Saturday, March 24, 2012

Trouble Makers

Okay, okay, enough is enough.  This latest shooting of a black teen is nothing new.  Trayvon Martin, seventeen years old--shocking, yes, but nothing new.

It is interesting that black on black crimes, which seem to happen regularly, in black communities, continue to go unnoticed by the media and even by the people living in those communities, with no big names in either the political arena or other venues getting involved, expressing their disapproval and offering solutions to end the bloodshed.

But the minute you have someone who happens to be on a neighborhood watch, shooting someone, who just happens to be black, with no concrete information as to who really was to blame, you have the big guns drawn (Jesse Jackson, and our own President) pointing fingers.

So much for taking the high road (keeping your personal opinions to yourself aka keeping your mouth shut) and acting prudent.  Why am I not surprised?  

And the Black Panter Party making threats?  C-mon, where is our own Justice Department on this one or is it just justice for one particular group of people?  

Wouldn't it be better and expected to wait until all the evidence, witnesses, etc. were called to provide information before one opened his/her mouth(s) to lay blame?  Or, is there an underlying motive for these so-called leaders to quickly issue statements that only serve to ratchet up emotions?

I believe there is.  It is called stirring the pot, making trouble, and using race to foment emotions, which, if left unchecked, will  inevitably  lead to violence.  I personally believe that this is the exact reason why certain people jump on these opportunities to spread their agenda of hate.  

We are not a nation of Blacks, Hispanics, Whites or Asians.  We are a nation of ONE.  Does anyone even care anymore that there are those among us who care only for dividing, not uniting?

And, do you ever see the Asian community acting like the Black community?

That there are those in this country who are constantly using race to spew lies and work a group of people up, as a cover up for their true motive of empowering those who only see violence as a solution to their problems is truly despicable.  

This ain't the friggin jungle.  But, according to the way some groups continue to act, maybe it is.

If certain people get away with their mission of using incidents such as this to whip up the people, accuse and assault those with no proven evidence, thus possibly fomenting acts of violence by any group, then I'd say we need to consider putting these people on a terror watch list for that is exactly what they are promoting...terror.

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