Monday, September 2, 2013

40,000 Longshoremen Quit the AFL-CIO Citing Obamacare


Anonymous said...

Obamacare still hasn't sunk in
to the masses, but at least some
longsnhoremen got smarter. The unions are willing to sell out members because that gives the union leaders a pat on the back by
some high government official and that, in turn feeds their ego. It
makes them feel and APPEAR important to the members but they don't realize they are juat pawns
for whatecer government agency is
involved. The mainstream media will
nevef explain that, of course,because, as Bernie Goldberg
said in his "A Slobbering Love Affair" book, when the mainstream media falls into Obama's toilet they splash around in it as if it's toilet water, This comment written by Mike Parkhurst though if
rules fequire anonymity, that's ok by me.

Soule said...

I agree with your assessment. Thanks for your input.