Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Obama IS the Scandal

Instead of the most powerful intelligence gathering organization, the NSA, blanketing millions of Americans using secretive, intrusive and unconstitutional measures, all in the guise of identifying would-be terrorists or terrorists, why not turn your attention to the one individual who is hiding in the background and ensuring he is left unscathed (just blame someone else or doesn't have a clue) while the country is spilling its guts out all over the ground, dizzily spiraling out of control and all because of the number of scandals coming to light?  --The President of the United States.

Please don't fawn the words that nothing really bad or harmful is happening to this country, during this unconscionable breach of faith with the American people;  that they will just "all blow over"--there is no problem.

I can't stomach listening to those telling me they are working out the details, that they have many more people to contact to interview and then say, "it will  take months to get to the bottom of all of this."


Why is no one investigating him?

Obama is the President of the United States, for G-d Sake, privvy to highly sensitive and secretive information.

The question I have is, "exactly what is Obama doing with all that information?"

I believe we have the answer.

You cannot convince me that Obama did not know about any of these scandals, and that he did not have a part(s) in all of them.  

What is really scary is the humongous scope of what I see playing out. 

No one is taking responsibility.

How can you function as a free nation, with a set of laws, when the perps keep getting away with committing crimes?

Well the answer is, you cannot.

I am angered when I see Obama stand up and speak as if he was one of us-he isn't.  When he addresses us as The American People.

How can you be one of us when you're shredding the Constitution at every conceivable opportunity?  

We are finding out now, that while Obama's been mouthing words to reassure us that he will get to the bottom of all of this, while he continues to give speeches dripping with honey that many fall for,  all Obama is truly interested in doing is hobbling us, stripping us of our freedoms.   

It's turning out that this President is a pathological liar.   

I wonder what other information he is witholding from the American people that may have dire consequences for our nation, for ourselves in the near future?     

They say that the NSA Leaker, Snowden, had a low security clearance and wonder how he was able to access the information he has come forward with.

I would ask, how is it that a virtual unknown, Obama, who consorted with known radicals, has admitted to drug use, also been implicated/accused of using someone else's Social Security Number purportedly to gain favors, been given funding and accessibility to organizations and people that enabled him to rise to the highest office in the land, was not even vetted as to who he was, his questionable background his drug use, and whether he was even fit to aspire to becoming a Presidential candidate, the definition of which is found in the United States Constitution?

If we are questioning Snowden's security clearance, then why not Obama's?  

We have a Black President.  The first Black President this country has had.

And I must admit, that this Black President has been a miserable failure.   

We are now worse off than at any other time in our history.

I do not want to see those in the media, or on the Left or anyone else, for that matter, daring to raise the issue of Obama's Blackness and flaunting it in my face and then calling someone "rascist" for criticizing Obama and the dismal job he has done as President. 

We will get to the bottom of all of this.

And if it comes to light that Obama, had a hand in any of this, it don't matter his color.

What does matter is the Rule of Law and holding people accountable.

If the NSA is supposedly analyzing data from people who have communicated with, associated with terrorists in any fashion, why not analyze a President who has openly consorted with a known, un repentent terrorist, Bill Ayers, who participated in blowing up a New York Police Station, a pastor whose religion is Black Liberation Theology? 

If Obama had applied for a security clearance (not being President) he wouldn't qualify for a Confidential, with his background, let alone anything higher.

And yet here we have a situation where Obama is privvy to the most sensitive and secretive information.

This just don't make sense. 


To the NSA:  I hope you caught every keystroke.

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