Sunday, February 21, 2010

From Cave Man to Afghanistan

Have we finally come full circle...reaching the end of that long journey that we humans began thousands of years ago in the dark recesses of a cave? Could it be that we might just be witnessing that end being played out before our eyes as a rag-tag group of cave-dwellers ruthlessly assails an enemy, a well-equipped group of techo-soldiers? Who will win this war? Will it be the cave dwellers or the techo-soldiers? Instead of spears and fire these cave dwellers' weapons are now IEDs(Improvised Explosive Devices) and RPGs (Rocket-Propelled Grenades). As human beings, we started out on this journey not knowing anything other than we were here. And whether by accident or through the intervention of a higher power, we slowly ascended upward. We gained knowledge of how to survive in a harsh and uncompromising world. We learned how to make fire, roast meat and stay warm. We learned how to use the hides and leftovers from animals to clothe and shod us. Did we at first grieve for those we lost or was this a learned experience? We learned how to make bigger and better weapons. When did we learn to integrate with others or did some of us not learn at all? Did we kill another clan because we did not understand who or what they were, because we were afraid? Did the peoples of the earth evolve at different levels? It is plain to see that something happened. We know, according to the scientists, that before the Great Flood there were many more different peoples who inhabited this earth. What a pity we do not know who or what they were. Right now we have on earth a number of races, a myriad of people, a vast sea of colors, faces, beliefs, good, bad, indifferent. And, we are all still connected by one common bond...Hatred. Why is it that we still have certain groups of people who are hell bent on wiping out other groups of people? Is it some kind of genetic malevolent gene? Mankind has put together its hopes and dreams for a better world into an organization known as the UN, people search for answers to questions in their churches and synagogues as to why bad things happen, charities abound for disasters such as the earthquake that just devastated Haiti, governments continue to grapple with seemingly unsolvable problems and all the while we have those groups of men who, for one reason or other, known only to them, want to harm others. Whether the innocent get in their way makes no difference to them. So maybe the end is in sight? Maybe a miracle will happen and an end to all the bloodshed? Maybe a Just G-d will float down right in the middle of a fire fight and stand on the desert floor right in plain view of everyone. The gun fire will cease, jaws will drop, the smoke will clear, Muslims and Christians will fall to their knees, and everyone will drop their weapons, no more fighting...and G-d will speak, "See, so easy, even a Caveman can do it".

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