Thursday, May 7, 2009

Herr Obama Says We Must Have More $$ For the IRS

Obama seeks to double tax law enforcement budget
Thu May 7, 2009 10:56am EDT WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama proposed on Thursday nearly doubling funds to enforce U.S. tax laws next year, with an aim of more than quadrupling funding for tax compliance to $2.1 billion within five years.The budget plan seeks $12.1 billion for the Internal Revenue Service, responsible for collecting and enforcing individual and corporate tax laws in fiscal 2010 that begins October 1.That amount includes a $890 million request to boost tax enforcement, including in the international arena, an increase of $400 million from 2009.Earlier this week, Obama unveiled a series of proposals to overhaul mainly corporate tax rules and close loopholes in an effort he said will raise $210 billion over 10 years.(Reporting by Kim Dixon; Editing by Tim Dobbyn)


Soule said...
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Soule said...

Okay, now that you have bankrupted this country into oblivion and beyond, and we haven't even debated Universal Health Care yet which, quite frankly, I don't believe will be debated but will be enacted without any debate, Voila!!! now I see why you want gizillions more for the Internal Revenue Service. Why, because it's to make all of us "compliant." Definition of "compliant": Obedient. But, I ask, quivering in my boots and scratching my head, "Mr. President, just exactly where are you going to get all these gizillions of dollars to make us all compliant"? From us "good ole taxpayers", of course. Emphasis on the word "compliant" get it? if not, you will.

The IRS with all this extra "revenue" will just go out and enforce what they do best--The Tax Laws. They'll make sure that we all do our "duty" and pay our "fair share" of taxes and boy, I bet our fair share will be a "whopper" considering all the social programs and the state of the union this administration has put us in.

But don't I recall several of Herr Obama's appointees who should I say, forgot to pay "their fair share" of taxes???? And where are they now? Behind bars? No. One of them "excused" himself from an appointment. One of them is now Head of the IRS. I'm sorry but this is too funny and he's telling us to "comply" with the tax laws. Think about this. And still the list goes on and on. I am FED UP. Get it? "FED" up?

Would you agree that a double standard exists? That government can do no wrong but let one of us slip up and the full extent of the law comes crashing down upon us.

I'm all for getting rid of the IRS. Let's go to the Flat Tax, Fair Tax. How about NO TAX?

Mr. President, excuse me, Herr Obama, your administration, with its firing of private CEOs, coercing and threatening banks into submission with government regulations, ignoring hideous death threats against private citizens along with their families, including children, and knowing of organizations who deliberately set out to threaten these said private citizens, is beginning to look more like a dictatorship than a presidency.