Thursday, August 20, 2009

Two Halves Make a Soul

I am not a saint. I have made alot of mistakes in my life. But I do know some things. There are two parts to a whole. There are two halves to a soul. And they talk to one another. Most of the time we don't come in contact with either one. But then there are those rare moments when we do. And if you take your own painful experiences seriously and vow to change some bad habits, they can help mend the damage done to this innermost part of your being. These are some examples that I'd like you to consider: Maybe you willfully neglected the needs of an elderly neighbor. Remember the time you were too busy to tend to a sick parent? How about when you spoke out in anger because your spouse ticked you off and you said some pretty mean things but couldn't stop your mouth from running over and the obscenities just kept coming. You're in the supermarket and your baby is crying, your three year old toddler is tugging at your sleeve and you're trying to read your grocery list. Wouldn't a good shake, a loud "shut up" or maybe a slap solve your uncomfortable situation? Or, could you just stop what you are doing, put down your grocery list, comfort your baby, and tenderly pick up your three year old and take the time to find out what is bothering the little one? How about when you kicked a helpless animal because you just found out you were laid off from your job? Or you opened your Visa or Mastercard and realized you were stupid enough to rack up enough credit card charges to rival the national debt and angrily backed your car through the garage door? Doesn't all of this signal something to you? These experiences are either going to (1) lay a guilt trip on your soul and you're going to once and for all get your act together or (2) bypass your soul altogether. You will either do something to change your behaviour while here on this earth or G-d will see to it that He changes your behaviour after you leave this earth. I personally believe that G-d has special schools all lined up for each one of us so what we don't get "right" down here we will definitely get "right" up there. So you see it's really very simple. If you decide you just don't care to change, you just don't have the time, or you're not interested, that's okay, because once you leave here you won't have any more excuses. Because they're gone. Kaput! Now it's G-d's turn. And it will be His Finishing School you will be required to attend. No dillydallying, no excuses, no tardiness, no cheating. So maybe it would be a good idea to "rethink" changing at least some of your selfish and bad habits while here. Not only will it save you some grief after you depart this earthly realm, but it just might save a grateful G-d from having to fill out alot of unnecessary paperwork.

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