Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hyping a Hurricane

is it just me or is the news media really hoping this tropical storm will turn into another Katrina?

like the people of the Gulf States are really wishing for this to happen to them, again.

Talk Radio Host Rush Limbaugh corroborated what I perceived.

is it possible that there are those out there who would wish harm to fall upon certain groups and certain people, all because of political reasons?

and some of the comments coming from well-known actors such as Samuel L. Jackson to the effect that he can't figure out why Isaac spared Tampa Florida are beyond the incredulous.

then there was this other female actress who was wailing about the homophobes at the Republican National Convention.

do you think that these people have something in common with the Zombies high on bath salts?

i am really beginning to think that some of us are walking around with a brain deficiency that the scientists haven't quite figured out yet.

it's a degenerative disease that affects the neurons.  it slowly rots away the brain tissue, extinguishing  any sort of intelligent thinking (aka common sense) any sense of decency, any sense of community and compassion for others.

And we look up to these people and call them heroes.

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