Monday, November 4, 2013


Barack  Hussein Insane Obama -- People don't like being lied to.  And I agree with Clint Eastwood, "Obama is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."   As I stated in a previous post, my feeling is that Obama Care is the beginning of the end for Obama and his legion of supporters.  When a tyrant starts to lose his base of support, because he is no longer deemed to be an important cog in their wheel of deception, then his house of cards will start to crumble.  They will turn on their own and hungrily devour them.  You are now seeing this happening.  Obama don't know it yet but he's ignited a Baracklash that's going to go down in history.  We're now seeing the real Obama--and the Emperor ain't got no clothes.  The grumblings of resentment, rage and anger starting to boil over, because millions of Americans now know that their president lied to them regarding their health care is the beginning of the end of Obama.  It don't matter if you be Blue Collar or White Collar, Black, White or Tan.  Duh End is Comin For Da Man.  One thing to keep in mind, however.  A tyrant does not change his spots, willingly.  A tyrant will do anything he can to keep his hold over the people and remain in power.  But this Hoaxter in Chief has forgotten one thing.  This is a country By the People and For the People.  Time to take it back.       

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