Monday, October 26, 2009

Unprecedented Times...Unprecedented People

I guess if one wanted to make the comment, "we have always lived in unprecedented times," I don't think you'd get much push back from me. For that's a pretty broad statement that covers just about everything humanity has faced....wars, famines, economic disasters, this group of people wiping out that group of people, and every other bit of nastiness that one could possibly think of. And all these things haven't stopped, they are very much alive today.

From Day 1, The Human Race didn't know what lay ahead, what hardships, what catastrophes, what horrors, or the battles we would overcome, or succumb to. For G-d didn't issue us a crystal ball or special goggles to look through.

Yet he did provide us with a certain sense of "knowing." Maybe it's a relationship that you know you shouldn't even start in the first place (so don't); maybe it's the actions of that next door neighbor who has sent alarm bells going off inside your head so you need to keep a more watchful eye on your kids. Maybe, just maybe, you don't believe the "rosy" picture that we're being force fed by the Federal Reserve and the White House as the Trillions of Dollars and continued spending just don't add up.

So we do have something going for us, after all, if we will just listen. For this little "inner voice" is G-d speaking. He is whispering something to you, He is giving you clues, and a sense of direction...a path to follow.

So back to the subject of "unprecedented" times. From my own personal viewpoint, I think that word is mild compared to what I believe is still coming. For this global financial "hit" which has left no nation unscathed is just a blip on the radar. We still have not hit bottom, here in the United States. We are still in the "baby throes" of the aftershock of government mismanagement, thuggery... of mind-boggling proportions. Of having the rug jerked out from under us by a bunch of characters who now leave an overwhelming stench wherever they go, whenever they speak. Maybe they always had that "stench" it's just that only now have we caught on to it.

For they litter the corn fields like hags, ugly, gaunt scarecrows, arms askew, their dried up matter falling into harrowed rows, scantily clad in some rotten piece of tattered cloth, their straw limbs jerking wildly in the wind, hollow mouths festering away, battered faces staring into no where....falling over, as the wooden stakes they are tied to start giving away.

Well, they've done their job. They've managed to usher in a "new" direction for this country. What direction is that, you ask? It's a direction I would like to see this country not taking. It's a long way from A to Z and we're only in the A's. There is alot of ground to cover before we make landfall. And that, I believe, is going to be some time down the road. In the meantime, forget the "rosy" picture that the Deceivers are spoon feeding us. We can count, thank you. And the numbers don't add up.

We are in for some painfully hard times before we get through all of this. Give you some examples? Okay, if Obamacare passes, we are going to be made to swallow a bitter pill in that what Health Care we relied on before, what worked, is going to be wiped out and replaced with "The Totalitarians' View of What American Healthcare Should Be According to the Totalitarians'". It will be run by the Totalitarians, Policed by the Totalitarians and make no mistake, Enforced by the Totalitarians.

There is legislation being introduced that will monitor and tax our own backyard food production>from the roadside veggie/fruit stands to what you can grow in your own backyard garden. Let's see, how many chickens does Granny own? "Get somebody out there from the government and get a count." Let's see, how many tomato plants is Suzie growing this year? "Get out there and take a count". Doesn't Ole Jim have a milkin cow? "Get out there and take a count". And this legislation is being touted as "protecting the American consumer" from food poisoning. Well, if the U.S. had bothered, some years ago, to label the beef, chicken, etc., grown here, ON AMERICAN SOIL, as American-made, and SAFE, and not co-mingled your hamburger with burger from Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, etc. then maybe we wouldn't have had so many Salmonella outbreaks. But this is just another example of government's encroachment, digging its claws deeper and deeper into our way of life. And one more example that I'm giving of the change that's coming, that we will most likely have plenty to say about but it certainly appears that no one is listening.

So, now that we've connected some dots....we've been lied to, we know that harder times are coming, what do we do, what can we do?

Well, we use our brains and that "knowing" feeling that's coming through....can we refinance our mortgage? Is it possible to do without that Credit Card and just pay cash? Can we move in with family? How about making a budget and sticking to it? Put off painting the house, buying that new car? Start a garden and make sure you buy Heirloom Seeds as you can collect the seeds and plant them next year. The seeds you buy in Walmart or elsewhere, unless they are marked "Heirloom" you're just throwing away your money, and your seeds.

I know I just talked about the bureaucrats comin out and countin your tomatoes but don't let that stop you from feeding your family as I see higher prices coming at the grocery store, along with higher fuel prices, and/or maybe a shortage of what we're used to buying at the grocery store. Buy some chickens so you'll have some meat and eggs. They are easy to raise just make sure you buy the right variety for where you are living, that's all. And learn how to butcher them, as you may have to.

And most importantly, we need prayer. Prayer is going to be needed like never before. Prayer to help guide us through the unseen, the unknown. Prayer for courage and decision-making. Prayer and Praise to a Holy G-d, in Good Times and especially, in Bad. For it is in times of uncertainty that you praise G-d the most.

Prayer for Unprecedented Times, for an Unprecedented Country and for an Unprecedented People, the American People.

G-d Bless all of you. Those who came before to create this Great Nation, those who still stand firmly by her side--our soldiers, our veterans, and the the rest of you.

For no matter what lies ahead, we will get through, to the other side, because of what we have. Not what we DO NOT have. For we have our families, our friends, our convictions, our country. We are a strong people with a strong resolve. It just hasn't been tested as of late. But it's coming.

We are One Nation, One People, Under G-d. And no matter what is thrown at us, no matter by whom, no matter what we have to endure, we will prevail not only as One People but as One Country, United Together Like Never Before.

As a Just and Merciful G-d Walks us down the path He has chosen for us, the one where we step neither to the left nor the right, all He asks is we hold onto His hand and follow His light.

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