your beautiful people one day, as I have been planning to do so for some time.

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