Friday, February 18, 2011

VETERAN’S GROUP DEMANDS APOLOGY FROM SEC. OF STATE CLINTONBRClaims vet was manhandled for silent protest | BREAKING NEWS | Sky Valley Chronicle Washington State News
soule: We are kicking kids out of school because they threw a spitball; suspending them because they brought a plastic gun to school or pointed their finger the wrong way. Now the PC Elite forcefully eject this silent protester out of the room in which Hillary Clinton was speaking, and all because he turned his back on her? Yet we have a President of the United States who is willingly fanning the flames of opposition in Wisconsin, and I didn't see his lips move to condemn the Wisconsin Democrats who hightailed it to Illinois so they wouldn't be counted present to vote on the pending legislation. In my humble opinion, not only should he (Obama) be thrown out on his ass but all the Democrats who left the state of Wisconsin and let's throw Hillary into the mix for good measure. In fact I have a question, knowing she to be the criminal she is, why the hell isn't she already serving time?
An apology is due this veteran and I hope it comes mighty soon.

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