Saturday, January 8, 2011

The "Birth Pangs of Moshiach"

If ever there was a time for prayer, it is now--Repentance--Prayer is our connection to G-d, to The All, to the Master of the Universe, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. If you really want to know the truth, prayer is the only thing that is going to get us through all that lies ahead we cannot possibly fathom. Prayer is all that matters now. Nothing else. Things are spiraling dangerously out of control. Isn't it human nature just to ignore a problem and, oh well, I'll deal with it later? It's not that bad...ya da, ya da, ya da. Well, the "later" has caught up with us. Too bad we let things go so long and get so bad. Instead of putting our faith in G-d, where it should have been, we put our faith in ourselves. We can handle anything, right? Our egos looked for happiness in Wall Street and in Hollywood, in Target and in Sam's Club, in SUVs and fancy homes, in gadgets and in trinkets. And we darn well made sure we picked out only the best thick, juicy steaks for the Saturday barbecue. Delusionally happy and oblivious of where we were going, we charged......full speed ahead. We always knew the corner grocery store would be there and chock full of groceries. How 'bout the strip mall down the street? Cheap gas? A home where we could be safe and raise our kids? A job we could count on? What about Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security? The numbers are staggering as to their losses. Would you agree that things are a-changing? That unbelievable events are happening that leave us scratching our heads? Leaving us very angry? That guy in Tuscon AZ who just shot all those innocent people. And all the rest of the weird headlines where bad things are happening and people have seemingly just "lost it." Has the world gone mad? Just like the golden calf, the Israelites soon learned they had made a big, big mistake by replacing G-d with an idol. They had transgressed one of G-d's Commandments and were soon to find out they were about to learn a very painful lesson. I believe we could equate our situation right now with that very same event. They learned, albeit a little too late, (sound familiar) that they had just positioned themselves for an arduous correction from the Almighty. Well we, as a nation and individually, have done the same thing. We have lost our way because we chose to put our "hope and change" in false idols. There are those who will shun this post and couldn't care less about its message. There are those who have no "faith" in anything and never will. Makes no difference. Right in front of all of us is a big "correction" coming from the Almighty. No one will be left untouched. There is no place to run to and no place to hide. No one is going to escape what He has in store in order to get "His house in order". That means down here, on Planet Earth for that is where He longs to be. Sound a little too dramatic? That's okay, you are entitled to your own opinion(s) interpretation(s), feeling(s). I only hope and pray that a merciful G-d reconsider how hard He is going to lower the boom on us in order to get our attention. May the cries (prayers) from the Righteous fill the earth and reach His ears. For we have forgotten the one thing that is most important to our happiness and contentment--Him. It's going to be the Golden Calf all over again. I just hope we all get the message this time, and soon. What is happening here and globally are the beginning birth pains such as a woman experiences, while giving birth. All that is happening is as it should be. The Final Redemption and End of Exile for the Hebrew Nation. The coming of Moshiach (the Jewish Messiah). The Christian's call it "End of Days". We are in the beginning of shedding off the old world and entering a new one. The Lubavitcher Rebbe (Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson) did not know for certain whether this "transformation" would be an easy one or a hard one. But take heart....what we are experiencing was pre-ordained. This re-shuffling, transformation, metamorphisis, an awakening, a new perspective and awareness on why we are here and getting acquainted with our Creator. Just like the Butterfly emerging from its cocoon, so we are going to do the same. This new world that the Age of Moshiach is ushering in will be totally different. This will be G-d's "New World Order" and man will finally learn one important thing: that we can all live together peacefully as one and all worship together as one, The One True G-d for All Mankind.

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