Wednesday, September 19, 2012


shouldn't both candidates be talking about the steps they will take to create jobs instead of 47%?  shouldn't both candidates be focused on the steps necessary to return this country to fiscal sanity?  shouldn't both candidates be talking about restoring this country's economy?  shouldn't both candidates be focused on uniting people instead of categorizing and compartmentalizing them for political purposes?

what has happened to this election?

who is driving the main theme?  what is the main theme?  - DISTRACTION

i consider myself a conservative.  what are some of the values conservatives hold?

less intrusive government
a robust economy
fewer regulations
fewer entitlements
less taxation

we seem to have gotten off track in this election.  because of the internet and social media, entrenched special interest groups that are acting more like armed combatants, and a downright hatred for one side or the other, important messages are not getting through.

case in point:  in a just released video in which Mitt Romney is speaking, he made a statement that 47% of the people would not vote for him.  i watched the video.  there are now many explanations for exactly what he said, and who and what the 47% represents.

this is a diversion away from the real issues this country is facing and a clear distraction for political purposes.

this campaign is for the soul of America and not about oneupsmanship.

it is about empowering a country and a people, not government.

one side is trying to hide the truth of failure, while the other is kept busy trying to field off all the salvos  being lobbed.  

the president assumes that by signing up more people under government programs, they will vote for him.

i believe he is wrong.  i believe that most people have enough awareness and self-worth to discern when they are being used (had).  

i believe that most people understand they are very fortunate to live here in America, not some far away place where there are no "entitlements" and you have no "rights," where limbs are regularly hacked off like kindling wood.

i believe that more and more Americans are becoming fed up with enduring strikes in which teachers making $75,000.00 annually (and some opting to send their children to charter schools) are willing to abandon their responsibilities to parents and children, instead choosing for more money and no accountability, in spite of the fact that 23,000,000 Americans are out of work.

i believe that the majority of Americans know that nothing in this world is "free" even though the government would have them believe otherwise.

i believe that the majority of Americans are aware of this fact and that now it is only one person paying for every sixteen people on entitlements.    

and what is this word, entitlement, anyway?  since when were we entitled to anything except the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness?


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