Thursday, August 11, 2011

Collateral Damage = The American People

Can we sue anyone in Washington, D.C. because they're fiscally irresponsible and negligent? 

The Dow is on a roller coaster ride.  The trillions being lost by a panicked Wall Street are now affecting Mainstreet.

It's all because our elected officials did not act on our behalf.   
There is a nasty smell seeping up from government sewers.  

It's the whole damn bunch--The Democrats, the Republicans, Bernanke and Obama, Reid and Pelosi.    

The Dems are the bully on the playground - do it my way or else, and the Republicans just go away.

We don't need compromise.  That's selling this country out.  We need a smackdown and now.  If our elected officials do not get a handle on their spending, then we are finished.    

This is just plain common sense for anyone to understand, of course, with the exception being our nation's capital.    

Obama is going on vacation.  To hell with the country.  He's enjoying his lavish ride as Prez, at our expense, of course, while the rest of us struggle with higher grocery prices, trying to figure out how to make the next mortgage payment and pay our utility bills.  

Actions don't lie.  

Then, when things get really out of whack, maybe the PTB will throw in a little false flag as a signal to Big Brother to throttle up into high gear.  
Definition of PTB:  Powers That Be

What was that saying from The X- Files...ummm, i think it was TRUST NO ONE

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