Saturday, October 17, 2009

Where Are Our Spiritual Leaders?

Where are our Priests, Ministers, Rabbis?
A spiritual battle is clearly being waged upon Planet Earth. It has been going on now for centuries, since the Beginning. But is somehow more sharply focused. More and more people are seeing the results that are reaching far wide. The lens on the camera is being tweaked ever so slowly. In this country we just elected a President whose Hope and Change Mantra has resulted in just the opposite...a growing fear and alarm at what has been done/undone in just a few short months. If one hasn't gotten it by now that this country is undergoing a dramatic transformation, and not necessarily a positive one, then maybe one needs to get one's head examined?
Is this all part of a plan? I'm not talking political but spiritual. Okay, I said it. Agree or disagree it makes no difference. For if you say there is good then there is evil.
I'm seeing things happening here in this country, to this country, that I never dreamed I would ever see happening in my lifetime. And yet I know that this is also a "global" thing going on. But yet I live here, not over there. I have to focus on things happening here, all the while knowing that what happens "over there" is also going to affect what happens "here."
Seeing the tsunami of upheaval, turmoil and chaos that has occurred here in America, following the election of President Obama, I have a question...where are our spiritual leaders?
For if ever there was a time when they were needed, THE TIME IS NOW. I remember the painting of our first President, George Washington, humbly kneeling in prayer, his horse patiently waiting nearby, as he earnestly spoke with G-d, during the Revolutionary War, asking for guidance.
Wisdom, Forgiveness, Guidance, Courage, Deliverance....these are the things that are going to get us through the days ahead. I keep getting emails from this Trendsetter, this Financial Guru, this guy, ..."the sky is falling, we're going to have a global economic collapse, America is headed for the worst depression in its history". Then I hear, "the Stock Market is rebounding. From the Fed: We're over the recession. Then another source: Foreclosures are down, the economy is getting stronger, unemployment numbers this week aren't as bad as they were last week".
We all have a brain so let's connect the dots: #1: Thanks to a Fast-Track Congress we are now in debt to the tune of Trillions of dollars which we can't even comprehend much less pay off in this lifetime, the next lifetime, or two or three lifetimes thereafter.
#2: This administrations wants to add another ONE TRILLION DOLLARS MORE OR LESS (HEALTH CARE REFORM) to this debt.
#3: Nothing has been done to create jobs, even though this was all part of the gargantuan spending program put forth by Congress. Jobs are what stimulate the economy; get the engine of Capitalism moving. Then people have the money to buy things like the good little Capitalists we are. This in turn creates more jobs, more opportunities, and we have a vibrant economy. Ain't happenin. I see no jobs being created but I certainly see millions of jobs continuing to be lost.
If you have noticed there has been an all out assault on our religious freedoms here. We can't have nativity scenes in public places anymore; take down the Christian Crosses; no Ten Commandments can be displayed; no school prayer. The Park Service just recently announced that we couldn't even have Christian ornaments on our National Christmas Tree but has since recanted. The Pedophile Protection Act, Senate Bill 909, protects "alternative" lifestyles (Pedophiles, Homosexuals) but will punish any Priest, Rabbi or Minister who dares speak out about these lifestyles. They may even wind up in prison.
So why do I say this is spiritual warfare, because I believe it is. And we need all the ammo we have at our disposal to fight back.
That is why I am appealing to our Spiritual Leaders to come forth and bind us all together, to hold us up, as we're being cast down, to strengthen us as we're losing faith, and to arm us with the Wisdom and the Guidance we need to realize what "IT" (the enemy) is that we are fighting and facing.
It is Good vs. Evil. Simple as that.
And for those who have lost their jobs, their homes, who are down and out, who are just plain fed up, too depressed, too tired to go on, addicted, afflicted, who just don't care anymore, who just do not know what to do or where to turn....please, please, pick yourselves up, just one more time and head to a local church, parish, synagogue, food pantry, Salvation Army, food kitchen, some where you will find nourishment for your body, mind and most importantly your souls. For this is where the real fight begins...with the soul. Strengthen that first and then you'll be ready for anything.
Men of Providence Where Are You? We need you now more then ever as hand in hand we stand, all across this great land, with Torah, Bible, in our hands and maybe even a Koran. Come forth from thy hiding places and show us your Graces, resplendent from G-d, and with a nod, we fall to our knees, all overcome by His blessed Mysteries. We ask for Forgiveness, Wisdom, Courage and Faith all of these things we ask with your Grace. So come forth and show us please show us your face. America is waiting and her people are to, so let's not wait until the shoe other drops too.

Soule: For a sobering look at just exactly what is happening to our religious liberties here in the U.S., please visit: A website devoted to "sending petitions to G-d and Government to Defend Religious Freedom," by Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt

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