Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Alphabet Soup

Instead of "occupyin" Wall Street
political feudin and fightin
pointin fingers
shovin people around
groups and individuals encouraging trouble and mayhem
and just plain actin stupid...we might consider focusing on something that could possibly be comin our way from outer space.

The sun is in an eleven year solar max cycle and could, at any time, throw a big one our way.  We could be hit by a huge stream of plasma particles that may well wipe out our communications systems and have other catastrophic effects.  To say this would be a disruption to everyone's life, is putting it mildly.

Haven't we had several wake up calls recently (in my opinion that's what they are--to get our collective asses together?) 

Like a sharp tap on the shoulder:
Chilean Earthquake;
Japanese Earthquake (March 2011);
a record 283 tornadoes across the country in one day - (April 2011);
massive flooding
severe droughts
an unusual East Coast earthquake - (October 2011);
a string of Oklahoma earthquakes ranging from a 5.7 to 2.7 - (November 2011) and scientists can't figure out the reason(s) why.  Hmmmm

Isn't it time we all stop acting like idiots, calm down and realize there are much bigger things to worry about?

Things we can't plot, can't predict, can't mark on a calendar (until, of course they happen) and only if we have any calendars left.   

There are things in life we have no control over.  When are we going to realize this absolute? 

Or will we, in righteous indignation, continue to stubbornly bob up and down in our bowl of alphabet soup, choosing instead to continue down our path of self-destruction, oblivious to and caring less about an event that could very well put an end to all of us?

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