Friday, August 21, 2009

Congress, Practicing Medicine Without a License

I thought you were required to have a medical license before you could legally practice medicine in this country. Okay Congress show us yours. I bet you can't produce one. Isn't it scary that we have a President who admits he hasn't even read his own Health Reform Bill and a Congress who says they don't even know what's in the very legislation they propose? And yet they are determined to pass this health scare sham on us no matter what. This is a clear case of an administration menstruating all over a population. This isn't about "health care" this is about absolute power. An absolute POWER GRAB by an authoritarian Congress. This is treachery folks, pure and simple. It still is puzzling to me how a man from out of nowhere, with an unclear background, who won't reveal his real birth certificate, college transcripts and other documentation, just "showed up" with a mantra of "HOPE AND CHANGE" managed to "zombeize" 52% of Americans who then lined up like good little robots, went out in droves and voted for him. The puppet appeared right on schedule while the gleeful puppet masters all cheered behind the scenes. Their scheme worked. The dirty deed was accomplished. Their man became President of the United States. Remember that Obama is just a "figure head." The real "behind the scene power players" are the ones you really want to worry about.
And remember this one, for this is the "biggie." No where in the Constitution does it say that we are entitled to health care. It is not a right it is not a privilege. If we decide we want some type of insurance to cover our medical costs than it should be left to the private sector and NOT the federal government. But more importantly we need solutions to our health care problems not a "one size fits all" instantaneous fix. This slam dunk approach will, in the end, only make a bad situation worse. Could Congress at least consider some of these solutions? I don't hear any talk from them at all about this except from us angy "mobsters"....
Tort reform
Fix problems with Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security
No government option
Private industry provides our health care
An insurance pool in which people, based on their income, are free to choose their level of care

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