Thursday, June 28, 2012

One Big Special Interest Group

i'm all about hope and change.  I'm still lookin for hope and boy, do we need a change!

no politician can fix the mess we're in.  George Soros will only get so far with his diabolical plans.  obama, who had so much promise for so many, is now viewed as the man of broken promises.

what is needed is a massive change of heart in all of us.

a transformation from within, for the planet to straighten out.

it's all about individual choice:  we can choose to make things right; we can choose to make things wrong.

now that we're all connected, we can see the magnitude of the truly desperate, dire straits we're in; not only do we have powerful forces bent on permanently silencing people, in opposition to their stranglehold, but now we have weather phenomena:

the sun is heating up (man is she hot, much hotter than even last year, i think); torrential flooding; massive wildfires that when you look at them, you think you're looking into the fiery bowels of hell; sadly we say, "California do you realize you've just been outdone by Colorado?"  These behemoth wildfires are devouring huge swaths of pine forests like a ferocious hungry beast, and consuming every thing and every one in their path:  people, animals, homes, businesses, ways of life, are all going down.

who can forget the Chilean Earthquake, the Haitian Earthquake, the Japanese Earthquake?

and who gives a damn about Africa?  Despots and hacked off limbs; murder and mayhem, droughts, famine and starvation. same ole, same ole.  - just another day in paradise.  

how do you reach those in the ghetto?  how do you reach kids strung out on drugs?  how do you reach the crackhead?  how do you reach the alcoholic?  how do you reach gang leaders and show them there's another way?  it's all about control, all about power.

when we give up our insatiable desires to seize control, when we give up our insatiable desires to wield power, to gain our own personal ends and agendas, then we'll be at the beginning of reclaiming our lost humanity.

how do you reach those who have just given up, with no reason to live anymore?

the United Nations is a joke.  One big special interest group - they were formed to be the world's helper, the world's leader, the world's guide, the world's strength.  An organization to call upon when people, countries were in desperate need of help.  instead all they do is scurry around, looking important, feigning common sense and a real desire to help any of us, except, of course, themselves.

the good, the bad, the ugly - they come in all shapes, all sizes, all colors.   The UN:  an all powerful entity whose original mission was very noble but turned from its true path allowing itself to be swallowed up by elitists, and some ugly, hidden political agenda of world domination, whose tenacious tentacles are reaching far and wide.

and we, as a whole, have willingly abdicated our G-d given natural nature to self-serving interests;
gang leaders; 
sexual depravity;
bath salts;
special interest groups

who would've thought that those harmless, lovely glistening crystals you pour into your bath water would turn somebody into a Zombie?  "Hey I got to git me some of them salts so i can go and eat someone's face off or maybe a dog, a cat...."

if i wasn't reading about this Zombie thing, I would not believe this was happening.

one thing I'm observing is that this world is getting crazier, and crazier and crazier.  I wonder if some wacky producer will now decide it's time to make a movie, "The Attack of the Bath Salts?"

are we becoming more delusional in our decision-making, our choices?  We just can't seem to get our act(s)  together.   shouldn't we:

> be caring for one another;
>solving problems together;

it seems that we can't do anything right as we keep messing up things, keep wanting to fight.

>syria is now on the brink, the entrenched and powerful, waging an all out bloody war on its own people. 

so why don't we just make a bad situation worse?  why not introduce something new into an already ugly  situation?  -like the country of Turkey who is now very ticked off because one of their fighter jets was shot down by the Syrians.  Turkey claims that their jet strayed into Syrian territory.  Syria says no.

>iran, whose President Amadinajhad, (did i spell that right) -  should be "Ahjuscanthelpbeinbad" is kin to the Jews (in fact they're all related) but does that stop him for wanting to annihilate Israel off the face of the earth?   

reminds me of a Bible verse I once read....when all around you is in chaos, when confusion reigns everywhere (why just look at the U.S. Congress if you really want to see a good case of confusion)  and there are rumours of wars...rumours of wars?  hell, they're happening all over.       

and you could put it another way, we are at war...with ourselves.

as Rodney King once waxed poetically, "can't we all just get along?"  Maybe he was on to something.

So, what's it gonna take for us to coalesce?

>A giant solar flare - an X-Class CME that is so far off the chart they have to rewrite the chart?

>An earthquake(s) whose powerful tremblors exceed the Fujima scale, even beyond the Japanese earthquake, dropping all of us to our knees? - which is where we should be now, BTW.

>a string of volcanoes going off all over the planet?

>the sea turning red?

>the moon falling out of the heavens?

>why don't we throw in a brown dwarf (just for the heck of it) whose orbit around the solar system is every 3600 years.  You do know about Planet X, Nibiru, or, as the ancients referred to it, "The Destroyer".  And guess what, it's due to appear again, right about now.

so maybe, just maybe, the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Hopis, the Egyptians, the Incas, the ETs, the Learned Ones, the Noble Ones, the Ancient Ones, had it all right.

Might be a good idea to start reading up on Planet X or Nibiru or whatever you want to call it and this 3600 year cycle.

A good book I suggest is "Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide.".- you can take my suggestion or ignore it.  remember, it's all about choices - yours.  

You may come away with a new sense of urgency, a new sense that oh my gosh, maybe I should be preparing, for some thing.  and maybe i should be connecting with my Higher Source.

If you're the type that wants some type of notice, some type of sign, some type of warning, that something big is about to happen...well, i'd say all you have to do is look around you.    

all you have to do is feel it within.  it's like that flee or fight thing; it's that still, small voice that alerts you to something is wrong, i'm sensing some type of danger.  it's your sixth sense kickin in (remember the movie?)   

so better hone up on our prayer skills, and it might help to regain a little bit of that humility we threw away, and pray for wisdom and clarity as to what is comin down the pike, so to speak and preparing,  before the next big sign is upon us.      

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