Thursday, January 20, 2011

Freedom, What A Beautiful Word

Freedom, how do you define it? The dictionary says, Freedom is "the condition of being free; independence." So, can you hold it in your hand? Can you taste it in your mouth? Can you feel it in your heart? How many people will never experience it? How many people long for it and are willing to die for it? How many have already died for it? Our American soldiers, of course, by the millions, who travelled to faraway lands and never came back. Our own Founders who willingly knew, when they took the quill in hand, they were signing away their lives when they penned their signatures on the Declaration of Independence. How I miss those men. Right here, on our own soil, we had brother against brother, righting an agregious wrong; slavery. Millions, black and white, died fighting in this bloodiest of battles, called the Civil War. "Free"dom is a heavenly gift, given, by the Almighty, with no strings attached, to all humankind. So, then just who gave tyrants, governments, dictators and thugs the right to curb it, censor it or eradicate it? Answer: No one. How many in Congress so bloated with their own arrogance and self-serving interests could care less about signing away our freedoms? I'd say there are many. Another example of a brave people willing to put everything on the line are the Iranian freedom fighters. They took to the streets to protest the outcome of an election and were simply gunned down. They resisted an authoritarian government and a heartless Dictator and paid the ultimate price. My heart goes out to them. I know in my heart that the resistance goes on and I can only hope and pray that it grows stronger. Could what happened there happen here? How about the thousands, maybe in the millions, (will we ever know?) of North Koreans who are cruelly under the boot of Kim Jong-IL? How many have died by his hand who just want to be free, to live their lives away from his death camps, starvation and torture? You represent a threat to the government as you are brave enough to challenge their 'authority', ask questions, stir the pot. And the price you pay? Death. Is Freedom something to be feared? Is Freedom something to be controlled? Is Freedom something to be contained? Is Freedom something to be regulated? The answer is yes but only when it becomes apparent that freedom is going to get in the way of some one's insidious agenda. And if you're paying attention to what is currently happening here in the U.S., you can see how government is slowly tightening the noose around our necks, how we are slowly losing our freedoms. The freedom to own a home; the freedom to get a job (there aren't anymore); the freedom to get a loan (banks aren't lending); the freedom to worship who and where we want is being challenged; the freedom to mourn openly for a loved one because a certain Church group has a demonic curse come over them; the freedom to cast a vote in some parts of the country being threatened because of certain groups openly intimidating and brazenly standing in the way of voters. And witness what the President and Mr. Locke just proposed...why they would like to track all of us who blog, comment, do online transactions and visit our favorite websites. Government wants to issue us with their very own (gee I'm so excited) government I.D. I can hardly wait. We already have TSA (TOTALLY SENSELESS ASSES)and now we're supposed to just go along with being personally I.D.'d by a government who has admitted #1they don't see any drug cartels or drug smuggling; the murdering of American citizens, or any other mayhem going on along the border; #2 they can't figure out how to deal with it (okay, maybe I can help on this one ...CALL IN THE MARINES, YOU MORONS); #3 can't or won't deal with it because it's not a big issue (huh???) and #4 heck, the situation can't be controlled anyway. So I'm supposed to let some government bureaucrat stamp me on the forehead with my own personalized I.D. number? Don't think so. We're being tracked, bagged and tagged. Haven't you had enough? This is called Totalitarianism. Please look it up. It is sinister. We now have these Totalitarian guys running all over the place. They specifically like government jobs. They want what you want. They want what you have. They want to take away your freedoms. And they're getting away with it because we're letting them. It was a start to see some common sense make its way down the aisles of Congress in November but we still have a loooooong way to go. So, if we are aware of this new government I.D. that is on the table, then what about all the "other" stuff that's been done, behind our backs, without our knowledge or consent? And I'm talking former administrations also, not just the current one. It's far, far, far into the night, folks and We The People need to grab the reins and grip them firmly in both hands before we lose more stuff. There is that old saying, once something is lost you can never get it back. Lost Horizons, Lost in Space, All is Lost, Loss of Freedom. Think about it. From here on we need to make the right choices: For freedom's sake; for country's sake, which BTW enables us our freedoms in the first place, through the United States Constitution, and for our sake, the sake of our children and our grandchildren. Or, we'll find ourselves hurtling down the road, at breakneck speed, furtively glancing in the rear view mirror at a country we once knew but is now disappearing in a cloud of dust. Maybe we're already there. I hope not. For then it's too bad for me, too bad for you. And what will we be facing? Answer: what we brought down upon our heads. What Brave New World lies ahead for a bunch who didn't give a damn and could care less about a country who had given them so much? I'd say a good whoopin. But, too late. Look to the signs for they are there. I hope the Almighty has some room to spare.

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