Monday, September 24, 2012

It's All About Loss, Pain, Forgiveness and Redemption

Exactly, "Why are we here"?

What's the point of even trying to live out our lives when we are constantly facing  threats from someone or some thing that is desperately trying to destroy us?

It doesn't matter where you live as the threats to our existence such as war, starvation, chemicals in our water, food and air are all over.    

When is all violence and hatred going to end?  Is it hopeless to even think this a real possibility?  

The world appears to be collapsing in on itself.

We are a repetitive species when it comes to war - if we just finished with one war, you can be sure there is another one on the horizon.  

How many millions of our species have perished in wars?

There are those who walk among us who are just not satisfied with leaving others alone.

Continuing to push their will on others, their aim is subjugating, dominating, eventually conquering those who are too weak or unable to fight back.  

The constant in all of this is Ego.  We have hoisted Ego to lofty levels.  We bow down to Ego.  Ego has become a G-d.

Is it that we just do not care to take the time to learn to get along or, deep down, we really do not want to get along?

Is it that our way is the only way?--and that single moment of bliss, while we harbor hope and ponder a world full of peace, is ripped away, as we are suddenly jerked back to reality by an unfathomable act of savagery...  

We destroy, we conquer.  We continue to inflict pain and suffering.  

Are we even capable of breaking this cycle?  If so, when are we going to make the decision to do it?    

Or...will some one or some thing else break it for us?

I don't see this peaceful picture happening any time soon unless, of course, the world is suddenly confronted  with a calamity of biblical proportions.

One that will offer no cover but leave us with only one choice--lay Ego aside and learn to live together peacefully.    

Do you suppose that all the upheaval we are witnessing today is nothing more than a precursor to an  event of such apocalyptic proportions, one that will have such enormous impact, that it will be the final cataclyst for our coming together?--a singular event that will accomplish what we could not do...the complete removal of a stumbling block to our spiritual ascendancy; one that has beset humankind for thousands of years?

Maybe, G-d willing, at that time, the ones left behind will willingly fall on their knees, faces turned upward, as they eagerly ask and plead for, forgiveness and redemption.

We are like small children who have been taught nothing, yet given everything.

We have very little wriggle room left.



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