Friday, May 29, 2009

Just Who Did We Elect?

Mr. Obama: the good news from your administration just keeps coming and coming. I am reminded of the Energizer Bunny. I am searching for that "hope" you mentioned so often while stumping for the Presidency. You do remember that word do you not? I can clearly see the "change" your presidency has wrought upon all of us. Well, I'm sorry to report that the "change" you're bringing about is disastrous and the "hope" part, gee, I just can't seem to find it nor do I feel any. All I see coming from your administration is political thuggery. From the appalling disregard for AIG employees who were fearing for their lives to the incredibly uncalled for shameful grilling of Mr. Liddy, the AIG President who took over the handling of AIG for $1.00 a year to prevent it from collapsing. Because Mr. Liddy knew that AIG COULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO FAIL. Why? Because of the dire financial impact it would have not only here but abroad. Then we have the firing of a private citizen, the CEO of GM by an American President who, without missing a step, publicly flayed GM's bondholders for opting for bankruptcy instead of falling for another government bailout. Incredible. I wasn't a big fan of President Bush and some of his policies but with you I am left scratching my head at what I see happening to the infrastructure of this country. My Dad who is now deceased (thank G-d) from seeing what is happening here, fought in WWII, Korea and was also Vietnam era. My mother built Liberty Ships. They knew what this country was all about. They did their duty to protect her. You are doing your utmost to undo what my parents did. I can see through you, Mr. Obama. It's not very difficult. What is puzzling to me is why so many Americans cannot. Yes, 52% of Americans voted for "hope and change." But let it be known that to you who voted for Mr. Obama, if the end result of his Socialist policies, is the total destruction of our Capitalist way of life, our liberties, freedom, our free-enterprise system, and everything else we've come to know and hold dear, then the fallout will be on your head, not mine. I know this country's history and why she is so important. Why so many want to come here. Why this country has been successful. And our American military men and women who have given so much. When I grew up American History was still being taught in the public schools. It hasn't been for years now and if it is, it has been marginalized, politicized, skewed. Mr. Obama, you are doing your utmost to undo all that my parents and many, many others fought for. This is despicable. I hope that the American people open their eyes and awake from the stupor they are in soon, before your "liberal agenda" swallows us whole.

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