Sunday, January 30, 2011

Postive vs. Negative

This world is in much turmoil. Negative energy is at an all time high. It's like watching an ant hill after its been attacked. Franctically fanning out in all directions, the little creatures run this way and that, struggling mightily against their invaders, desperately trying to protect their nest, their young, their lives. Matter gives off energy....trees, plants, ants, animals, people. Other objects also....cities, towns and communities; this planet. Have you ever driven through a town and felt that it would be a nice place to live, a happy place to raise a family? Or a place you would like to hastily speed away from? Thoughts are energy. When they say our thoughts can affect our health and outlook, they are right. The medical community is slowly finding out that prayer is a powerful healing mechanism. The Learned Men of The Ages Past were very aware of these many vibrational levels and energy fields. In fact they diligently studied them. Emotions are another energy source and give off very powerful vibrations, depending upon their severity and depth. If you have a room full of joy, that is what is occupying the space. If it is one of sorrow, then the room is full of sorrow. There are those who are very sensitive to these vibrational fields and can feel and absorb the energy being emitted. They can also be strongly affected by it, both positively and negatively. What if a thousand people were to stand together and pray for world peace, day in and day out? Do you feel that this would make a difference? Say this number grew to 500,000? If we were to believe that the above is true, that positive thoughts conjure up positive energy, then wouldn't it be fair to assume that these 500,000 people would be able to bring about some type of positive change in the world? Quite possibly in some leader's thinking and ultimately in his/her decision-making? I believe this is quite ponderable if not entirely possible.

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