Saturday, March 3, 2012

Keepin Track

1.  Iran boasts they will destroy Israel via nuclear weapons (and anyone else who gets in their way)  Have they even considered the harm they will do if they unleash this monster not only to Israel but other countries?    What about birds, fish, the flora and fauna, the ocean, fresh water, the air we breathe, and peoples' health?  Are they insane?

2.  Instability in Afghanistan, the Sudan, Somalia, Syria.  A total meltdown is occurring in Mexico

3.  The sun is in a solar max cycle until 2013 (which occurs every 11 years) in which it will more than likely produce even more solar flares, CMEs in the M-Class, X-Class range.  These are known to wreak havoc on technology (from the power grid to the internet)

4.  A second severe outbreak of tornadoes in the United States, in just a few weeks, occurred in February and yet again the first of March.  Tornado season doesn't even start until April.  Entire towns have been wiped out

5.  An unusual, horrifically cold winter in parts of Europe

6.  December 26, 2004:  Sumatra:  Earthquake, magnitude 9.3 hits, resulting in the death of 228,000 people in Indonesia and SE Asia.  This quake shortened the length of an earth day by 6.8 millionths of a second

7.  January 12, 2010:  Haiti:  Magnitude 7.0 earthquake.  316,000 people perished

8.  February 27, 2010:  Chile:  Magnitude 8.8 Earthquake.  This quake shifted the earth's axis by about 3" (8 centimeters) and shortened an earth day by 1.26 millionths of a second

9.  April 14, 2010:  Iceland Volcano, Eyjafjallajokull, erupts, disrupting European flights for one week

10. March 11, 2011, Tohoku, Japan:  9.0 mag earthquake with resulting tsunami that killed more than 15,000 people

11.  August 23, 2011:  Virginia (United States) Rare East Coast Earthquake:  5.8 magnitude

12.  We have the threat of an errant asteroid hitting us.  And, scientists are finding new ones all the time.

13.  We have the Yellowstone Caldera in Wyoming (USA) and an eruption is way overdue

14.  We have the Cascadia Fault, the New Madrid Fault, the San Andreas Fault (all U.S.) that could come to life within our lifetime

My point:  Isn't it time we stop acting like a bunch of spoiled brats, ego-maniacs and control freaks and acknowledge that we have no control over these events?  They just happen.  And, concentrate on the one undeniable fact that in the deck of cards we are holding is the one card that will trump all others...

Mother Nature  

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