Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Fistful of Dollars????

Or, "Taxpayers, Gimmee Your Money, ALL of it"!!!!"

Well, I see Congress did it to us again. In the name of "SAVING THE PLANET" and don't get me wrong, this is my home too, the House of Representatives passed the "Climate Change Bill" aka the "Cap and Trade Bill" aka the "Tax and Kill Bill." It passed 219 - 212 yesterday, June 26, 2009. I couldn't be more happy. Even though the Capital Switchboard was jammed and Congressmen were being inundated with emails, it still passed. Even though no one had an opportunity to read the thing, it passed. This will cost each American family an additional $2,000.00 annually. And we don't even know what is in the bill. I'm beginning to feel dizzy. Is it too much to ask that our legislators, once they draft a piece of legislation, stop and take time out from their "busy" schedules to sit down and R-E-A-D the damn thing? Apparently not. It's painfully apparent they don't represent me anymore but their own self interests. Because they leave me no choice let's see if we can fix this problem shall we? How about each state collect their share of federal income taxes and put the whole dang thing in an escrow account until the fed gets its act together. Hey you guys, this is MY money NOT yours! You still haven't gotten the message yet. This is not a free globalization ticket paid for at the expense of the American taxpayer and yet this is exactly who's gonna pay. And another thing I've been wondering about is how's the dairy farmer going to cover the butts of his cows after they've eaten a bale of hay and they keep belching? Does this bill provide butt covers (oh, and another thing..are these made in China or the US of A?) and will this bill provide the money for the dairy farmer so it won't come out of his own pocket? I dare say a big fat NO. And Mr. Gore, what about all that carbon dioxide you continue to spew about how the earth is heating up (my response - this is a natural phenonenom you moron) can we tax you? Boy I'd be worth gazillions. I'm sorry this is just so laughable if it weren't so ominous. We now have a Congress who clearly is representing one thing - themselves. Not you, not I. When they wantonly, willfully continue to ignore the will of the American people and choose to pass legislation that is clearly harmful not only to our fragile economic infrastructure but to American families, our fuel industries, farmers, ranchers, transportation, and everyone else (no one will escape the ramifications of this bill) and will DESTROY jobs, not CREATE them, then we're in for some very hard times. We have a Congress OUT OF CONTROL.


soule: If Congress is so interested in "creating" jobs than why aren't we "drilling here, drilling now?" - if we want to stop buying oil from foreign governments than we need to do this while we're converting to cleaner energy; this creates lots of jobs, BTW; and why is it that Venezuela and China will be drilling off the coast of Cuba (just south of Florida) - the Cubans have struck a deal with them. It's the same oil field that we could be drilling in. Also, are they going to be "environmentally" sensitive to the area they are drilling in? Let's see a show of hands. And "environmentalists" aren't going to have any say in the matter as just look at Venezuela and China with environmental issues. Pollute Pollute Pollute. And does it make sense that we will be buying back (from them) the same oil that we could be drilling for ourselves? What about building nuclear power plants (again creating jobs) that is a source of clean safe energy? Look at France. We can't make any wise cracks here because France is way ahead of the USA on this one.

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