Saturday, March 5, 2011

Check Your Watches

We humans are a complex and curious lot. We are vast in numbers and the silken threads of our genetic tapestry are woven together in a beautiful and vibrant mosaic. I believe all of us came from a single rootstock comprised of one genetic code but with a different sequence of numbers that would ultimately define our ethnicities. We are all from the same tree but with different branches. I believe this genetic code binds us together into one big family and the same lifeblood that courses through my veins courses through yours. The question is, will we ever be able to embrace this way of thinking?
Will we ever be able to wake up to this reality? Or, will it only be after some one, or some nation, unleashes a nuclear holocaust and destroys a great number of us? Or, after this group or that group, in a maniacal frenzy of rage, annihilates those of us they deem unworthy because of a particular lifestyle or belief? Then and only then will we be able to see-- after we have caused the utmost devastation, and the veil that covers our eyes is lifted, and we have no choice but to stand side-by-side, not being able to find the words, witnessing the carnage that we wrought...the completely desolate and bleak vista that now stretches before of broken and twisted bodies, broken ways of life and a broken Planet? I believe we have been and continue to be watched by other beings. They are careful to stay just out of our peripheral vision. Our very activities, our very actions toward each other and this Planet, are being assessed. We are being graded and I'm afraid our grade is an F. We have had plenty of time yet have failed to come together, to put aside our differences and learn to coexist peacefully together. The clock is ticking. I believe we are reaching a point of no return and if it is determined by a planetary hierarchal body that we cannot nor do we want to change our ways of doing business, then what was granted to us, from the Beginning, which is Free Will, will most definitely be taken from us. At this particular time this greater Power will intervene and grab hold of humanity's reins. How do you go about changing someone's mindset, someone's heart? Is this possible? Yes. It's being done, right now by many who see that this is a desperate need. But at the present time I certainly don't see anyone on the horizon, any world leader or organization capable of enabling this change worldwide. So who or what will intervene on our behalf, if indeed this event is poised to happen? Will it be the long-awaited Messiah (Moshiach) or someone or some thing else? We humans have only inhabited this planet for a short period of time, even though the scientists keep revising the numbers upward. In the spiritual realm, this is just a blink of the eye. And, when have we ever made lasting peace with anything? From the beginning, we rebelled against the Universe and it's Creator in the Garden of Eden. And we still continue the trend of rebelliousness by invading, conquering and subjugating our neighbors. When you look at Planet Earth and all the horror we have inflicted upon each other, and upon her (our collective home) one has to wonder when or if it will ever stop. Aren't we really at war with ourselves? If we belong to the same family and wage war with each other, we are really annihilating only one thing and that is, ourselves. This doesn't mean to say that wars were not fought for good reason as in World War II when the world came together to eradicate a Great Evil. Currently we are witnessing events on an unprecedented scale...a global economic crisis, upheaval, riots, mayhem, kingdoms rapidly falling, horrific acts of cruelty. People are suffering everywhere..from earthquakes, volcanoes, biblical flooding, monster typhoons. We also have the magnetic pole racing toward Russia at a strong clip, 40 miles per year. It is predicted that we are on the cusp of major, increased solar activity. We are living in uncharted times but this is also called the Correcting Time. Just like the stock market uses this term, we are collectively, as a species, hurtling into the unknown, with no safety weights and franctically groping for answers. We are afraid as we do not know why all of this is happening. But we do have things to fall back on like the Learned Sages of Old...the Mayans, the Hopi Indians, the Hebrews, along with the Muslims and Christians who all believe this time to be very different than any time before. Interesting that all have arrived at the same conclusion...that we are in some sort of transition, transformation, that we all are witnessing turmoil, evil and mayhem at unbelievable levels, and that something is definitely going on. There is a saying, "We ain't in Kansas anymore". I believe we all have the same feeling that we just hope we will be able to survive all that is coming, even though we really don't know what is coming. We are living in an age of uprecedented uncertainty. But what is also happening is something's a new awareness and a spiritual awakening. We are being called forth as we rise to a new level of consciousness. In so doing, we are slowly connecting with the One Source who is above all others. We are shedding off the old and putting on the new. It is going to be a new way of thinking and of treating our fellow human beings. A whole new way of conducting business. Just like a woman in travail, when she is close to giving birth, these birth pangs are happening now. We look in the medicine cabinet and find that we don't have any pain killers to deal with the pain. But we have one solace and that is we are all in this together. Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, it makes no difference. And together we will all get through it. The Universal Creator has given us a blueprint and it is buried deep inside. It has remained untouched for centuries. There were a few who were above us who shone the light of Truth but they are gone. In order for us to read the fine print we must hold fast to our faith and to our spiritual leaders and realize that we can no longer control our own destiny. It is someone else's hands. But let us try and look forward to the new day that is dawning. No more war, no more poverty, no more hunger, no more greed, no more corruption. The complete eradication of evil. It is a big planetary celebration and we are all invited to the party. The Universe is finally coalescing together as one and we are all going to realize very soon that we are just as much a part of it as every other species who are its inhabitants. We aren't just some distant blue ball hanging out all by itself in the cold dark recesses of space. We have finally arrived at our own graduation party. Who said it would be easy. I've posted before questions as to how the human race came into being. Were we just deposited here by an alien race? Were we seeded here? The scientists just do not know nor will they ever know, until the answer is made known. But does it make any difference from whence we came? Not really, but it sure does make a difference if we all know where we are going.

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