Saturday, November 19, 2011

soule:  it appears that we are well on our way to the dismantling of this country's fabric. 

Just look at the past 2-1/2 years.  This process has accelerated under this admenstruation.

And all we see on t.v. is grins and glee.

Don't nobody worry, there ain't no problem, we ain't on the brink of no insolvency.  We be just fine.  Now all you good little sheep just continue a-grazin and a-goin about yer business like nothin's wrong, cause nothin is. 

If you believe that, I'll send you a picture of an alien 'show and tell'.  

And, how is it that we allowed the formation of a so-called "Super Committee" to go forward, which, in reality, throws the Constitution under the bus, by usurping its authority in that an elected Congress, not a Super Committee of twelve individuals, who used our financial crisis as an excuse to consolidate power  and a President casting "the deciding vote",  were the ones elected to do the work of the people?

We have created another layer of bureaucratic bullshit.  And the way they be set up, you might as well rename them the Politboro.

Now it appears that they can't get their acts together either.  You could see this one a-comin, too.

The fabric of any country is fragile.  What holds it together (the glue) is the framework (government) and a network of people, organizations both public and private, that work together, harmoniously.

But when dire extremes are allowed to take hold, that infiltrate the process of decison-making and governing such as:  die-hard partisanship, special interests, corruption and greed, they can take precedence over solving problems, to such an extent that these extremes are now the determining factor in how one votes.

OMG, Alice, "It appears that we are well on our way down the rabbit hole"! 
No one is telling the American people the truth.  But if you understand:
(1) this country is out of money (WE ARE BANKRUPT);
(2) we are no longer a soverign nation as the amount of debt we now owe is so enormous that there is no way in hell we are ever going to be able to pay it back (thus placing us in a position of weakness (was it deliberately or by accident--you decide) and our dear friend and confidant, China, is now the place holder;  
(3) China is not a friend but a sly and clever antagonist, who is taking advantage of our pitiful state, positioning herself handsomely, all the while playing us like a fine Stradavarius Violin;
(4) Congress is decisively more interested in protectin its assets/asses than ours.
(5) We are still giving enormous sums of money to foreign nations, even though we have none left for ourselves.

It is clear to me that government doesn't care one whit about our financial status only in making it worse nor are they the least bit interested in the lives of the very people they were sworn to protect.  Only in those special interests groups and individuals that will enable them to hang onto another four years in office.

In view of all of the above, don't you believe it is time to take stock of where you are, presently?

First...take the blinders off.

Take a good hard look at your present situation:  your savings, 401K, how much of a mortgage you have left to pay on, your credit card debt and other issues. 

Then, in the interest of protecing what's really important, take stock.  Take the measures necessary to protect your family, what is rightfully yours, and what you worked damned hard for. 

Did You Know:
Because Congress, (Barney Frank and Chris Dodd in particular) pressuring (threatening) banks to lend to people that:
(1) didn't have the necessary resources to pay for a home;
(2) didn't do background checks to ensure they could pay back the money they were lent;   is questionable if many of them even knew the implications of what was contained in the documentation they signed; 
(3) pandered to those they knew couldn't pay their loans back because they were of a certain group and/or were poor and/or disadvantaged.  Now the foreclosure rate has fallen off the cliff;
Banks are not lending money anymore or very little, because they don't want to lose their investments again; And, i am quite sure that if one investigated, one would find that Both Frank and Dodd profitted handsomely from this huge scandal.

Not only that, an interesting statistic just came to light:  Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac are now the BIGGEST mortgage holders in the United States.

How interesting.  How convenient.  The government now OWNS most of the mortgages in this country.    (better read the fine print on yours.)

Note:  I am not against anyone who falls under the government category of "poor and disenfranchised" and believe they should be afforded the same opportunities, like the rest of us, just to clear up any misconceptions.  But safeguards should have been in place, to prevent this meltdown from happening. 

And, clearly, they were not.  I also feel that many of these people (my opinion only) were openly, knowingly taken advantage of just to "sign" em up.

Now look at the mess our government has created not just for them but for all of us, not to mention the frustration, angst and despair that has been heaped on many of these people. 

And did this blatantly avoidable financial housing meltdown have a beneficial impact on this country's dismal economic status?  I dare say, NOT.

No house, no job.  No roof over your head and no money to pay your bills.  Maybe, a short ride on unemployment. 

Government is not the solution it is the problem.  It don't create solutions, it creates problems which turn into crises and then races to solve the crises, claiming that they know what they are doing but only making things  worse.

How I would love to see Barney Frank and Chris Dodd's shameful, sorry asses bein thrown out onto the street, with all their worldly possessions, like many of these people had to go through. 

They still got their job.  They still got a roof over their head.  Can anyone spell S-L-I-M-E-B-A-G?

Americans, wake up and smell the coffee.  It's goin up in price BTW.  And, while you're sippin away, take a look at your bank statement.  It's our asses on the line, not theirs.  Stop voting these politicians back into office so they can keep screwin us.

What we have today is OUT OF CONTROL GOVERNMENT--all too powerful government, with razor sharp talons outstretched, hovering fervently, malevolently, drooling all over a bunch of down and out individuals and entities which happens to include just about everyone.  Growing more hungry and more powerful, each day.

Whatever label the government assigns to, poor or middle class, it makes no difference anymore as we are all squarely positioned in their crosshairs.
ALL TOGETHER NOW...."dumb diddle diddle diddle, dumb diddle i..."

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