Thursday, April 5, 2012

2008: Just a Foreshadowing of Things to Come

When I think back to when I was born and I must admit that was quite a few years ago, the events I am witnessing today are mind-boggling.

Abortion on demand; drug lords; gangs; murder and mayhem not only in big cities but happening on school campuses; looting and pillaging; severe disrespect for laws, parents, teachers and others.  Have I missed anything?

When I grew up we respected our parents, the leaders of our community, our country.  We supported our military and were keenly aware of the sacrifices they made.  When someone gave their word, that's all you needed.  When you owed money, you paid it back.  Charities and churches were "our" welfare and they maintained civility and contributed to healthy communities.

What I am seeing now is a total breakdown in structure; in the fabric that keeps a country together.

We have this group pointing fingers at that group; we have criminal behaviour not only in our streets but in our government.  We have welfare that isn't doing anyone any good other than blackmailing them with dollars, ensuring they are kept underfoot so this group or that one can use them as a leverage to gain more traction.

We have a President who has made it quite clear that he is not about Hope and Change but something more sinister...who, with precision timing, continues to ratchet up the notch of dissension, discontent, doubt and fear.

How is it that we have arrived at this point, in history, so unlike the country I once knew?

We are reminded again and again by those who have gone before, that if a citizenry is not mindful of its   duties to the country it inhabits, nor tends to them, that that country will eventually fail and go the way of all others that slacked off.

That if groups of people will not integrate into a society, because they refuse to, adopt the precepts and standards befitting for all, that that country will fail.

Why is it that the Japanese, the Chileans and others, when confronted with what appears to be an almost insurmountable tragedy, band together as one unit to confront the problem and solve it?    There is no looting, no shouting, only working together to fix the problem.    

Here, in America, you have groups mobilizing and inciting, others spitting in the face of the country they now call home (witness the chanting of USA at a basketball game just recently in which a certain group took offense as chanting USA was deemed to be rascist).

If we keep going at this rate, I give the country 5 more years and that's it, unless we have strong leaders leap to the challenge of righting this ship, not sinking her.

What happens if one does not place a solid bit in a horse's mouth and a firm grip on the reins?  Ans:  The horse will have a tendency to bolt.

This is where we are now.  A situation in which I believe, if left unchecked, will surely consummate our demise.

I don't want to see that.  I am calling on all good and able-bodied men and women, all Americans, to rally 'round the flag and stop the madness that we are all witnessing every day.

For if we do not, it won't be just a country we have lost, but a way of life.

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