Friday, August 5, 2011

Define a Checkpoint

1. A barrier or manned entrance, typically at a border, where travelers are subject to security checks.
soule:  this just occurred to me the other day.  if we read the definition of checkpoint wouldn't it be safe to assume that someone in the government or other has determined that an airline terminal is some kind of border or checkpoint?  ...that when we step out of our vehicle and enter the terminal that we are crossing a border of some kind?  if one were to ponder this further, wouldn't the next question be who or what made this determination?  could it be that this country signed onto a treaty, some kind of U.N. mandate, some kind of new international law that we citizens are ignorantly unaware of?  where does this so-called checkpoint/border begin?  is it when you are standing, in line, or does it begin right before you cross the metal detector?  do we realize that we are willingly giving up our rights to privacy and decency and all because we just want to attend a business meeting or take our kids to Disneyland or visit Grandma?  Think about this and then i hope you'll start to get damn mad.  if we take this scenario further, then why isn't anyone calling it out for what it is?  because the word checkpoint will denote fear in the public?  why are we willing to subject ourselves to this type of abuse?  why are we willing to give up our rights to individual decency and privacy?  i don't see anything on an airline ticket where we signed our rights away.  so how come we continue to subject ourselves to this sort of mistreatment?  because when we allow ourselves to be subjected to these Nazi tactics, demeaning the old, and infirm, violating women and small children, our veterans, and we don't come together to put an end to it, we are just condoning the abuse.  so where is the public outcry?  have we considered that if they can stop and pat us down at an airport then why not when we cross from one state to the other?  or some bureaucrat put sign into law some kind of checkpoint in our own local community, for our own safety, of course (as they lie through their teeth).  if we do not stand up to this tyranny and that is exactly what it is, these thuggish bureaucracies will continue to spread and continue to squander away our liberties.  you know, i never really could figure out why this agency is getting away with this.  i know, they tell us it's all about safety.  but i have to ask, are you or i any safer?  it seems alot of us are coming out on the wrong end of this scenario with trauma, cuts, bruises and you name it.  so where is the safety in all of this?  to me, it's just another buzz word for C-O-N-T-R-O-L.  could it be that this is just a pre-cursor to more awful stuff coming down the pike, right in line with the globalist thinking that America, as a sovereign Republic, doesn't exist anymore but the NEW  WORLD ORDER does?  give this some thought folks, esp. you with small children. 
don't we have an obligation to our children, our women, our parents, and others to keep them from harm?
Question:  is there a watchdog group that monitors the Department of Homeland Security and its attack dogs? if so, i'd sure like to hear from ya. 
or maybe we should just start one of our own...
in the meantime, to all you parents, grandparents, women, vets, children, babes, victims of the DHS, try and think safety first...your own.

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